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Everything posted by Arfski

  1. Arfski

    Photo ID

    Interesting, you seem to be talking to yourself JolynnGood, why would you be doing that then? Please tell me that it's not some SEO optimisation spam posting for your fake ID business!
  2. Probably going to be found propping up a few local gates and sheds in the near future! They might not be able to sell them to the public, was chatting with a BT engineer awhile back and they are not allowed to sell them because with the old creosote there's a safety issue, might be the same story "officially".
  3. Out of curiosity (and when I should be working!) I looked at the NLS maps, see their 1950s OS map has a Post Office in-between Biggins and Hurdiback, closed in 2005. If you ask the Post Office for where their office is on Papa Stour they still show the same place that's been shut 18 years. This Guardian article from 2005 says it was just a caravan, could have been artistic with the journalism and it was a portacabin https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/sep/18/lornamartin.theobserver but this old film from the Shetland Archives shows a proper building in the 1960s at the 6:30 mark.
  4. With that question you may have heard something, as there's no one up there at the moment as all the construction people have gone off site. The local rumour mill has it there's some "financing" issue and a bond of some description is being waited upon.
  5. I've reported some that I spotted to the admin who said that it was useful to have the prompt, as you can see some have gone. Was just saying how sadly forums seem to have become unpopular with the rise of social media. I've a "fake" (as in no followers etc) FB account for a couple of groups and the Marketplace as that seems to be ebay here. I guess it's just easy for people with an app on their phone etc?
  6. Here's a view from the top of the hill from a few weeks ago. Did try insert image from URL, but it didn't like the Imgur link.
  7. So excited that your second post is a "sponsored" link?! Ah-haha!
  8. Three don't have any masts outwith of the Bressay one so...
  9. Last time I went up to Skaw the road was barely a collection of poorly patched potholes and craters past Norwick, not been up since December so who knows what they look like now. When you think that you can't get PP for a track to join a road without it being 6m of tarmac due to the danger of stone chips, makes you wonder how they got PP allowing them to destroy the road.
  10. Arfski


    What a rubbish job, trawling the internet looking for btc posts on forums, registering, pretending to post a valid comment, posting a blatant advertisement as a follow-up and then moving on to the next target. Mod, come delete this SEO spam! Four tops? Heaven is missing an angel? Wait, no, that was Tavares not Alverez...
  11. The real Grant Trailers is https://grant-trailers.com/ and they do HGV trailer servicing and to quote:
  12. It's not the ignition, and it's not a backfire from the cylinders, the real reason is a probable de-cat and/or straight through exhaust. When coming off the accelerator from high rpm the intake vacuum is still high but with the fuel cut off, you get a lean mixture that doesn't ignite in the cylinders, that unburnt fuel will make it's way into the exhaust, when enough builds up, it ignites on the hot exhaust surface and you get that tell tale pop and crackle from the exhaust and the much prized flaming. Some cars do this on purpose from the manufacturer, obviously the more sporty models but still from the likes of Ford and VAG, e.g. Ford STS 24V6. Still, quite illegal to de-cat but not to remove a silencer, and has been for quite some time, but if this does not get policed in an urban environment, which I can state that it does not except for when the rozzers are using it as a tool to disperse supermarket car park meet-ups, other than MOT checks, then I think you're on a hiding to nothing here in Shetland. I used to live many years ago for a time in a town centre near to the police station and county hospital across from a major dual carriageway and so now have nothing to complain about nowadays other than rabbits sneezing and the sheep yelling at each other. I have also typed a lot more waffle than I originally set out to do...
  13. For clarity, can confirm it was the English variety that I think the conspirators go on about, not the current Scottish one, well, at least I think that's the case but who knows, I'm sure someone right now is typing away on some forum post somewhere...
  14. There has always been the eccentric tin foil hat wearer, handing out pamphlets in the market square on a Saturday to anyone that will take one, but now they have the Internet. With the Internet a small minority can suddenly make a disproportionate amount of noise. It's still noise of course, Elizabeth I was a man, flat Earthers, anti-vax, anti-<insert random pet peeve>, mind altering con trails, Lizard people etc. Now the crackpot is no longer harmless, they can now spread misinformation at an alarming rate, and that is always going to be the worst aspect of the Internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laHpN7-FBLs&list=PLLhOnau-tupSLiQbq8OXBFh3MCPyuXT8g
  15. Sweden took the course that you have consistently proposed of letting it "rip" through communities, Sweden changed direction due to the sheer volume of of deaths that the policy was causing. Some advice, if the cap fits, wear it, just sayin... Sources: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00885-0/fulltext https://www.thelocal.se/20220110/swedish-government-expected-to-announce-new-covid-restrictions/
  16. 1. Database developer referencing 2020 2. Youtube for the far right that have been kicked off Youtube 3. Danish newspaper known as a sensationalist media outlet, pretty much The Sun 4. Lord Sumption, well known retired high court judge with some insane views, such that some lives are more valuable than others 5. see 2. 6. Data that is two years old 7. At last something credible, though "...frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response" is fairly meaningless, as in I frequently worry that I could drop a pound coin on Victoria Pier trying to pay for the car parking and trip and fall into the sound chasing after it. Anyway, they do go on later on to state that leaving "...more time between booster programs and tie them to the onset of the cold season in each hemisphere" would work well. No more waves of hyperlinks please, specially old, far right populist hyperbole or not fact checked. If you have a point, make it, debate it, provide a relevant source. In the mean time, what restrictions that have been put in place have helped many lives to be saved, and only the actions of a minority of red faced covidiots that refuse to work together for the well-being of society have been bar to that.
  17. Well, there's always one. The weight of opinion suggests that his opinion is wrong, as there is nothing scientific in that outpouring, it's all rhetoric. I've been avoiding Covid like the plague and will continue to do so.
  18. I can no longer login with my screen name but found that I can (clearly!) with my email address.
  19. Used them for many years, they get to places that other broadband's don't/won't reach with community wifi etc. Absolute lifesaver when they did the Fetlar links, and Ian Brown is a fascinating guy to have a technical chat with.
  20. That's the winner of an idea, I had not thought about that angle at all! Even if sold at cost it will only owe me a months insurance and the fuel. Now I need to find some dry storage, time to ask around.
  21. Got a Triumph Dolomite engine and gearbox from Sterling sent that way for just £60 about 5 years ago using the pallet network, so good call, I hadn't considered that. A lot of the stuff would not fit on a pallet though, so probably still looking at a box van.
  22. I need to move a lot of stuff up from down south, trying to work out the best box van hire method, hire one locally (Star?) and drive it down and back, or hire a van down south and then off hire in Aberdeen somehow? Just trying to keep the (mostly ferry) cost down so grateful for any advice.
  23. You're nearly a decade out of date...
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