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Should Gordon Brown Go?

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National Minimum Wage


woopdy bloody dooo


Devolved Power for Scotland


yet another layer of beurocracy that costs us plenty and gives us sausage all but more red tape


Record levels of literacy and numeracy in schools


says who? the government


most kids leaving school can't even add up without the use of a calculator



Overseas aid doubled


like we can really afford to prop up dictatorships in africa


Banned fox hunting


try telling farmers and chickens thats a good thing, or foxes that are now regularly poisened for that matter


Paternaty leave for fathers


but not the automatic right to be a father to your own kids.


Good Friday Agreement brokered


the man that fired the first shots on bloody sunday is now minister for education in a part of the country that sepratest education is the norm. what a great way to bring a community together by educating them seperately.


A right to four weeks paid holiday


one less paid employee then.


nearly 2,000,000 folk lifted from poverty



and several million more that were never at risk of poverty before now staring it in the face

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right back to topic, the title of this is if GB should remain Primeminister, not if Labour remains in power..


ss, you are quite small minded and cannot see beyond the walls you have built yourself with you brash and uneducated comments, so


I repeat my question


Who should we have instead or are you going to leave it up to the club to decide?


And remember, it has to be a current labour MP, cos I will repeat, tis GB we are talking about not Labour..


If you are not a Labour Party Member, YOU will have no say in the matter..

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Evey muppet that voted for these tossers should hang their heads in shame.


Great to see you embracing the principles of democracy with such enthusiasm sheepshagger. You seem to have great faith in some kind of utopian government being elected in next time round that will do everything better than any before it. As long as governments (at either a national or local level) are there to represent large numbers of people with varying and often diverse demands and values they will never be able to keep everybody happy all of the time.


Democracy, you see, is about trying to do what's best for everybody and not just me or you.

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The next lot would have to be pretty bloody dismal to make a bigger hash of it than this lot.


And SP if the only option is to give another labour tosser a full PMs pension withoput the country deciding then lets stick with the younker we have until they get voted out

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