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DO THE RIGHT THING-North boat consultation Closing date today


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Please can I implore everyone to complete the online questionnaire, for Peter Brett Associates, consultation on the Northlink ferry fares and other items. 

EVEN if you think the current structure is fair then say so. This is our chance to, maybe, be heard and possibly listened to. I've heard many people over the years make comments on this lifeline service, stop being vocal and do the right thing- do the questionnaire. 

The link to questionnaire is here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ConsultationtoSettingNIFSFares-October2016

14/10/2016 is our last chance.

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I gave up because it was impossible to answer questions accurately. How many times I use the boat varies a lot. How many people varies a lot. How much I spend... Well you get the idea.


If they asked how many times in the last year I could have answered. And with no flexible answer option I thought it better to not answer than give inaccurate figures.

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You'd have to have a very lengthy and convoluted form to cover everyone's individual circumstances, Breeksy.


But I'll agree with you about the amount of times you travel in a year question - it should have been (for example) a: 1-3, b: 4-6 c: 6+ rather than only accepting one figure. I've just filled it in to the best of my ability and then had a moan about the above question in the comments question.


On another point, how come I've only heard about this surveys' existence on the last day and via a post from an individual on a chat forum? I can't say that the 'consultants' appear to have done a very good job at info gathering off the natives at all.....

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Have bunged it in, but about as much practical use as a chocolate fireguard, even if they pay the first bit of attention to any of it. It'll allow them to truthfully state they undertook a "consultation", and Pratt Associates or whoever they were to bank their no doubt grossly over-inflated fee, but that's it.

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