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Couple 'intimidated' by cold-calling car traders


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Letter to the Editor of The Shetland Times:


Dear Vaila,


Further to your article in The Shetland Times (11th April) on page 12 entitled, "Couple 'intimidated' by cold-calling car traders", I immediately investigated the so-called company Express Match Ltd., whereby I found the owners have a long and well documented history of ripping-off innocent private vehicle sellers throughout the UK - including disabled vehicle owners!


You can read my full report here: www.rip-off.co.uk/expressmatch/expressmatch.pdf


In fact, the scam and the offending previous business name of Vehiclewise was highlighted in The Mirror on the 28th of March 2008. These so-called businesses are scams and in this case were set up by 21 year old Mehmet Yuce and his sister Ozlem aged 24 who reside near London.


When it gets too hot they simply fold one business and website and start another!


I was dismayed, but not totally surprised by Mr Gray's comments from Trading Standards when he stated, 'he could not find any complaints about the company on any trading standards website'. That's hardly surprising because Trading Standards (unlike the Better Business Bureau in North America) don't name and shame businesses on any of their websites for fear of litigation and our wonderful Data Protection Act - that does a nice job of protecting the criminal!! That's left up to the likes of websites like mine at Rip-Off Britain.


As an islander I felt it my duty to inform the aggrieved party and spoke personally with David Laurenson who was grateful for my attention to this matter.


So, if anyone on Shetland receives a phone call from a company like Express Match or similar business claiming they can sell your car in seven days and require an up-front fee - simply hang up!!


Kind regards,


Paul Meyer, Editor & Consumer Advocate

Rip-Off Britain



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