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Self diagnosis

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Years ago in Edinburgh I was getting vaccinations for going away and got talking to my Doctor who said that self-diagnosis via the internet can be dodgy and there are a lot of crap sites out there.


However, he also said that this one http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/ was useful to him personally. Also I think there's an NHS one that's pretty reliable.

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Take your "self" to a doctor for a diagnosis...


That, from personal experience, depends entirely on who your doctor is.... :?


Sometimes its wise to have done a bit of research beforehand and have drawn up a shortlist of potential causes, so as to have at least something to throw at said doc, if it seems they are failing to make a wise diagnosis, or worse. Have made an incorrect diagnosis, and are about to treat you for something you haven't got, while letting whatever it is you do have, march on its merry way.

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unless you know you're prone to something and know how it's symptoms effect you and can obtain treatment without prescription, there is no advantage in self diagnosis. As far as I'm aware there are no private practices in shetland, and the NHS up here is very closed. So if treatment is required you'll still have to get a professional diagnosis. Was shocked at being told off for telling my doctor I had a sinus problem and what treatments worked, apparently after 20years of problems I can't self diagnose or ask for a treatment my doctor doesn't believe works.

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Take your "self" to a doctor for a diagnosis...


That, from personal experience, depends entirely on who your doctor is.... :?


Sometimes its wise to have done a bit of research beforehand and have drawn up a shortlist of potential causes, so as to have at least something to throw at said doc, if it seems they are failing to make a wise diagnosis, or worse. Have made an incorrect diagnosis, and are about to treat you for something you haven't got, while letting whatever it is you do have, march on its merry way.


I agree with GR about depending on your doctor. Hence why I tried self diagnosis.


I took my partner to doctors and one of them said he had tonsilitis and gave him anti biotics which did nothing. So we took them back to the doctor and this other doctor said it was a chest infection!

Bit of a difference!

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Guest Anonymous

Thankfully, in Norway we have a medical system which seems to work on the basis of 'refer everything to a specialist'.

Worked out well in my case. I was with a specialist within a few hours of seeing my GP .

That's what I call service.


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Okay how about starting with the obvious?


What's going round the schools?


At the moment we've been struck down with a viral glandular thing, which some have thought was tonsillitis.


Next comes environmental factors.


Are you under any extra stresses at home, work, etc?


Any new substances (cleaning products, air fresheners, etc) being used in places you spend long periods of time.

Doesn't have to be new things either, had a friend who's doctor recommended Lavender oil for stress, after fainting EVERYWHERE including narrowly being missed by a bus, various tests, antidepressants, beta blockers, finally the staff at the MRI scan asked if she was using Lavender as she had low blood pressure.

Or do you feel worse after being in the car for extended periods (try a carbon-monoxide detector after even a short journey and you'll see why I've added it)


Keeping a food diary can help identify any intolerances, which can start off mild but gradually become horrible.


Keeping a symptoms diary is a good idea if you have a long term unexplained condition, and you put EVERYTHING down, from the smallest headache, bruise and feeling nauseous, to more serious symptoms such as fainting, loss of vision etc.


I recently found out the reason I was losing my sight was "ocular migraines", very scary when it happens but once you know what's going on, much easier. Had to have a diagnosis from my optician though, despite visiting A&E (at doctors advice, as quickest way to see specialist).


So my next one is is there a professional who can help outside the GP surgery?


Mild symptoms you can go to chemist.

Muscular things you can see a physio or chiropractor.

Although a reflexologist will (should) never diagnose, they will often suggest you might want to see your GP about a certain area.


Headaches can have ocular, dental or muscular causes, so worth checking out.

Backache can be helped by visiting a chiropodist, can be as simple as wearing the wrong shoes.


For minor STIs there are tests available at chemists, as well as diabetes, bowl cancer, and of course pregnancy.


lists go on and on.

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Self diagnosis? - Hold your hand up to your brow. Is it cold? (normal).

Is it hot (normal).

If you can't hold your hand up to your brow (lie down and try again).

If you've done all of the above - then there's nothing wrong with you so just go to bed.

If (when and if you awake) and you can't lift your hand up to your brow) the above self diagnosis needs repeated. If that doesn't work then I think you may have awaken up dead. If that is indeed the case then seek help immediately. :D



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well last time we went to doctor about it we were basically told there was nothing they could do about this problem and if it happened we were to take a tablet which would help stop the problems but its not helping. phoned mamma who is a nurse and she gave some possibilities but said to get an appointment as shes no trained so gonna try that.

i hope its none of what she has suggested!

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