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Everything posted by NullVoid

  1. the flag is nothing but a meaningless platitude to almost everyone. i think the point being made is that its presence is an indicator of a particular political faction. groups like Stonewall already mentioned but i dont know if they were involved in this instance so there is a concern that if one group can have influence others can follow and this leaves a vulnerability to subversion. As for the "Good" symbolized by the flag should we not put the matter to bed and replace this with a more contemporary issue? There is no law against being gay and the only worthwhile contemporary issues of marriage worth pursuing is the shared property clause/alimony which both ought to be abolished. and visitation rights for divorced parents who did nothing wrong besides get the short end of the stick in the settlement. Abolishing the governments role in marriage altogether and make it purely ceremonial might even be the way to reverse the trend of declining marriage rates.
  2. No im saying the Flag originally mentioned has become associated with many different groups and movements thus If you say you support the groups that advocate for these issues, When somebody says that they support an activist group advocating for something rather than just saying: They support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transsexual freedom to go about their business peaceably. Activist groups under the banner originally mentioned are deferential to ideas alone but too many judge a book by the cover. and just to be clear i am not accusing you personally of anything im just arguing your points with counter arguments. identifiable advocacy groups are responsible for putting up flags and symbols not the groups they have become the self appointed leaders of
  3. Thats my point, What i mentioned is in the fine print and not the headline. when people who advocate for those things it will be packaged as Diversity and tolerance Sounds reasonable Who is going to argue against Changeling racism and promoting diversity, but that's not what caused a stir. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/asda-sparks-furious-paedo-backlash-22201608 its almost as if people supporting everything with a diversity and tolerance label unquestioningly has lead to shady opportunist entryisim.
  4. 2 examples 1. Human Sexual Dimorphism Denial This is why Trans athletes should be allowed to replace natural females in women's sports, Because it disproves their argument! And YES they should not be required to get any surgery or checks because chauvinistic totalitarian states like China will force it upon people for their "Women's" team 2. Transsexual prepubescents We don't even consider children mentally capable and responsible enough to decide if they want a tattoo or even to buy alcohol and tobacco, Yet Hormone replacement therapy is a step that a child could take? Transsexuals are trendy right now and children are easily influenced, There is a great deal of pageantry surrounding LGBT that is likely what the kids are interested in most heterosexual women seem to like it too. They have not gone through puberty it is only after puberty that you begin to realize what your sexuality is. so i don't think pushing Hormone replacement therapy on "Drag Kids" is a good idea.
  5. Im saying that a small group " marxist and/or some form of extremists with a hidden agenda" is piggybacking on a larger group "people who support LGBT rights" which includes most people! Most people don't care weather or not gay people just have their relationships in peace unless they think they can gain some political capital from it. things superficial to equal treatment are bundled in and automatically given the seal of approval by those who only see the headline but not the article.
  6. That they have goals superficial to accepting, embracing or tolerating the groups named in their Acronym. this kind of thing is so common it has a name "mission creep" You'd need to ask a more specific question though that Venn diagram pretty much summed up most of what is to be said already.
  7. Please do elaborate on what 'agenda' you think the flag represents. I assume he means those in the Right side of this Venn diagram Conservatives are useless idiots who would rather focus on non-issues like consensual gayness, But do nothing about Sex changes being pushed on 5 year old's often by organs of the state. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/treatment/ there is a reason for the "And then one day, for no reason at all" meme
  8. Should try a Massa bedroom! perfect for insomniacs Blackout guaranteed!
  9. Spray is probably your best bet since you could disguise it as something completely innocent. As more High public trust areas atrophy into low public trust areas the debate on civilian arms will be revisited. Living in the affluent(least deprived) and deprived areas(poor) in the UK is basically like living in a different country. But give it time for sectarianism to take root, poverty to grow, family units and communities to break down in the high trust areas and become more atomized and we will see "Protected" groups refereed to as "Oppressed" groups arm themselves first, because the police will be less inclined to bother them about it and they are more likely to have the connections to source these. followed by a debate when the "non-ethic" decide they want to have arms too, Their main obstacle is that all of their representatives of that last group with political power come from the high public trust areas and will oppose civilian arms for "non-oppressed" so you will need to wait for a larger portion of the UK to become poorer which is a matter of when and not if thus once more than half of the citizens of the UK regardless of race live in what can be described as Ghettos and trust in the authorities dissipates we will see more arms regardless of legality. Probably not a priority In Shetland since it doesn't have the same issues as places Robert Putnam and those who agree with his findings would describe as "low public trust areas" have. The Low trust areas have internal local examples of stabbings and muggings which the public witnesses firsthand. In the High trust areas these are External second hand information which can be safely dismissed at least until it spreads.
