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    Aeroplanes, Heavy rock music of the 70's, computing
  1. Ok well in actual fact the mamal involved was in firm ground at the time of her demise. Now as to the the fossil question, I think it is a reasonable question. We have had almost two hundred years of fossil searching/ dating etc (by means which I consider to be false, by the way - I can go into this if you so insist as I have extensive knowledge in this subject) and we have found - NOTHING to support evolution. So are you proposing that we wait the same timescale of millions of years searching to find the ONE missing link? You have had two hundred years (or more) to find this fossil with increasing intelligent input into the search and it still results in a NIL.! Where oh where is any missing link ? I put it to you that they are missing because they simply do not EXIST. engage by the way the weather is great at the moment. Why aren't people out hunting for fossils on our beaches and moors???
  2. I have a question for all the evolutionists out there. What about all the millions of intermediate fossils there are in abundance on the earth that just overwhelmingly prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have evolved into what we are today? There should be billions of fossils showing this evolutionary process. Intermediate ones from each stage - the ones that died at child birth/ 20 or so etc due to distinct evolutionary jumps - i.e. the ones that didn't make it due to their changes. And also ( I know I shouldn't start a new sentence with and but what the heck!) the ones that did make it to pass on their information to the next generation? Where are they? And please don't come with the arguement that they were few and far between so the chances of them fossilizing were remote. This just won't hold water? in my book ( I'll go back to water in a later post). No if they were the forefathers of us through their evolutionary jumps then traces must survive even fossilized traces. Where are they? Dinasuars when did they become extinct? any answers here please? Which came first—the commitment to naturalistic evolution and the necessity that animals arose from different animals, or the data to support it? In fact lets not pussy foot around here any longer. What was here just supposedly millions of millie-seconds after the big bang? engage I also find this forum to be challengingly stimulating. There are many good brains all striving to be right here. The thing is we cannot be right in as much as we will never know precisely what happened.
  3. Micro evolution does happen. I admit that, however how it happens is no proof of evolution as such i.e life from nothing. Micro evolution happens because an organisms DNA already contains the information for that change to come about and it is more often dictated by such things as climate, stress population etc. There is no upward evolution happening here in micro evolution. We can for example, breed different traits in dogs but only because these traits are already present. Also we, the human breeder, are using our intelligence and understanding of the breed to force the desired trait to be switched on. In nature we see a great variation in the animal kingdom within the same types. E.g. lizards, elephants, fish the list is as long as there are types of animal/fish/plant on the earth. Again what is important here is that all these types contain, within each species type, the information in their genes to have the traits of all of the types specific variations. Why they don't display all the differences is, as I stated above due to various factors such as climate, stress etc. We ourselves contain within our DNA the ability to be any skin colour/ eye colour/ hair colour etc. In fact occasionally you get a black baby born to white parents and visa versa and not through the result of the mother being promiscuous but rather as a result of the DNA just getting it slightly wrong. This kind of thing generally would not rresult in a problem nor can it be said to be evolution. The information was already there. to quote an evolutionist: “... hidden genetic diversity exists within species and can erupt when [environmental] conditions change.†John Travis, “Evolutionary Shocker?: Stressful Conditions May Trigger Plants and Animals to Unleash New Forms Quickly,†Science News, Vol. 161, 22 June 2002, p. 394. The marvel is that optimal genetic machinery already exists to handle some contingencies, not that time, the environment, or “a need†can produce the machinery. The other thing to ponder here is just what the fossil record is and shows. All it is is a record of creatures now dead ( - although some still exist today) who met with the correct requisites at their time of death to preserve them as fossils. (e.g rapid burial, correct heat and pressure etc). You do find fossils on there own but more often you find them in fossil beds and not only one species. Quite usually there are many hundreds of different species found massed together. What is the possible cause of this seeming mass burial / fossilisation ? The other amazing fact is that the fossils show no signs of having been partly devoured after their death. This proves rapid burial. A famous case is that of a mammoth fossil found I think in Siberia in the act of giving birth to a baby with an immature (young) mammoth at her side, almost all were completely intact apart from recent wear and tear from weather after being exposed. Her death and fossilisation had to be extremely rapid for her not to have been eaten or part eaten by something. As to there being any missing link fossils found then tell me what they are. In all my fossil hunting and studying of fossils I have never come across one. Now as to a tree falling in a forest, does it make a noise if no one is there to hear it? To be scientific about the origin of the universe the only scientific conclusion we can come to is that we don't know. We must follow the scientific method in all our scientific research because if we don't the we are no longer scientists, and that method is witness, record, examine and test. Witnesses to the origin of the universe ? Nil Scientific[/b] records of the origin of the universe ? Nil Actual hands on at the time examination of the origin of the universe ? Nil Testing done at the time under controlled laboritory conditions ? Nil I believe in faith that the cosmos was created by God at some not too distant time in the past and then He created us on this planet. Just as an evolutionist must believe in faith that at some point in the past the cosmos came into being and because of that life has evolved.
