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Everything posted by Wheelsup

  1. So, Royal Mail and the Post office are separate companies, who currently share the same address? Or that's how it appears. Is one moving and one staying, then?
  2. Sounds like, it will be a franchise, and so the service will probably be similar to Freefield. Hopefully the travel desk will continue, as the banks don’t supply foreign currency.
  3. The people heading the Brexit campaign are wealthy enough, that, if the country goes to the dogs, they can jet off to the South of France.
  4. I was shocked to learn that there are a big number of people in the E.U. I.e. just over half a billion. 55,000 admin staff is really b.a. Even the Romans realised you need a load of people and that was a while ago. The EU costs the British Worker about £50 every year. That is a piddling amount, you probably can’t get a taxi home for that at 2.00 on Sunday morning. Do you think that leaving the EU will save you £50. Well at my guess that £50, using your own logic, UB, will cost you £3350.00 per year for the next 47years.
  5. Brexit will improve the job prospects for Customs officers, tax inspectors and countless other civil servants in Scotland and or the UK. Also bankers will be able to take a cut of currency exchange and then there are all the lawyers required. So there is a silver lining and a glorious opportunity for the rich to get richer.
  6. I’ve travelled a lot around Europe, including the EU. One thing that’s improved is that our standard of living has aligned, reducing the need to be envious or jealous of our neighbours. Reduced the need to raid them or invade them. I thought we had become one big happy family
  7. This is not the Conservative party I voted for. They are divisive, not unionist. They are radical not conservative. I can’t see the party continuing in its current form. They’ve broken it. I think it’s opened the door for a third party to make some headway - maybe the Liberals will manage to morph into a popular party and take in the moderates from Labour and the Tories? Are Johnson and Rees-Mogg even real people? More like caricatures from Looney Tunes.
  8. Perhaps the majority of MPs are fully aware of the problems Brexit is going to cause for the next 20 years. Perhaps they know better than the majority of the population. After all, when we elect our MPs we do usually vote for someone with a bit of education and hopefully an ability to make decisions. hopefully it’s just the minority who are out there to line their own pockets and bw66er the common man.
  9. Now Claadehol, best not to keep hitting them when their down.
  10. I find the habit of coming to your door, with your name on a list, asking you who you are going to vote for and then marking your card, a bit intimidating. Admittedly only one of the latter canvassers did that. It happened to me in Edinburgh a few years ago. “Now Mr. ——-, can I put you down as voting for us?” They said.
  11. It must be a tad disappointing, after all the time and effort and money spent.
  12. Or indeed younger, as this may be getting to be a middle-aged forum. Does anyone know the demographics of this forum. I did notice a lot of new members joining to apparently .vote SNP in this poll. We’ll see if the make any more posts about other things.
  13. Ffs. That’s the first time I’ve felt uncomfortable going into the polling station. A bunch waving their wee flags at me. First time I’ve seen that in my parish. No need to tell you who their party is.
  14. I see the Liberals out in force canvassing now. Good to see some balance.
  15. According to the latest GERS report its the English taxpayers paying for our “freebies”. Prior to ADS the flights ran full without any requirement for subsidies. Only now ADS subsidises the airline to keep its fares high for visitors. Students used to get grants and bursaries to cover fees and accommodation. Things have only improved in line with rest of the UK. I hope the Scottish Government haven’t taken note of how good our services are here already. Much better roads and infrastructure than similar rural areas elsewhere.
  16. Next you know, they’ll be getting people to join shetlink, just so they can vote in this poll
  17. I suspect that there wasn’t much thought put into it. Mindless vandalism. Don’t think we can blame the official SNP for that. Don’t think it’s a double bluff either - just mindless. Perhaps a symptom of what happens when people confuse nationalism with antiestablishmentarianism. No doubt encouraged by all the banners and posters fluttering in the wind like a call to arms.
  18. Bit like Brexit. If you don’t get the answer you want , have another referendum! I have no doubt the central belt aka Holyrood will strip us bare as well. Aa wi ivver got fae Scotland wis dear meal an greedy ministers. Only this time they are not ecumenical.
  19. It would be interesting to find out how much this is costing. I must have about 20 leaflets and about 7 visitors from the one party. I tried to engage with one tonight and asked him how they could use the same argument for leaving one union and joining another. He ran out of time
  20. Oh , they’ve just been at the door again.
  21. I have no doubt, all, the candidates have the best interest of Shetland in their heart. They will have every best intention and are standing for the best possible motives. However once they are in, their political masters -if they are Party members, will soon dictate what they can say and do.
  22. Its the same as passengers and children. Unless you gag the passengers and lock the children in the boot there's going to be distraction. Similarly listening to the radio/music system could also be distracting - ban them too.
  23. Got my election brochure from Peter Tait yesterday. Classic!
  24. I had three of them at my door last night. I suppose safety in numbers! I have never seen them before, are they even Shetland residents? If they don't win this time they never Wills.
  25. I really don't know who will get my vote. I used to vote Tory, but they have shown themselves incompetent at governing, and Boris is a neep. An Educated eejit. I might have voted Labour, but again they seem incompetent. plus the fuss the local candidates made over Up Helly Aa. I have no faith in the SNP (Although hopefully they would disappear if Scotland got independence.) Also like Father like Son? The most honest candidates are the independents, but honesty might not make the best politicians. I think for me, its going to be a toss-up between the Liberals (God help us) and Ryan Thomson.
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