  10. It depends the old flag is now a far right symbol of segregation the new flag includes Black and brown but i don't see any attempt to include the French colour, though the white in the latter flag symbolizes transsexuals or half of it does https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-46860693 Some include a triangle/arrow for SocJus
  11. https://twitter.com/northumbriapol/status/1276149988981125123 When you are such a rebel that the establishment will do whatever it takes to facilitate your ability to protest while denying it to everyone else.
  12. Has BLM not been embraced by the usual suspects who are you could describe easily as “progressive,” “multiculturalist,” “universalist,” “liberal,” “politically correct,” Article from 2007 and a lot has happened since then but its point is till valid Secular/nonreligious things keep getting infiltrated by "ultracalvinism" Take for example the "Reason Rally" or "Humanism" movements they took focus away from freedom from religion to partisan political ideas. the best comment sums it up "ultracalvinism" is where the "Social justice" and from Social justice we get the progressive stack and the upper middle class to upper class white desire to atone for the "Collective sins" of western civilization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_stack Those who would be called "SJW's" have been an identifiable group and are currently the most politically active denomination of "ultracalvinism" Black people in America score very high on the Oppression Olympics which is conducive to using their issues to advance ultracalvinist/Intersectionalist Identity politics. very few politicaly savvy groups will let a good tragedy go to waste
  13. already mentioned on page 9 " WHITE FLOUR! " - Poppin' Fresh YES! https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2007/06/ultracalvinist-hypothesis-in/
  14. I think the problem is the fact that nearly all politicians are declaring solidarity en mass because the rioters have good P.R. Mr. Floyd was no saint unless you count burglary and pointing a gun at a pregnant woman's abdomen righteous acts, That is no excuse for the way he was summarily executed. People are jumping on the bandwagon, ive seen painted stones in my local area with "UK is not innocent" and "Silence is violence" referring to George as he was specified in the paper they weigh down. this movement has verry little to do with police reform in the US and everything to do with the guilt felt by upper class whites and not felt by lower middle class and the working poor. These upper class whites occupy positions of power and have been lax in their enforcement of the law due to their sympathies, you would need a stopwatch that measures nanoseconds to see how long it would take for them to react if the other side of the aisle did the same. The up and coming generation has genuine issues that stem from things that are the fault of recent generations. Whos idea was the participation trophy and for parents and teachers to stop asserting themselves to kids? it wasn't the young adults who were the recipients of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G65bUrOJw2s Was the Lockdown for the benefit of healthy working age people, Or was it predominantly to benefit another chunk of the population? If you take a look at a university's Safe Space and the way many students protesters argue they are parrots. People are being conditioned to be less competent and less prepared for the real world. now plenty had competent parents and became decent people despite this but they are screwed too because they now live on a planet of overly sensitive adult children. that isnt even getting into the issues of Communalism/Sectarianism large chunks of the Europe and North America are starting to look like South Africa and will begin to have the same socioeconomic issues seen there. Black Economic Empowerment program in SA has produced both an exodus(of all races) and resentment among those too poor to leave, and programs like this are coming to all first world countries the foundations for it are already laid all it takes is for existing programs to become more extreme. and its exactly the type of thing they are going to advocate for.