  4. I see where your coming from here. I saw a tv program about the same. Maybe they are right or maybe they are wrong. But maybe they are somewhere in between it all depends on where you want to stand. I have always thought I was a twin. this just maybe proves me righ in my belief. But I'm ambidextrous. How can this explain it. Maybe three in the womb and two die ? what scientific evidence for this? Look forward to hearing about this
  5. The song remains the same - not quite listening but video - Led Zep variety. Relly great if you like that sort of thing.
  6. Yeah I never thought of that. Give yourself Millions of years and you got a great theory. No one can argue with that cause they wern't there. Great way to debate ain't it. End of argument you may say. Hmmm!!?? Not just millions but thousands of millions of years. This must be the reason why we don't see evolution in existence today.! It take thousands of millions of years! OK The big Bang hey. Well what if you get two syllables and put them together? Do you get a big bang? Can Language be arguably defined as the ultimate in evolution? Maybe language ultimately defines evolution? It's constantly changing, being added to second by second. Some would argue that it is an evolutionary principal that controls it. The fact that it exists and changes surely proves its evolutionary history? Or is it added to by intelligent thought application.!!?? Maybe you could also show the same evolutionary existence of breathing. We now breathe an air, heavily poisened by toxins caused by global warming. Eventually this MUST result in a lung capable of breathing this air or the human race will die! True or not? Unfortunately this may take millions of years to develope. The bird, is it the the evolution of the dinosaur. Great Idea until you start to compare the lungs of the former with the present. It just doesn't hold water (or should I say air). There has to be BILLIONS of skeletal remains of dinosaurs whose lungs just didn't work for them as theyattempted to fly through the thousand and millions of years. And where are they? If our lungs don't work then we die. It's as simple as that. You and I may be dead before we even see a slight change. Maybe too many evolutionaries and creationaries are believing (if I can use that word) in what other people think/assume/(despite there intellect) as to what happened in the beginning. One thing is sure: If you believe in the Big bang or Creation you believe one thing: The earth, as we know it, was covered in a liquid. What that liquid was is open to suggestion (and that is all it is open to as there were NO eye witness accounts at that time). Science is a different kettle of fish all together. It has a scientific method of laboritory testing of things(!?) Everything must be scientifically tested in the lab under controlled conditions to get the results. These results are the scientifically correct. To suggest that evolution is a science is the biggest laugh amongst the scientific community. Its the least scientific area there is along with creationism. No one was there at the biginning, in fact no one was there 390 million years ago. How the can you say that its scientific? No EYE witnesses to the event. For millions of millenia perhaps??!! It is all theory. Even Darwin himself is stated to have said he wished he had never started it all!!!! Theory is one thing. Proof is another. Proof is a scientific tool. Belief is a concept that we develop when: a) scientific proof is not available scientific proof fails us c) ignorance allows us to make up ideas I put it to you that both evolution and creation are born out of a) We have no proof that evolution exists. It is all theory and faith, and the same exists for creation, it is both theory and faith. Theory that it may exist and faith in the existence. there is not one shred of hard scientific evidence that proves creation happened and in the same context that evolution has occurred. We are at loggerheads here. Lack of hard scientific proof. This is where believe comes in this is where a faith works this is where the supernatural begins! Engage
