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Everything posted by trout

  1. Hello GK. The beauty in all this would surely be that the SE and or EU would be paying for it - especially if it'll keep Scotlands economic power house, the central belt, in lightbulbs!
  2. The government at present is considering the future of our energy consumption - and its looking ever nearer that we are going to have a half-dozen (at least) nuclear power stations planted around the UK. What with a power connector to the mainland from Shetland - would Shetland not be in a powerful position to have one of the stations situated here? Not everyones cup of tea - not entirely sure if its mine! But imagine if one were - it'd be a whole new age industry on Shetlands doorstep and a massive employer for the next half century!
  3. Have there been any figures bandied as to what size (load) of cable is being laid?
  4. So who hear still eats "Sat Pilticks, Ollick" and idder fish? It only seems to be a small proportion of folk I know that have even tried them! Staple diet when I was younger - and I still like to get me nashers roond a sat piltick when I can!
  5. (** MOD EDIT ** Title altered from "Undersea Electric Cable & Renewable Energy" on Mon Feb 19, 2007 @ 9:37 am to be more reflective of proposed windfarm project. 24/03/09 - "added Viking Energy to title) We've heard some of the pros for such a cable - as in it making the proposed 600MW wind power scheme the largest community-backed wind farm development in Europe and a potential reality! Would anyone care to throw into the mix some of the cons against it: Out to you guys ....
  6. Theres certainly quite a few with birthdays around November!!
  7. Joost writing to "tank dee" for the wonderful evening the other night Yowe. Du peerie lipper du! Never had I tought a gimmer wid be such a sprickly peerie thing. Man whit a night!! Xx
  8. Used to check out a few of the different websites - but I ended up getting fed up with reading "what could be" ideas and settled on the edge of my seat for what was going to happen next. Now though I feel that they are potentially losing their way with the plot. The thing with these American networks is that its all to do with money. If they can squeeze another 7 series' out of it they will try! We only have what is it, 11 more episodes left? until the end of series two ... unless from now till then they're going to hit us with some serious "OH MY LORD" tv .. ! The last few episodes I just about fell asleep - lets get some more mad smokey dinosaur action I say!!
  9. - remember that this is a family site!
  10. Has anyone been following Lost? I'm fairly hooked on it - and have been downloading the second series as fast as its been being aired on TV in the US! Not entirely sure whats 'ginnin on like', or where the stories going to end - but one thing I'm hoping won't happen is the TV networks seeing that their onto a good thing .. spinning out the series' indefinelty by filling episodes full of pap!! This has certainly happened before, and I notice a couple of episodes lately are becoming filled with wishy washy pap! Arrg
  11. That would seem like a more serious contender - especially for water, electric, sewerage etc. and parking space. They were to build the proposed school there, no, when that was bandied about?
  12. Is there anywhere I can read about that?
  13. What I was attempting to point out was a comparison between the people being discussed earlier in this thread - those same people if found, in the central belt for instance, wouldn't think twice before pulling a 'jib' on you!
  14. Not putting anything or anyone down, though this may come across as that, but this sentiment is what potentially makes a mockery of the faith. An easy loophole to give people 'peace of mind'! *Just trying to stir debate*
  15. The difference in Edinburgh is that if you get into trouble with anyone - they don't think twice before pullling out a 'jib' and using it!
  16. Now thats an idea that I've never come across *hmm canna believe I niver tought 'o it* - Buildings and surrounding ground with history and real Shetland connections, not some new fancy sprickly award winning "barrat home" that'll last 10 years before it needs to be leveled 'cos it was built out of match sticks!! Imagine the Fort with those "sexy" purple lights shining up against the walls and into the air - it'll look braw - and could double up as a museum awa fae da museum as weel!!
  17. Heya, Welcome to Shetlink. I did attempt to add the rss feed - but there was an XSLT error their end. I'm going to wait and see if this is fixed and try again. trout
  18. I have it under good authority that the Schooner is actually just shut for refurbishment! As long as they're not making it an extension of the Lucky Boat! Now thats a place that could win awards for THE worst chinese cuisine this side of the Shanghai!
  19. arf arf. I like that ... that tickles my humour!
  20. Har har. Been in Thailand too. One experience that specifically jumps out is when in an open air restaraunt in Chiang Mia I was brought what should have been a green chicken curry - but it contained the most wormy wirey and funny tasting chicken I'd ever come across there. I couldn't have been sure that it was that! That was a strangest experience - but I will point out that the rest of the stint there was a culinary delight!
  21. Thank you for your contributions. But a big thank you to Wally for their support. The Shetlink team take all views on board with a view in keeping the momentum that has been the last month + going, and ultimately keeping this project very much alive and vibrant for everyone involved i.e. you! As Wally points out: And thats is certainly why this board is here - fitting with the very title of this particular forum "Help us make Shetlink a better place" Play good everyone!
  22. Yes. Your NI number is another one. All of those mentioned and your NI number associate you with certain aspects of your life. However, one ID card containing all these aspects in one .. will mean, and believe me it will move in that direction!, anything you do will be associated against a metric in a database. Yes it will! Why would they not put your bank account transactions against anything .. blah blah? This IS a violation of your rights! Yes .. you could track "evil" people .. but that is the case in point .. some government official sitting somewhere pulling your metrics and producing a pre-determined report against you without your knowledge will land you in a postion if you are wrongly accused of something per say? Have you ever read Aldous Huxleys' "Brave New World"? - a brilliant take on the philosophical perception of Hume - that in my opinion IS ID cards - the proletariat sucking away quite the thing on Soma!
  23. Love it! Yes exactly ... we are talking totalitarian Orwelian 1984 society. Your Nectar card is a pre-cursor to this madness!
  24. You've never tried an Aberdeen bar until you've been in da "Schooner" at seven in the morning .. crikey ... whit a fun! Nae sarcasm! Bottom 'o Market Street if onybody is wondering.
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