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Kaiser chef

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  1. "Cool story bro"? Are you American ***? I do very much enjoy your colonial colloquialisms. I'm less of a fan of your continuous links to (less than balanced) media as a tool of choice to derogate other media sources for being politically motivated however. It makes you come across as a bit of a hypocrite.
  2. Look, we get it. You're happy in your fascism. That's not a crime. We do, however, live in a society that has some very important laws. I can see that this is something you have difficulty with. With your history of failing to abide by the laws of society, I hope this community comes together to see you neither employed nor destroyed, but certainly removed!
  3. It didn't really stand a chance. Just thankful no one was injured.
  4. If it's a nuisance, phone the police on 101.
  5. Why on earth would someone beg to have their Shetlink forum account closed then immediately open a new one only to have themselves blocked by admin? People find entertainment in some strange places. Some just need attention.
  6. The police should not be used as a threat. If you have evidence of criminal activity you should notify the authorities immediately. Failure to do so is a failure in your community duty. Let us know how you get on.
  7. Hit the 'report' button below any posts that you feel breach the Terms and Conditions to alert a moderator. A busy night ahead for you I fear.
  8. I wonder, with the invent of driverless cars, what present day audi drivers will do to fulfil their primordial urges to pass every thing in front of them. Auto-controlled vehicles will surely put an end to aggressive driving and, subsequently, audi I would imagine.
  9. Not a bad idea. I know people up here who have never driven on real roads. There's a guy along the road from me that refuses to even drive down to Lerwick. People like that should have there driving license taking of them, there obviously not confident on the roads. That might be a little harsh. You can't go around taking away privileges from people who are over cautious. I think technology will win out on this and vehicles will have gps fitted eventually and reckless drivers could have their antics tracked.
  10. Depends on whether you drive an audi or not. Apparently.
  11. It'll run its course. It's always the same.
  12. You'd think bus drivers would've been through a defencive driver course?
  13. Not a bad idea. I know people up here who have never driven on real roads. There's a guy along the road from me that refuses to even drive down to Lerwick.
  14. Maybe if you cooked a few more sausage rolls you could afford a audi as well. Maybe then you might be a bit less jealous and bitter about people who do. Seem to have triggered some sensibilities that the audi-guy spoke of
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