  7. Yeah I kinda agree with Originalusername here. u can't go pokin your ideas down other peoples throats. Not like we are politicians! we can't control how we think or react to others can we? Or can we ? Our Politicians are certainly trying their damnest to control our thoughts. Religion, like politics, I'm afraid is all man made. Man invented both to help keep him above woman. However God is a different ball game. He doesn't need religion. He needs us. Yes He needs us just as much as we need him for , think about it, what would you have if you didn't have God? Christmas no more Easter no more No more Muslims/Christians/Seiks/Hindus etc etc etc !!!! HOPE! A want for something better! Maybe a better world perhaps? Well maybe, just maybe God gives hope to millions (yes millions) of people all aver the world every day. You can mock religion - it's man made your catholics/ protestants/ jews/ christians/ muslims/ seiks(if thats the right spellin?) hindus etc etc etc etc etc. All man made with rules made by man. All God wants is you. Yes you, naked as you came into this world. When you die you can take nothing of this world with you as life has proved to us all. rich man, poor man all go out with nothing taken. They leave everything behind, even the husk that was their body! So you ask what is the point of this. Well its two fold. i) God gets u no matter what. ii) you can do something about it. You can believe in Jesus/Or not, that he is our sacrificial lamb who died in our place covered in our sin (all our sin - murder, rape, pornography, lies, theft, adultery, etc etc etc) he was covered in it and as such died for it. But then as he was part of God he rose from that grave taking the keys of hell with him and vanquished hell so we MIGHT have a way to eternal life. If only we believe in him??? If you can shield yourself in him then you can get through to God. Remember the Bible(That silly book that no-one really takes for granted anymore, but which is actually the true account of God) says that God is so pure and FREE of sin that for us to appear in his prescence would result in us being burnt up, remember Moses and the way he shone so bright after being in the prescence of God on the mountain. We are so full of sin - just to say you don't believe in God is sin so to mock this is more sin. But it's up to you. Maybe I'm mocking you, Maybe not. Maybe what I'm telling you is truth, Maybe not. Its up to the individual to make his/her own mind up. But to say God gives you no way out is a lie. He gives you Jesus. as above. Believe in hime and have eternal life. That is Gods only way out. It tells us this in the bible. Ah you say (and I once) this is just a tale. Yes its a tale, but it's also a tale of the truth. There have been many men who set out to disprove the bible and there have been the same many men who have had to eat humble pie. Every day events in the old testament are proved to have happened - eg the Isrealites being in Egypyt. For hundreds of years this was believed to be a fairy story and yet during the 1990's a city was uncovered next to the nile that was certainly a city belonging to the Isrealites, and not Egyptians. How fickle we people really are when we start to disbelieve our past as it is written down for us. You might as well dis-believe the vikings invaded and settled in Shetland!! Its that black and white. This is despite what our Parlaimentary dictatorship tells us. Well thats all folks. I dare say this will invite many replies - especially from the folk who are too scared to believe in God but proud enough to believe in Man. Does creation exist? Well Does evolution exist. Is it possible that if a gale of wind blows through a junk yard then out the other side would emerge a fully functional 747 aircraft? Is it possible that just like a baker, Humans, animals, plants etc all share the same similar dna because they are made with the same baking ingredience. Also did you know we are actually closer to the pig dna wise than the monkey. Not many evolutionaries like to tell you, or even know this fact. If this is the case then how are monkeys our second evolutionary cousins???? four trotters rule ok!! I've always been partial to roast pork.
  8. Just to say that I am Ambidextrous? Maybe I'm extra clever or somthing? Maybe not. It's just a case of what you can and can't do with your hands. I can't build a cabinet for example but can change the oil in my car. I'm not a carpenter or a mechanic but find it easier to oil change even tho I can use both left and right the same way!!!! That maybe blows the theories out of the water both left and right ! Ha ha.
  9. Hi all, Thought I'd throw this into the melting pot Spike Milliken once wrote "(maybe not quite as quoted) Once a democratic government (if ever such a thing existed) passes laws that tells its people how to think then it no longer is a democratic government," I mean to say what is? Is it happening today? Surely not! or are we actually governed by a parlaimentary dictatorship! Why isn't there a box on the elction voting slips that says "I don'nt want any of these candidates/parties representing me" That would truly be a democracy at work - giving the people ultimate choice. engage
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