  15. The previous generations had things like "young, upwardly-mobile professional"/Yuppie and the Post WW2 economic boom before that generation lifted countless out of low income to high income. Guess what houses were not only cheaper relative to income but council houses were sold at less than market value and often resold at prices that allowed one to buy a house in a cheaper area outright and have plenty to spare. I dont see any Right to buy program being combined with eminent domain to tackle buy to let, But i do see people fighting tooth and nail to STOP new houses being built(bonus points for advocating for mass-immigration at the same time) What do we have for today’s ambitious? The great Recession caused by giving mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them on a mass scale then the Coronavirus recession deliberately created recession solely to protect the infirm. In the past many people could get their own home without parental support. Key takeaway: without parental support And the same pattern can be seen when it was once common to see full time jobs and apprentices the offerings for those starting out is all casual/part time not because people have collectively decide they don’t want to save for deposits etc it’s the fact that there is LESS opportunity. Is it just a pure coincidence everyone over 40 seems to own their own home besides some exceptions, whereas most under 40 seems to be paying somebody elses second home mortgage via buy to let? Or does it have to do with people who had more opportunity in the past having greater finical clout that is their starting out counterpart cannot compete with, less houses being built and exponential population growth often not related to local births? Its easier to racialise the issue and focus on a small percentage of affected poor than address that a person of the same skills in 1990 had more prospects than his 2020 equivalent.
  16. Its a matter of issues like Poverty and broken homes being Racialized, If an uptick in suicide due to poverty related issues will be seen as a result of the lockdown but more poverty related dysfunction will be seen from a wider portion of the population as most people dont go that far there will be real issues to tackle, But the focus will be on what subcategories the affected poor can be broken up into rather than the actual issue. thus they can just pay tribute to these groups and feel as if they are helping although this money will be going to self appointed wealthy representatives of said groups African Americans have more fatherless homes than any other demographic in the US, Thats not necessarily a poverty issue though that relates its a broken home issue. After many decades of "Strong independent woman, she don't need no man" Society is unwilling to admit single mothers have had a detrimental effect on society based on the results. When you take away the racial component and just focus on people from single mother households the arrest rate and police intervention rate starts to look very similar between demographics. Ancestors of African Americans typically became enslaved as the result of losing a war or being less equipped than their peers to fight back. Ancestors of Non-Hispanic whites is a more complicated due to the plurality of sources and what killed off particular individuals, who went back to Europe and what types survived things like the Oregon trail, but ask yourself: Why do Black people from Africa in the United States accomplish considerably more on average than the Black Americans who have been there for generations? another component is obsession with average accomplishment. When a woman goes on maternity leave she has to keep her job thereafter a while or else she has to pay it back, Its because so many quit once they get themselves in an opportunity to have somebody else work and pay for it plus more financial support is available. This means on average women as a collective work LESS hours than men as a collective but a woman who worked above average hours would make the same or more than a male in the same profession. the reality is that when you compare 65 year old who owns a million pound company to a 17 year old girl who works in McDonalds a wage gap will be found. this is why wage gaps NEVER compare hourly wages. still the Wage gap is a political wedge issue because people like to infantilise them, People have paternal instincts which have been politically useful. A child needs guidance and emotional support and many want to give this guidance and emotional support to these minorities that the white leftists view as hapless. Although they would never admit it their reactions speak louder https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article222424675.html
  17. Or perhaps the police looked into it and found no crime had been committed, and your earlier points about right wing freedom of expression being curtailed by the police and everyone else was a little partisan and over dramatic. Oh yes, must be partisan bias its not like there is legal precedent that in the UK can be established by comparing cases such as: Scottish equivalent of Tor Borg and his dog Jackie Munroe Bergdorf race row_incident Bahar Mustafa race row Twitter Joke Trial Perfectly legal despite meeting any rational interpretation of hate speech laws. Arrest, dragged through a lengthy court process and fined appeal unsuccessful! The UK has an Anti-humour bias and a pro Hate bias as long as the bigot is left wing!
  18. The fist logo/symbol is over a century old with the fist first appearing around ww1 and the interwar period and this instance has its roots in the way it was subsequently used by the "new left" of the 60s from around the time the "long march" began BLM represent a useful fifth collum for ends desired by the surviving descendants of these decades old far left agendas and other far left movements such as Fabians. The decline of organised religion has created a large portion of the population who have a psychological need for religion and the atonement rituals offered by the regressive left sufficiently fill the role organised religion would have filled in previous decades.
