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Posts posted by crofter-amy

  1. Smart, I take issue with a great many things you have posted here but I'll not get dragged into an off topic disscusion, I'll stick to the point.


    I am failing to see how the process of dieing can be seperated from life. From the time we stop growing we are all dieing, cells are breaking down every second and not being replaced. This is a slow part of dieing, as we get older or find ourselves with a terminal illness this process speeds up. We all have the right to speed the process up. We can eat fatty foods, drink unhealthily, smoke, the list goes on... So I fail to see why we don't have the right to speed it up further with a leathal injection if that is what we want.


    If it is the assistance that people find unconscionable how does McDonalds or budwieser get away with it?

  2. Death is a part of life and therefor I have to totaly dissagree with you smart. If I were to refuse medical treatment as a life choice and died as a result would that be within my rights in your opinion? If I made the life choice to stop eating and died as a result would that be within my rights?


    And to pick up on another of your points...When will you believe the world is over populated? Perhaps when it's standing room only....

  3. I realize across the pond this guy would be put in an insane asylum. But here in the US, the book-burning thing is not only legal, but to protest against it is actually infringing on his rights and is close to a hate crime.


    Oh.... if only the Founders knew the future....


    That is just so messed up I can't get my head around it :shock: :?

  4. Well I'm afraid I've seen it with my own eyes in a history class(of all places) at the AHS.


    Devisive?. How can teaching Shetland bairns about the history and heritage of their own islands be devisive?!. It also strengthens a sense of identity.


    Just last week it was reported that the bairns from Gaelic speaking schools where the Gaelic language is promoted were achieving no less, if not better, grades than bairns from "normal" schools.


    A strengthened sense of identity for who exactly? The natives? Those who are second generation? What about those straight off the South boat?


    We are not speaking about teaching history here, the topic is teaching Norn as a language.


    And has an actual link been made to the teaching of Gaelic and the schools achevments...or is it possible there are other factors at play there?

  5. Well I was schooled in Shetland and I can't think of a single instance of someone being told not to speak the Shetland dialect. Obviously all papers had to be handed in in English but you could speak however you wanted. What I do remember is a lot of Shetland speaking bairns taking the piss out of me for my English dialect and my use of Shetland words. Is that the kind of thing you would like to see carry on? How is teaching Norn going to be anything but devisive between Shetland speakers and others?

  6. Well I wish I agreed with you but I don't. Seeing photo's of accidents simply don't prevent them, perhaps they may raise awareness for a very short time but it certainly they won't prevent a future accident any more than hearing that there has been an accident or reading about an accident.


    So you don't think raised awareness would prevent any accidents?


    Awareness can be raised without a picture.


    Ever hear a picture tells a thousand words?

  7. Finally had a quick flick through this thread and thought I'd throw my lot in. I love to hear Shetland dialect, but speak only a little myself. I could learn more but it seems an utterly pointless endevor. It is right that the dialect should fade away and be allowed to die of natural causes. For the benefit of world harmony the sooner there is only one language the better IMHO.


    There have been a few posts here which frankly I found worrying.


    What's happening in Shetland is akin to cultural ethnic cleansing.



    I don't care what the poo-pooers say it's time norn was revived and taught in the schools as our own Shetland language.

    This one for example is OTT. To call the shift in language in Shetland ethnic cleansing is wildly inacurate. The free movement of people and their linguistic styles around the world is hardly ethnic cleansing.


    Also to bring Norn into Shetlanders curriculum is only going to marginalise them, take time from more useful studies, cost more and do nothing to advance their chances of making this a better world for us all to live in. Just a thought.

    I for one would have appreciated more focus on learning spelling and grammer at school and would not have thanked them for making me learn Norn or any other dead or dieing language.

  8. Oh I do hope the schools are going to be open the morn. Our boy was unable to grasp why he couldn't go to nursery today. The lights were all on and the staff had made it in so as we drove by he understandably thought he would be going in. I can't grasp either why the whole of Shetlands schools have to close just because some of the roads are dodge so can't really expect a 3yo to get it.

  9. the old metal traps work well. My Grandad taught me to tie cotton string around the bate spike then smear the chosen bait it that, otherwise a stealthy mouse would just steal the bait. I always found a bit of fat from the roast tin worked as well as anything. There was also a trap which involved a balanced brick which would fall when a baited string was tugged hard enough. several mice could be squished in one go.


    Personally speaking as a person who cought 100s of mice every winter; I kept a tally one winter and it really was into the 100s; I find the type of trap is not so important as placement. Always put mine at 90' to the wall so even if they are just scurrying past you get them. It does also help if you tie the trap to something as if you just get a foot the little f***er can get quite a distance dragging your trap to lord knows where making a awful racket, then you're up playing a goulish game of hide and seek in the middle of the night.


    Have moved out of the old croft house now and not had a mouse since :D

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