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Everything posted by Windycity

  1. Yes we've got that, nearly every one of your posts reiterates it. Instead of posting that fact again (or your belief that it has given you the ability to see into the future) why don't you post some of the insights you have gained from living there with special reference to that which cannot be known or argued against by someone who hasn't lived there. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2000/01/19/20446 heres what happening very close to Bali now. It seems the muslim ("moderate") majority there are having a bit of a spring clean. I know its a bit off track to the origianl post, but the point being one needs to be ready to give up life as he/she knows it once you allow a completely different culture to gain the majority of votes in your domicile. Uneducated (sure, hang me for saying this....) and generally poorer classes of people will do unbelievable things once they know they have the numbers behind them...........forget about democracy. Religion is a great excuse to rise up........one can feel good about looting and taking whats not rightfully theirs , and put in place a goverment which better serves their wants. Open the floodgates at maybe not your own peril, but certainly that of your childrens. [/url]
  2. Ive always been an advocate of keeping pedeophiles and the like in detention (on hooks) near burns wards in hospitals as living skin donors, but one would have to think seriously about accepting the graft.
  3. At the end of the day, despite the crocodile tears and blankies, they were sent back hopefully to their ports of entry. Finally common sense prevailed. While i may have raised the original post from something i saw on TV, i dont pretend to make informed judgements on the future from what i see on TV . For that i think having a look/taste/feel of things first hand and perhaps immersing yourself completely in the subject one wishes to understand (in my case living in a muslim country) can give far more insight into what may happen in the future. And yes, while it may be hard for the all knowlegeble Gibber to fathom that someone can actually live in one country, work in another, and visit yet others.....i assure you this happens on a not so infrequent basis depending on your line of work. It can sometimes be hard to fathom the lives that some people lead without questioning or disbelieving, i take this as a compliment. Whos the guy im supposed to be? Save me the hassle of scrolling through post and let it out.
  4. You should apologise to someone who actually is gay since you regard it as a slur. In my case its just innacurate. Like a lot of things you post unfortunately. Youre talking to someone whos lived in a Muslim country for near 10 years, and has a few gay friends. (aqaintances anyway) I just call things as i see them. I dont regard being called gay a slur at all, its just your personality traits (as best one can tell from your scribbling) and your vision of how things should be done here tend to have striking similarities to those of someone who allows others to to have his way with them. I know I wont get any open support on this, but im sure theres more than a few who'd think similarly. As far as my facts being wrong go, are you comparing my real life experience to what you read and watch on the telly, and comparing the 2? Bottoms up.
  5. Well i'll just relate to my 10 years on living and working in the biggest muslim country on the planet, you keep wathcing the telly and reading the papers , and we'll call it square. You get your informed opinions from wherever it is you choose to get them (Wikipedia is also a good source). There may be a difference between fundamental and moderate Islam, true. Mr Noor Top (distinguished Malaysian bomb maker responsible for the Bali bomb which killed 202 peoploe) was recently killed in Central Java in a "moderate" muslim township in central Java. HE was being housed and protected for 9 years by both moderates and fundamentalists. Did you know in Indonesia in the government in the province of Aceh has just passed a stoning law for adultery (for the ladies only, not for those of us blessed with testicles). To the death. In the year 2009. This has been allowed to fluorish in the heart of what is deemed a "moderate" muslim country. Your media gleaned knowlege is sometimes interesting to read, but reflects very few realities on the way things really are. Interesting but at the end of the day pretty much just a load of recycled crap which you yourself have not seen with your own eyes and cant really verify. Through your lack of real world experience, (internationally i mean, no reflection on what you may have achieved at home), this will be like trying to explain colour to someone born blind at birth. Aplogies for my earlier reference about you wanting man love.
  6. who is the old user i am supoosed to be? please share. id like to read his/her old posts. you cant handle a few loose words on this forum Gibber, but you can handle having your country walked all over? hmmm, like i said, you are indeed a very special creature. a look at the time of my posts should indicate right now that im on the other side of the wrld at work right now, does this other poster im supoosed to be also post at these times? you never replied to the questions i posed by the way. xxx
  7. Gibber...i knew it'd only take a gentle cast of a softbait to bring your blubbering lips into this arena. You should be studied at great length. Truly you are a fascinating creature. Easy to see your nothing more than an armchair commentator. Have you ever been to any of the places you so readily want to open your doors to? (This doesnt include 2 week backpacking trips to Morocco or looking for your inner Chi in the foothills of Nepal) Do you not realise that it takes more than 10 minutes to re-educate someone, both intellectually and culturally? You want to open the floodgates and give everyone the power of a vote, when they are still filled with distress, vengeful thoughts, and often hate. As an expat having lived overseas for 10 years, im no expert, but I do have some insight into the behaviour of people from some of these places. Dont get me wrong, i lived in the largest muslim nation in the world for 6 years, and am tolerant (had to be or I would have been doused in petrol and burnt). Do you honestly believe that when the Islam minority becomes the majority, tolerance will be one of their virtues? I was recently in Lombok, Indonesia, this Ramadan - and went into Mataram town for lunch. I was not allowed to eat where i purchased my food. Curtains were drawn and I was rushed out of the place as soon as my purchase was made. The year before the same place was burnt to the ground and the employees beaten. Now.....how about if i'd started spruking off about Christianity there and started handing out Bibles? One word - DEATH. I wont be swayed by your type until youve been downtown Tehran and started preaching christianity on the streets. [***mod edit - personal insults removed, please refer to the T&Cs before posting any further comments***] Awaiting your response with baited (man) breath Me
  8. Hi, im new on this forum but have been following for some time. Didnt mean to start on a sour note, but was appaled by what i saw on the news today. Poor innocent people in Calais being torn from their only chance and freedom and possible benifits here and hardly a soul there to defend them. These people have worked hard for what they have. They come from a culture of caring and understanding, and tolerance, and could be of great benefit to this country if allowed a chance to enter. Once allowed in, their culture of tolerance would be reciprocated 10fold. They are hard working people and would intergrate easily into our society, and spread the wealth they generate to the entire community. Seeing most of them huddled in blankets as the police tore them from there makeshift homes was heart rendering, although im confused as to why no one else there seemed to be feeling the cold. The conditions they kept their camp in is testament to the kind of lifestyle they could bring to our community, and one we should all strive for. A big congrats to those people who participated in the human shield to try and keep the police from destroying their camp. These are the real heroes of the day. Forget the lives being sacrificed on foriegn shores, these folk deserve medals. They have given up a day out of their careers to be there lending a hand, a loss im certain the companies they work for would find hard to fill. Bewildered
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