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Everything posted by George.

  1. I don't think that he should get away with it, either, but the way that things are going it looks like he might. I do think that a by-election would be correct, it would give the people that he (supposedly) represents the chance to keep him in place, or get rid of him. It should be our choice. I bet that if this had happened five years ago he would have gone immediately for a by-election. But, of course, then he had a massive winning vote, approx 10k more votes than anybody else. That has changed, this time around he had 817 more than the SNP. He doesn't need to have irritated too many folk for him to lose his job but we haven't yet been given the choice. He'll do his best to stay in place but it's not up to him, it's up to the people that voted him in. His voters will, no doubt, keep trying to sweep it all under the carpet but that just lets an admitted liar stay in place. That is wrong.
  2. Another one trying to back up Carmichael by justifying the telling of lies. Malcolm Bruce stood up and came out with the same garbage, so that's two people on top of Carmichael that find it acceptable to lie, feeling that they should get away with it, no repercussions, just sit back and smile. Yet more that shows how utterly disgusting some people can be, and I can happily say that without a lie.
  3. Lying is a serious offence too. The difference is that the lying has been committed but not fully dealt with, whereas the harrassment is only close to occurring. It hasn't happened yet. The by-election needs to take place, Mr Carmichael. The people no longer trust, or want you. Find out the honest way (if you can bring yourself to that), get the by-election over and done with, face reality and accept the outcome, whether it be good or bad.
  4. Why aren't the Lib Dem's looking for the same moral integrity? Why are they so happy to keep on board a blatant liar? Only one reason that Mr Liar Carmichael hasn't resigned and that is because he wants to retain a nice comfortable income and stuff the people.
  5. But he will avoid that for as long as he possibly can because now there is a very real chance that he will be out on his ear. No way will he consider any democracy in this case, it's a bit too threatening for him. "Stuff what the people want, I want my well payed job!!!" is what he's thinking at the moment.
  6. At least then, Mr Carmichael couldn't alter the vote in his favour - or could he, he's done it before!!! Why are you attributing the emboldened quote to me when I was actually quoting someone (GR) else? Is this another SNP "smear" coming up?? My apologies, Colin. I didn't read your post correctly.
  7. At least then, Mr Carmichael couldn't alter the vote in his favour - or could he, he's done it before!!!
  8. Yes, let common sense prevail. Let him hand in his notice, as he should have done in the first place. He has had to admit to being a liar although he did do his best to ignore the fact that the truth about him was out in public view. Carmichael expected the usual majority that he has enjoyed for the last fourteen or so years. Things change and he hoped to get away with what he was up to, regardless. He lied about what he had done and if there was any chance of him getting a 9k majority he wouldn't have done it in the first place.
  9. The point is not that Carmichael made an error of judgement. The point is that he is a liar and has finally admitted that. Massive difference between an "error of judgement" and an outright lie.
  10. Defeatist much? Why must it be "someone" who takes control, and "they" would do what they liked. what's wrong with "us", "we", "you", or "I"? I disagree completely that "there would be no reason for complaint", regardless of who is in charge and whatever the system there is always reason to complain if you don't like what they're serving up. Although I can see where you're coming from in light of your stance that power can only be in the hands of some vague "they" and you've have no part in controlling it. If voting in the current political system is "Doing your best", then its no wonder we have the shambles we have. Personally I feel voting is hardly worth doing, as there's so much more a person could do, if they had the motivation and dedication to do it. If you haven't taken the time or made the effort to vote then it is very much an "Us and them" situation. If you take the few minutes that it costs to put your vote in, it immediately becomes "Us" or "We" as you are then joining in. If you don't join in then then you're not part of the game. 'Nuff said. For another persons thoughts on Alistair Carmichael, read My Friend Alistair Carmichael by Craig Murray, just blogged yesterday.
  11. If nobody voted for them, nobody would have a mandate to govern. They are put there by us, to respresent us, and to be answerable to us. We do not need their permission or approval to remove the present system of government and replace it with another. The alternative to not voting to achieve a different system of government is revolution/anarchy, which would you prefer? The result of not voting is that someone would take control, regardless. Then you will enjoy your revolution and anarchy, then they would do precisely what they wanted to and there would be no reason for complaint. The alternative to not voting is voting, voting for the person, party or system you believe to be best and then you can at least say, "I tried my best."
  12. Wrong, totally wrong, Ghost. Not voting is acceptance by default. Not voting is allowing anyone to use and abuse you and your money. Not voting is refusing to stand up and attempt to get what is best for you and those around you. Not voting is not having the sense to at least attempt to put the best in power. None of them are perfect but some are worse than others and we have the right to the best of a bad bunch. Do nothing and Alistair Carmichael remains in place and does nothing for us except tell, or allow to be told, porkies to keep life easy for him and his ilk. Not voting is saying, "Yes, come along and rip me off!!!" Not voting is shooting yourself in the foot and there's no complaints that you can put forward about it, either.
  13. No, you're not, Ghost, but the sooner that everybody else takes on board exactly what he's guilty of and accepts that he's not quite as perfect as a great many have convinced themselves that he is, the better. He's guilty of giving the go ahead to release information contained within a document he hadn't read. How many people work in the Scotland Office? Not as bad as the weapons of mass destruction saga. He is guilty of accepting a very handsome amount of money for a job that he has not done correctly. Whether the error in concern was intentional or not is probably not provable but I know what I think. There should be a by-election - but of course, the SNP got a little too close so everything possible that can be done to keep Carmichael in situ will be done, regardless of whether that is right or wrong. He will be protected, and therefore the Lib Dems will retain the only seat they have north of the border, irrespective of what the people would like to happen.
  14. That's 5 against 2. Is he still here or has he done the decent thing and slipped out the back door
  15. No, you're not, Ghost, but the sooner that everybody else takes on board exactly what he's guilty of and accepts that he's not quite as perfect as a great many have convinced themselves that he is, the better.
  16. More money wasted by the M.P that is supposed to be working "honestly" on our behalf. Time for a wee by-election, methinks too!!!
  17. Oh yeah? My father ( a very wise man) once proclaimed that "the sun never set on england's empire because god didn't trust the b******s in the dark. Don't think anything has changed to much since then.. Well said. Yet another reason to vote SNP.
  18. Please use your vote wisely and don't put Shetland, or Scotland, at risk. Westminster, controlled primarily by the English, will continue to leach off the back of those around them. If given the chance again, they will continue to gain more wealth and more control, as we get weaker and poorer. They won't even have the decency to say "Thank you."
  19. Who exactly are the "Shetland Partnership", who have the SIC received approval from while acting on their behalf, what is the nature of the "support", and what is "participatory budgeting", and how does one develop an approach to it. I'm getting a definite whiff that all it means is a pile of money we don't have is about to be spent on something we don't need and will contribute nothing to nobody or nothing, but I may well be wrong. As you say, you may well be wrong - but I doubt it. I think that the wee whiff you sensed is a pretty accurate one and certainly nothing beneficial will happen to the common man. Only those that reside at the very top of the pile of sh*te they've created for us to live on, in and about will gain anything - and they will gain everything. Us lot, well, some things never change.
  20. Yet another reason to ask why Alistair Carmichael has survived for so long as M.P for Shetland and Orkney while doing so little for the people who keep him voted in - for no justifiable reason - when he does absolutely nothing for those around him, the people that keep voting Lib Dem, purely because it's a habit, and providing him with a very comfortable little earner. The Liberal Party, now the Lib Dem crowd, have done a good job of proving themselves to be nothing more than history. Vote SNP tomorrow.
  21. Yet another reason to vote SNP.
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