  19. Update on the banner situation. Either they are trying to avoid the Streisand effect or they couldn't find anything to pin on them. What does this vision for the 21st century look like? Perhaps the BLM inspired Autonomous zone is a good glimpse into what’s in store the 21st century https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3a53LkAjMo Assuming "The Right" doesn’t get sick of putting up useless do nothing Conservatards as their representatives and instead produces an imperialist like Pinochet in the future. Post-Modernism is the reason so many even some who have only lived in the 21st century are now fawning over the mid 20th century particularly the 50’s due to pair bonding, Social capital, Formation of family units and upward mobility being more common during that era. 21st century: Downward mobility, lower wages, single mothers, skyrocketing Stds, Transition from Owner occupied to tenant occupied, lockdown, everyone is a wuss, There is a that Reason things like Meta-Modernism is coming to Challenge the current hegemonic Post-Modernism. Not allowing them representation in a democratic fashion forces them to seek other options,
  20. Pretty sure he is a brunette in the majority of depictions that go with the European type look, Even so the area he comes from have had demographic changes since the time that the events described in the literature took place. Look at the mongol empire and its effect on the genetics of its former territories, same goes for Rashidun Caliphate. The majority of the Descendants of the Pre-Colombian North Americans do not resemble their ancestors from centuries prior and the same can be said for a large portion of Central Eurasia. Romans were present in the Literature thus you could not discount the possibility of a European phenotyped mother Mary or the Prophet being the Basẗard of a Roman Soldier.
  21. Good Riddance, Replace them with offensive paintings of Mohamed!
  22. No No No The whole WLM and IOTBW thing is simple Agitprop to expose a double standard. There is a Left wing conspiracy theory that a bunch of mustache twirling villains called the "Far Right" are using this to take over the world but its necessary to understand that the objective is to provoke a questionable response from the left. You don't win elections by appealing to people who are hardwired to be left or right you do so by trying to win hearts and minds of those that can be swayed in one direction or the other. and the left is and its controlled media has been provoked into having a negative reaction thereby exposing the double standard. Similar Agitprop includes The OK hand sigh as a far right symbol and the Rainbow flag as a symbol of "separate but equal" with the objective of provoking their political opponents into embarrassing themselves. The fact of the matter is that the police are investigating this piece of Agitprop as a potential Crime, and if somebody had flown a message that had the opposite view it would not get such a reaction. We aren't debating if people are free to condemn or endorse them or not we are now debating the legality of dissenting views. Famous quote of relevance I have yet to see a single law being proposed to go after Communists or the far left in the present day UK but plenty or campaigns and laws directed towards the other side of the aisle. "Non-Crime hate incidents" are now a thing that you can get on a UK criminal record. once you start going after "Non-Crime" you have just given the state a Blank Cheque to go after anyone for any reason whatsoever. You may say "Fighting hate" is good, but what happens if the boot goes onto the other foot and the authorities start useing that Blank Cheque for something else?
  23. Thats a selectively enforced rule, If we used this on the far left too you would have an argument. But this rule is only applied to one side of the aisle "If folk don't want to be associated with that ideology, then best not use the phraseology." Are we not suposed to say anything that is used in Center right - far right agitprop? So only Newspeak is acceptable! Would the Police be investigating it if it said Black lives matter Burnley? Do you think its OK for the authorities to dictate what political views are or aren't acceptable? I find that Double plus ungood for Peoplekind! Should they be banning the "Far right" right to free expression? Their plane their, money, their pilot! How do you feel about religious freedom of association? I advocate for the Abolition of religious freedom simply for accelerationisim, Churches, Mosques and temples spread Covid-19 and the vast majority of terrorism is done by either Marxists or those of the Abrahamic religions i think banning their places of worship in the same way we ban political groups is called for.
  24. Black Lives Matter: Unquestioningly accepted and endorsed by Politicians White lives matter: Racist and "at Odds with values" and has Police investigation https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/06/23/police-investigation-pilot-flew-white-lives-matter-banner-burnley/ [** mod edit - fullscreen emoji replaced - NullVoid, please cut back on the visual spam **]
  25. Think its on the radio too should have a Laugh track when the "other team" does badly, Haven't seen any live sports lately Get creative with it, otherwise just depressing reminiscing about the way things were Pre-Lockdown [** mod edit - off topic video removed. NullVoid, that kind of content isn't welcome on Shetlink **]
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