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Everything posted by Pooks

  1. Token gesture of £1 as reported in the Shetland Times today.
  2. Not in my book its not. For one thing, in this day and age it is politically incorrect. 'God' - What is God? Is there a God? Who is God? In such a diverse cultural society as the UK this is surely wrong? 'Save Our' - Our? Didn't know I had rights to the Queen. If I do then is she due me a little cash? 'Gracious Queen' - What's so gracious? Picking her nose, shooting birds, etc... The Royal Family has managed to get itself into a status that means little more than any other tourist attraction. The only problem is that a lot less public money is spent on other tourist attractions.
  3. We have prisons full of em! In fact I am surprised that there hasn't been a discussion on the Death Penalty yet. I am all for it providing that there is undoubtable, significant proven evidence. Perhaps even going to the extreme that the people have actually admitted the offences... Why lock these people up for the vast majority of their lives (in a prison block better equipped than many UK homes) when they have caused suffering to a great deal of lives? If we can't kill em then lets test em. As for Lobsters and animal rights folks. Some of it is understandable. A lot of it is over the top. Stick them in a field somewhere with high fences and they would soon be chewing the heads off of a baby Tammie Norie. It is all down to survival. Take dolphins for instance. Known to be one of the most clever, intelligent species on the planet. Didn't stop John West did it?
  4. I think that Flower of Scotland instills a certain amount of passion into a player when they are up before a big game/contest/whatever. The whole thing with the band/crowd could easily be solved. Change the rhythm a bit. Start it off slow, build it up and end it off fast. The whole idea of an anthem (from a sporting point of view) is to work everyone up and get them backing their country and trying their damnedest. Start singing Auld Lang Syne and the players will be off to see where they left their glass. Caledonia will more than likely leave them wimpering fools, thinking about their lives back home. I vote for THE PROCLAIMERS - 500 Miles. Now THAT would get the teams raring to go! When sung drunk it is a little like the Maori's Haka.
  5. Surely would have been a better idea to meet on the Bressay Ferry. Expensive cooncil meetin' table goin' fae wan end tae da idder. Smirk goin' by in a dinghy sketchin' awa. Pre-assembled groups at either side to stop them coming ashore until a decision had been agreed. Somebody would have to give somewhere.
  6. Mousa could finally be a *real* home for the Rumshack Muto! 8O Think about it. Carrying the driftwood up from the shore to give it that authentic 'shack' look. Pink paint at the ready! Do you think the Rumshack Blues Band would mind being renamed the Rumshack Pinks Band? However...back on topic...for architecture, nothing beats a good old Shetland stone-built crofthouse. The folks made do with what they had, managed to build structures that have stood the test of time (and weather) over and over again. Look how many buildings have been severely damaged over the years due to high winds (a lot of places having far lower windspeeds than here) and yet the good old stone-built house keeps on standing. What I could never understand though is that if the Burra Crofthouse (As Seen On TV) cost £250,000 quid to renovate....how the hell did the old miserly crofter manage to build it in the first place? Did he happen to have quarter of a million kicking about from his days out catching pilticks?
  7. Leave the poor Council bods alone. This is obviously a misunderstanding. I can see it now... Cooncil official goes to kirk to confess Cooncil Official:Feider, I keep hivvin' bad tochts! Meenister:My boy, dis doesna hae tae be a problem. Da book belangs idda kirk, tak desel dere and read it. Surely just a simple misunderstanding between the bible and the entire contents of the library?
  8. I read it all...incessently...day in...day out...forever...hearing...the pain... 8O ...anyway, not a problem. Flickr is one of the better image hosting peeps out there. Anybody have any idea what this thread is about? Sounds like a new council investment to me (Personal Discalimer - This is not a dig at the new Cinema/Music venue, more just a dig at the council).
  9. Not a lot of effort at all, all done very quickly using a few nabbed images (Thanks to original image owners - ConservatoriesRus, BrochsRus and ReconstitutedmeatRus). Credit must go to BigMouth for the Vision, Insight and general worthiness of thought. The business plan will be next, this could go places...
  10. I uploaded the image to my webspace and then linked to it using the 'Img' tag. There are loads of sites on the internet that offer free image hosting. Try entering 'free image hosting' in Google and see what it throws up.
  11. http://www.pooks.plus.com/stuff/Mousa.jpg Couldn't resist Looks a bit like an Alien Snail now
  12. Yesss, Mainland Electronics. I recall he always had a Commodore Pet that sat on the shelf and never seemed to move during the whole lifetime of the shop (at least in my visits there). Wonder where it is now... Anybody remember the place that was opposite the Viking on the corner (not Zet-Tech). Might have been video rentals and computer games? Seem to remember that it didn't stay open very long.
  13. I think I am going to have to comment on this subject... Number 1: Nobody can deny that this is a good thing. Preventing people from smoking can only be a good thing for smokers and non-smokers alike. Number 2: A point that was made to me tonight. Clubs. Anywhere that declares itself as a club also declares the fact that people have to join that club. If it declares itself as a smoking club then where is the problem? The main problem I see with this is that near enough every pub in Lerwick would turn itself into a club. Number 3: If you smoke in a pub you WILL get a £50 spot fine (providing Environmental Health is kicking about). If you go to the front door and have a fag, and then toss the fag end away, you will also be liable for a £50 fine for littering! So far I have seen no provision outside of licensed premises for disposal of cigarette ends. Therefore if someone dumps their cigarette end in a bin....Will they get fined for littering or arsonism? Number 4: Where does it all end? If your house is on fire and you call 999. Are they allowed to put out the fire? In theory, YOU are smoking in a public place...will each firefighter be fined £50? Number 5, 6, 7, and many more. Only time will tell but it is an interesting time for all of us. There has been no other law in recent times that has brought in such in a major change as this.
  14. Wahey! Sorry. I personally think that this was a long time coming. It is a good sign because it proves that Shetlink has got to the stage that there is enoough interest to justify registration. I can understand that there are many people out there in positions of 'trust' that cannot give their identity but there are far too many that would rather abuse the anonymous status than make use of it. I sincerely hope that those that would have otherwise used an anonymous guest posting, register under a anonymous name and continue useful debates to the Shetlink community.
  15. Not true as such. There is a bit of bother for people further along from Scatness which I believe is due to interference from the lights coupled with the sheer distance from the exchange but AFAIK that would possibly be more to do with the 15/33 lights than 09/27. I know for a fact that houses at Grutness are able to receive 512k BB as of writing. I should also like to point out that alcohol fuelled malicious rumours can happen on any night of the week at said establishments and not just on Fridays or Saturdays.
  16. There are many office practical jokes around. One of my favourites is with a corded telephone. Affix a small piece of clear sellotape (or use your favourite brand of sticky tape) around the cable where it can't be seen, thus effectively halving the length of the cord. When the phone rings, the unsuspecting victim grabs the handset and lifts the whole phone to their ear. Great fun. Another good one is to take a screenshot of someones desktop using something such as Paint Shop Pro and then view it full screen. Amazing how annoyed some folk can get when clicking the mouse has no effect on icons, toolbars or anything else. Removing the starters from flourescent tubes is a great way to get that light switch at least 10 on/off rotations before the person decides that the power is either off or the lighting is knackered. Almost all keyboards are designed so that the keys 'pop out' for cleaning etc. Swap the qwerty layout with something a little more adventurous and see how good your colleagues are at touch typing. It is best to do this with a little subtlety and only shift one or two keys... Another option is to actually change the keyboard bindings within Windows etc... That totally throws them!
  17. Pooks

