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Everything posted by McFly

  1. Ok. Here it is.... "All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp. All work and no play make peeriebryan a dull chimp." He wrote this just before he completely lost it, tried to murder his wife and son and ended up frozen in the maze in the hotel grounds. This is why he's not been about on here that much of late.
  2. We (Careless Flow) supported them on that gig. I can't really remember what they were like but i do remember them being really snooty about letting us use their gear.
  3. I played with the Hammfatters at one of those Brig o Fitch happenings. It was indeed a tremendous fun. We did a couple of marquee gigs at Kergord which were great fun as well. There's something really good about playing in a field in the middle of summer. Does it still happen?
  4. Thank Yowe very much Aahh, the power of Google. Truly an all seeing deity.......
  5. No doubt. It's going from that to "you will meet a stranger carrying fish today and find a pile of money under a car on thursday" that I have a problem with.
  6. Dammit! I was sure the glasses and beard were the perfect disguise.
  7. McFly


    These things usually use dedicated RF transmission systems which are expensive, but probably a lot cheaper than miles of cable and repeater amps.
  8. Good god! You appear to have lived through my own teenage years.
  9. Mountain bike track! Now you're talking! Some decent trails would make moving home much more attractive. Any Shetland based mountain bikers out there?
  10. One man's meat is another man's poison. Some people probably enjoy having their ear drums imploded by metal drummers, or getting drunk and empathising with dreary, miserablist indie types. God knows it worked for the Smiths!
  11. I feel your pain Hacksaw, Shetland probably could do with an injection of sweet soul, funk and jazz. But surely the ideal would be a wide and varied scene with a place for metal, punk and post apocalyptic ambient pink noise. Each to his own and all that. I feel I must take issue with Not so sir, the Clash were one of the mightiest bands ever to take to the stage or press a record.
  12. McFly


    No no, it's ok. It's still 1984 apparently.
  13. Also Pisces. I think it's absolute rubbish. All the stuff I've ever seen has been so vague that you could infer a million different meanings depending on your viewpoint/mood/footwear at the time of reading.
  14. That's all true Njugle. What I meant was not much prospect of employment for people moving in. The islands economy obviously can't sustain much more than the present level of poulation, or they wouldn't have to vet applicants.
  15. McFly

    Brits judges are mad

    I have been! Unfortunately twenty odd million other people haven't.
  16. Am I alone in thinking that Coldplay are one of the dullest bands on the planet. I have real difficulty hearing any difference between their dirges, sorry, I mean songs. Their first album was the only one that showed any sort of variety. Since then they've shown no desire at all to evolve musically.
  17. Not much employment, but good fishing! There's enough of an economy to keep seventy odd people going. One of my best mates is from Fair Isle, but the chances of getting him on here to explain the pros and cons of living there are slim to none, he barely knows how to switch a computer on.
  18. Absolutely! Individuals should be held responsible for their actions. That wasn't what I was taking issue with. Unfortunately, we're dealing here with a trend towards antisocial behaviour and that's a very different thing from isolated individual cases. In order to combat this trend we've got to identify and understand the underlying causes. And that's where I see a problem. People are way to eager to trot out meaningless phrases like "I blame the parents" and won't entertain the notion that society as a whole is at fault, and needs to look for answers instead of scapegoats.
  19. As I said before, blaming the parents is an unhelpful simplification of what is a very complex problem. Of course parents shoulder some blame, but so should the rest of us as a society. As for the problem with Sun readers, I suppose it isn't a problem as long as they realise that what they're reading is not fact, but politically motivated spin, designed to protect the interests of the rich people who control the main stream media. I suppose it's wrong to single out the Sun, most of the broadsheets are just as bad, it's just that Murdoch's flagship rag is the most blatant about it.
  20. Where exactly did you find that suggestion in what I posted?
  21. no i was youth leader that used to be on the front line with the ones we are talking about - i remember exactly havign to chuck them out of the club and phoning the parents to inform then and getting no soport from then - in fact they were just as bad I admire you for having the guts to work as a youth leader, and I'm sure you've had some bad experiences with parents, but I believe "blaming the parents" is an unhelpful, knee-jerk reaction. It just isn't that simple. There are so many factors involved. Children learn much of their behaviour from their parents, but the parents were children once and they in turn learned that behaviour, which makes it a much more complex issue and implicates the whole of society. There are exterior factors like social welfare, economics and media as well. This is a massively complicated problem that provides a career's worth of study for many psychologists. I have little hope of understanding it, never mind coming up with workable solutions.
  22. Technically that would be a fine arrangement Njugle, you can quite happily run a soundcard and a midi interface. However, most decent soundcards have midi interfaces built in anyway, so the question might be a bit academic.
  23. Oh yes, of course, the old "I blame the parents" routine. Are you a Sun reader by any chance?
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