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Posts posted by north

  1. As Brian so eloquently states, "here we go again".


    And why would that be?


    Because the SIC is incapable of identifying and remedying it's past failings?


    Because the SIC continually displays it's incompetence and it's inability to comply with both it's own internal processes and those legislated by law?


    That the elected body is so totally unable to organise and manage it's own activites, that it spends more money trying to decide what to do, than it actually does doing them?


    That the SIC spends vast sums on consultants rather than tasking it's own responsible employees to perform the work they were hired to do - so the blame can be shifted outside the organisation should things go wrong?


    That the inability of the leadership of the SIC to manage their activities in a reasonable manner has resulted in the loss of millions of pounds of cash, resources, and utterly indefencible legal battles?


    That the cabal controlling the SIC is impervious to questioning, public responsibility and accountability for the ridiculous decisions they make, and the fiscal impact of those decisions?


    That the charitable trust has been determined as operating outside of the law, and that the same clique controlling the SIC, is driving the decision to test that determination in a court of law?


    That the recruiting and selection of what some might determine to be a poor choice of Chief Executive, led to the same selection committee that hired him, to offer a £500,000 pay out at the expense of the people of Shetland?


    That the structure and management of the SIC, in both elected and executive roles is totally incapable of managing and operating to a defined and approved budget?


    So, here we do again.


    And why would that be again?

  2. Just the usual bunch of Telegraph denier/liars spouting bollox.


    It must be wonderful to be so right all the time. I wish I had your confidence!


    I just heard on the news that they are taking Al Gore to Iceland, in order to cast him into the volcano in an attempt to appease the awakened spirits. It is strongly believed, amongst those who know such things, that this will also end Global Warming (sorry, Climate change). :lol:

  3. Maybe they should make people do this job on community service? Give them a quota, and the hours don't count unless they generate enough tickets.


    Either that or use any SIC management that are on gardening leave - they can do the job or not receive a paycheck.


    Seems pretty basic to me. :shock:

  4. I have followed all the publicly available information from every source that I am aware of, and appear unable to share any conclusion remotely related to those you have reached.


    So the staff changes, consultant hiring, celebratory refreshemments, etc, etc; were all really the work of the Councillors? There are many other allegations floating around, one of which at least appears destined to be resolved through legal process.


    Maybe I am just stupid and unable to grasp these notional issues at hand here - it's entirely possible. Maybe all this conflict and debate is pointless because the fault lies entirely with the council and it's elected members?


    Perhaps you could take the time to summarise the facts as you see them, and then we can put this entire thread to bed?

  5. Spinner 72 was busy revising history:


    So long as he can abide by the agreement, given what he has already made due to the incompetence of said councillors, why not have a go at winding them up "between the lines"?


    Which of David Clark's actions that led to his dimissal was the fault of any Councillor?


    Come on, responsibility and accountability where it's due.

  6. Spinner 72 commented;


    How can something reported in the Shetland Times, Shetland News, released on the Council Website as a press release and no doubt reported in a few other avenues be considered confidential? :?


    I would be very interested in seeing in which of the above referenced publications the following information was released. I stand to be corrected (as always) that ANY information regarding the settlement with Mr. Clark has been released into the public domain, other then the size of the settlement.


    that he is abiding by the severance agreement in being polite in his public reference to the Council.


    I would be very interested in reading the complete terms of the settlement, and look forward to the day in the future, when the public enquiry is held and all the information falls into the public domain.


    Of course, if you have access to this agreement, maybe you could post it here for the benefit of all the people of Shetland who might have an interest in it's content.

  7. Spinner 72 noted...


    However, I do feel it is worth mentioning, given the posting on his company website, that he is abiding by the severance agreement in being polite in his public reference to the Council.


    Very generous of you to share some of the confidential and never disclosed details of your severance agreement with us Spinner! :shock:


    You might want to take a little of your own advice to heart?

  8. Oddtablet noted;


    for other peoples money read our money thank you :x


    Actually the SIC don't care who's money it is, where it comes from or what they have to do to get it. Grants from Scotland, UK, EU, they take it all and mix it in with a bit of financial magic and, hey presto there is more "free" money! It is all OPM though.


