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Everything posted by sandyloo

  1. just to say my only complaint with Shetlink is that it makes me homesick - so any good YouTube links of Shetland, boats, birds, fire-festivals, da street, da Knab, sheep, ponies.... you get the idea,,, just to keep me greetin a bit langer
  2. Hi Sicar Its no so much the actual wird - i am more interested in the origin of the expressed 'k' - as dat is more unusual. But if dey soond their K in a KN combination in Germany, I should be content we dat. Altho dir is still this doot in my mind. Maybe I joost want it to be Celtic to be akward.
  3. thanks, Onybody else have any ideas of origin? My only knowledge is gleaned from a linguistics lecture which identified it as routing fae a Celtic language source. It is certainly dying a death in Whalsa as a spoken form, hoo is it faring on da Wast side?
  4. dus onybody ken its origin, I dunna think its Norse or Germanic? More likely wan o da Celtic forms.
  5. Fairly likkin dis forum an gaffin at a da pluttin and sheeksin. Kin somebody tell me aboot da Whalsa way o soondin baith da K an da N o wirds lik 'knowe' - 'knee' - an 'knappin' ? Somebody somewhar telt me it geed right bak tae Auld English.
  6. first line, second paragraph - consist e nt looking good!
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