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Everything posted by Hollian

  1. Hollian is one of the characters from The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
  2. I know of 3 blokes that have married Russian's. They are all friends, the 1st met his wife through his work, and then the wife introduced 2 of her friends to 2 of his friends, and they ended up married. The 2nd bloke to get married had never had a girlfriend and was in his late 30's. While I wouldn't want to comment on the reasons why they married, I have my theories (he couldn't get a girlfriend and she wanted to come to Britian - maybe I'm cynical!). I joke that the 3rd bloke wanted someone to wash his socks and make his tea! On a serious note, they all seemed happy when they got together. They may all have had different reasons for getting married, but it seemed to work. I haven't seen them for a few years (they don't live/have any connection with Shetland), so don't know things worked out for them.
  3. Any body having network problems with Vodafone this weekend? Mine's been emergency calls only since last night.
  4. DeMascus asked what time of day people liked to read? I'm not fussy, I can read any where any time ( no martini jokes please!). But I prefer cosy, quiet and evening.
  5. I read to escape from normal every day life. It is a wonderful way to relax. At the moment I am re-reading Gone with the Wind. It is so un"PC"in how it is written, but has a great romantic quality about the writing. I also have on the go: Bob Dlyan, Chronicles Volume 1. Ben Elton, The Blast from the Past and New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford My recent readings are 'His Dark Material' trilogy by Philip Pulman, while they may be aimed at children, I have found they make you think! I regulary read the Chronicles of Thomas Convenant (hence the user name). I love reading books, and have built up a no bad peerie library over the years.
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctwo/listings/programme.shtml?day=friday&service_id=4284&filename=20061110/20061110_1335_4284_23518_100
  7. "lec wrote: Someone I knew got asked to leave the Excelsior (Mooney's Wake to all you youngsters) after he set light to himself to prove the silver suit he was wearing was indeed flameproof. Magnificent. Marooned in Maywick wrote: Angus Blub at the Simmer Dim Rally weekend a few years back, by any chance? " I once got an early morning wake up call from Blub with a home made flame thrower made out of a an aerosol & a lighter (don't try this at home!), I wouldn't recommend it. I once got chucked out of a pub in aberdeen for threatening a bloke (allegedly), considering I am 5ft, female and never picked a fight with anyone ever, I still can't believe it happened. I also got refused entry to the north star many years ago for wearing docs, apparently I could have hurt someone by kicking them! I was driving that night, so I went home and changed into pointy shoes (far worse to be kicked by pointy shoes than Docs I would have thought) went back and they let me in! This was all many moons ago!
  8. Food in the cafe is excellent and the exhibits are pretty good as well! A nice chilled outplace to spend a couple of hours on a sunday. I recommend it
  9. I used my 1st grant cheque to buy a proper bikers jacket, it still has pride of place in my wardrobe. (it stays in my wardrobe, as I can no longer fit into it!) I have fond memories of falling asleep p*ssed after nights out at Rock night in Ritzy''s in Aberdeen with jacket and docs still on, pretty uncomfortable the next morming! I have great nights listening to all my metal records, thin lizzy, iron maiden, NIN. Heavy metal just sounds better on vinyl than CD (I must be getting old!) I think there is a fairly healthy metal scene in shetland, we just don't dress as bad as we did when we were 16 and wearing Suicidal Tendancies T-shirts (that used to freak my folks out, I never understood why!).
  10. http://www.shetland-news.co.uk/pages/news%20stories/11_2006/less_luggage_on_loganair.htm I'm gonna have to buy a peerie suitcase!
  11. I hive guid memories of paddling efter da dance in the Fraser park as weel! It wis a bit o a ritual Vampire wine, am having a vague memory o dat as weel! I never got hangovers when I wis young, but noo - oh dear - not a pretty sight!
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