    Bet you wish you could do that! :shock:

  9. Yes folks - We Have a WINNER!


    Councillor Rick Nickerson, a former secretary of environmental pressure group KIMO, said he wanted to keep the deterrent element to ensure that offenders who did not turn up for the education programme would still be issued with a fixed penalty.


    His motion won the day by 12 votes to five. :shock:


    Well done Rick.


    Hopefully someone was following around cleaning up! :D

  10. Word on the street is that Forvik is set to announce the appointment of a new Chief Executive in the immediate future.


    Apparently, in return for investing a massive sum into the infrastructure plan for the island, he (or indeed, she) will be granted total control of the dependency. As Forvik is a a tax free realm, it is the ideal location to keep your funds away from the prying grasp of the tax inspector! :D


    Forvik is looking at building a tunnel to the mainland, forming it's own council, building a trans-shipping oil facility to rival Sullom Voe, running a shipping flag of convenience centre, building an airport, basing the Coastguard helicopter and oil support helicopters there and establishing Ro-Ro service to the UK Mainland, Iceland and Greece. It is also considering a pub, Indian and a center for the performing arts/cinema.


    With the newly discounted rates (90% off) for citizenship, and NO taxes rate it is hoped that this will appeal to fishermen and fish processors who may be loathe to pay tax on their hard earned pennies, or have the government scrutinise their activities.


    Sounds VERY exciting to me! :shock:

  11. I don't know why they don't do a proper cull with machine guns mounted in the Coastguard helicopter.
    How would you like being shot in the muckle sphincter wi a 50mm canon while having it aaf? :wink:


    I'm going to make a wild assumption that you are not talking about taking a close-up picture with a 50mm lens on a Canon camera? Even if it were, I'm not sure I'd like anyone specifically taking a picture of my ass!



    If it is a big-arsed gun you are talking about I wouldn't like it one bit, but then again, fortunately I'm not a rabbit! :shock: Not that it is probably any better getting blasted to smithereens with a shotgun!

  12. ^^ I'm thinking I'm going to print out Brian's letter, laminate it, frame it and hang it on my wall. I'll have to include it in my CV as well, its not everyday that an anonymous Shetlink nick gets mentioned in the same breath as a former head of Radio Shetland/former Times editor/former Orkney & Shetland Parlamentary Candidate/SIC Councillor by a person of such standing as Mr Smith. :wink:


    Hey, last week Mr. Smith was quoting Jesus! :shock:

  13. As this position appears so extremely well suited to a part time horticulturalist, I think it would most ably be filled by perhaps, a crofter?


    Hmm, I could be tempted to apply, but I am an alcoholic fool.



    It appears that you may be eminently qualified. Are you, family members or any relatives recipients of financial aid from the SIC? Are any of them interested in receiving the same? If so, your chances have just increased dramatically.


    Transportation will be provided. Work days are optional, and just to ensure that work never interferes with your drinking, any (or every) day can be declared a "holiday".


    I wouldn't mind being your assistant if you get the job. Then there would be two of us to plant tatties, bale hay, or cover the lambing!

  14. The SIC is behind this chem-spraying in attempt to get the population to be better behaved and support the Councillors, employees of the SIC, school closures and the removal of free music lessons.


    I know this is true because all members of the SIC have been given gas masks and have all been given training on how to make tin-foil hats to keep the mind control transmissions (yet another SIC plot) from disrupting their brain patterns.


    The cost of these programmes is mind blowing (all the more reason to wear your tin foil hat), and apparently even more than the cost of getting rid of Mr. Creosote. But it should all be worth it when Shetland apparently returns to the idyllic days of the 1960's.

  15. Given that the last CE was constantly off on garden leave, I question if the post really needs to be filled. Perhaps a bit of internal restructuring of the councils hierarchy would suffice?


    As this position appears so extremely well suited to a part time horticulturalist, I think it would most ably be filled by perhaps, a crofter?

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