    Bad lyrics

    Worst Lyrics -> Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm from Crash Test Dummies http://www.crashtestdummies.com/lyrics/mmmmmm.txt Best Lyrics - > Bananaman from Tally Hall http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/audio/bananaman Worth watching the video by the way and don't blame me if you can't get the tune out of your head for the next few weeks. On the subject of videos/animations, this one of Radioheads 'Creep' is very well done --> http://www.ateaseweb.com/extra/creep/
  18. I am in agreement with nearly all of that so far. Especially the umbrellas. This seems to be more of a problem South than here. Doesn't matter if it is a nice sunny day, the slightest sign of drizzle and suddenly you are blinded from both sides by ignorant pilticks walking along looking at the ground. My personal pet peeves:- 1. Women (mostly) and their remote control placement. Why oh why do they insist on putting them on top of the telly? What use is it there? 2. Inability to dip headlights for oncoming traffic (as has been mentioned elsewhere) 3. Inability to indicate (as has been mentioned elsewhere) 4. Loads more that I can't think of just now.
  19. That would have been Zet-Tech.
  20. It sounds like the very same database Radarman although I could be mistaken.
  21. I can recall having a bloody good time at one of the Freres Jackman gigs now you come to mention it.
  22. I think one very important fact has been overlooked so far. Although file sharing networks/software is most well known for accessing illegal music/software/films it is also a very useful piece of technology for accessing LEGAL downloads. File sharing music wise has undoubtedly helped many unknown bands reach a huge audience that may well have been impossible otherwise. The same applies for open source software and even amateur film directors. Anyway, enough of that, back to downloading EMI's entire back catalogue!
  23. Don't appear to have it in my movie collection although you could try here --> for the quicktime version or here for the Realmedia version.
  24. This website is handy if you know the type of aircraft you are going to be flying in. It lists the seating arrangements and amenities on many different aircraft and airlines. On a long-haul flight get yourself one next to the kitchen. On a Malaysia Airlines flight it was a lot easier getting beer when I just had to pull back the curtain and smile rather than pushing the button and waiting! Edited to add in another link --> http://www.seatexpert.com/
  25. The story that I heard (from a fairly reliable source) was that BT had given somebody/people in the Hamnavoe exchange area activation dates and basically made such a cock-up that it was just as easy to enable the exchange than it was to sort out the cock-up. Something like that anyway. The Sumburgh exchange was the first in Shetland to reach the trigger level yet had to wait for a bunch of other exchanges to be activated.
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