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Everything posted by DarkstarIII

  1. I think you will find that I said TK MAXX, RIVER ISLAND, NEXT, M&S, ZARRA, AND DEBENHAMS....
  2. ..but harm ye none.. I think you'll find... but I guess its each to their own.. I dont think crowley was quite the nasty bar steward as he was made out to be.. yes he had mmmm strange interests in the macarbe at times.. Yes the daggers will be for ritual use.. and no not for stabbing anyone.. its like athames... they are used during rituals and not for killing anyone... same as the Boline.. Is it any different to samurai swords.. that people have either on their walls or layed on said proper display unit thingy! lol... doesnt mean that they are bought to chop peoples heads off... dismember the neighbours cat.... etc...
  3. will we see a boycott of Buckie? Disgusting! I am shocked... 8O Probably fed them all buckie.. poor blighters... thats off...way off... right thats it... there'll no be a drop o buckie goin past ma lips o'er christmas thats for sure... I am no funding their extra curricular activities... 8O
  4. Whats wrong with a bit of Aleister Crowley??? lol..
  5. As much as I love the cat...NO IN MY NEW CAR HE DOESNT... He is not good at squatting and ends up standing up peeing.. we have tried that in the flat.. and he peed right up the walls.. ended up with an enclosed one.. but the smell in the car... wouldnt be nice so I think he can deal with a kennel.. I am sure he will cope.. 8O
  6. I kinda thought that.. see my other half hasnt really been home for any length of time since about 1989, so I think he has it wrong.. I thought that shetland was more diverse than that... to be honest.. Good o .. thats what I like to hear.. But the swingers clubs... jeez.. ahh well it takes all kinds.. I will mind and no go anywhere near quarff then! 8O
  7. well... to be honest that wasnt in one go that was over a number of weeks about ... ooooh 12 or something.. just stocking up and it is stuff that doesnt really go out of fashion.. bootcut and skinny jeans and baggy boyfriend jeans wont go out of fashion... neither will wooly jumpers... and blouses, shirts, and dresses... nor will t-shirts... so its more of the basic stuff than basic instinct! lol.. And that wasnt just me... that was both of us...
  8. Yeah I just phoned them up about the cat.. we are travelling on the 21st of December and going to book a car and the cat in anyway.. and a cabin.. If it turns out that we dont buy a car before we sail then they will refund the price of the car space... which is good... if we did it the other way around we might not get a car space, and therefore screwed! 8O
  9. Am I thick.. cause I dont get that.. must be the time of the morning or something!
  10. Yeah marks and spencers have gorgeous food... but alas really really expensive.. well some of their food is.. they have these wee burger things that are really nice made with corned beef... lol.. I used to bypass M&S but am finding that they really do have decent stuff.. especially clothes and smellies...and their tanning products are great... I have a whole suitcase full! hahahaha.. WEEEEEL.. I wont be back there for a good six months to a year...
  11. Mmm, interesting thoughts DS3. It all sounds a bit negative to me. I was hoping for something more positive. I hope that I won't offend anyone's sensibilities here but although you can't buy a UK woman, I understand that there is a section of the population that can be rented by the hour - it's the oldest profession Then again I rent myself out by the hour too - although mine is to my employer in a legal arrangement Yeah I guess so ... my comments are a bit negative.. but really I dont like the idea of women being bought.. like commodities..a car, house etc.. people are NOT commodities... but I guess that it is up to the individual... I believe that the Indian and pakistani community dont so much sell their young but it is all arranged marriages.. well most are.. and most of it is business orientated... marrying into money etc etc.. Talking of which.. I havent seen any indian/pakistani's in shetland...
  12. After spending four grand on clothes, I don't think you'll be able to afford a decent one Hahaha nah I have that covered... I already have a decent one! LOL.. a shetlander!
  13. Is the "night out" clothing more jeans and t-shirts.. or do people dress up.. I was told that there was no point in me having too smart clothes...as there is nowhere to wear them... but I had visions of shetland actually not being so quiet and conservative as it seems... I have also been told that there are swinger clubs... (not my scene) and also plenty of the pagan people... but I may have been misinformed... 8O
  14. I will be shopping in somerfield.... although it would be good if they built an asdas or a tescos.... shetland is hardly short of land...
  15. So who is partaking of the dark nectar this christmas... remember and get a number 1-13... as they are the best.. and there is a difference trust me... I think I will be good and stay with the normal wine, shetland rum, vodka.. since on a diet.. the buckie does have a lot of caffine not to mention sugar... 8O
  16. Ooooh so they hae the Dodgy Goji at Healthcraft then? Nice... That will be my first stop then to pick them up... I am missing them because Tescos has stopped doing them in the whitworth packet and is only selling the tibetan ones at £8.99 for more or less the same amount! Which is of course daylight robbery.... You have to give the berries time to work.. and trust me they are great... you will have more energy, be more alert, and they arent all that bad tasted... you can put them in tea, cereal, etc.. I just nibble on them....instead of sweets.. although recently its been blackcurrant jaffa cakes...
  17. So what is it like at Christmas then... what can I expect.. loads of students lying in the gutters p*ssed out their heads... will the pubs be busy? is there usually any bother at christmas....??? Is there christmas trees and lights in Lerwick??
  18. Aye something like that! considering its all TK MAXX, ZARA, RIVER ISLAND, NEXT, MONSOON, DEBENHAMS, etc!... Phoned up about the cat a minute ago... and it costs about £7.50 for a kennel for him onboard which is good but once we book ourselves and a car...(and I am pushing for a black toyota celica lol).. its going to be about £400.... ughhhh money money money.. and it cost us about £3,000 to move our stuff up there with shetland transport! which should be on the boat as we speak! jeez... think I will hae to get my red handbag oot! lol... 8O
  19. (** Mod Edit - Deleted image of cartoon to save space.**) hahahaha .. hairy banjo.. havent heard that since I was a kid! I play the electric guitar..
  20. I was in ZARA in Edinburgh and asked the guy if he delivers to shetland and he said that someone from shetland gets their stuff delivered... anyone get stuff sent up that way? We went and spent about £4,000 on clothes since it saves on having stuff sent... How does everyone get clothes?? Catalogues? Ebay?
  21. Well we have to be out of this flat by the 15th as the new owners are moving in... and then we have to stay with friends till about the 21st or 22nd and then come over... so it will probably be about then to be honest... and might be booking a car on too since we have about 4 suitcases full of my clothes! LOL
  22. I think that both children and animals are worthy causes.. so why not give a fiver to children and a fiver to animals... conscience clear!!!
  23. Gawd I remember her. Fantastic. Lita Ford was the other rock babe at the time. Currently: Nightwish Anthrax Megadeth Exodus Kreator Yesterday was an odd day - jazzy folky spanish kinda mood, Steffan Grapelli and Django Reinhardt Al Di Meola The Red Vans (I found a CD Rory gave me years ago) Stevie Hook (another CD I found in the same box in the loft) Ed Aleyn Johnson (Tape in the same box. Just a copy, lost the original which I bought off him when he was busking outside the BoS building on commercial street) Yeah Doro Pesh is fantastic... she did stuff with worlock...and of course lita ford is another one.... I have a lot of both their stuff... Nice to see there are some peeps in here with good taste
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