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Gorgonzola Butt-cheese

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Everything posted by Gorgonzola Butt-cheese

  1. Found these comments page of daily telegraph :- The US is clearly sitting on the fence - they fueled the corruption in Egypt (as they do in every undemocratic country they support). I just hope the people of Gaza can capitalize on this opportunity and blow the Rafah crossing once and for all. Meanwhile Israel sits powerless as Obama fumbles over US values and influence - funny old world isn't it? Not that I agree entirely but it has a truth to it... And also this This seems like a good place to respond to the spin campaign that claims that the events in Tunisia, Egypt, Albania, Yemen, etc. etc. etc. etc. are not genuine popular revolts against tyranny but a complex series of plots by CIA, Mossad, Elvis, Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Deadforawhile, or Andrew Lloyd Weber. Obviously, the government of the United States (and for that matter Great Britain) have an obvious motive for trying to obfuscate the real cause of the uprising. The FCIC report makes it clear that the economic hardship the American people have endured for almost ten years could have been avoided were it not for the greed of Wall Street and the corruption and ineptitude of the government. Economic inequality is actually greater in the US than in Egypt. Americans have as much if not more reason to be angry with their government than the Egyptians. Likewise, people in Britain, especially students, have come to understand that their loss of financial support for education serves no purpose but to prop up the banks and ensure their permanent debt-enslavement via the student loan usury. Again, their hardship only exists because of the greed of the bankers and the corruption and ineptitude of the government. REGIME CHANGE IN BRITAIN In Great Britain we are not allowed referendums on issues of our own choosing. The government does not listen to the British people. Can there be much doubt about that? The Queen is useless, and the political leaders are inept. Furthermore both the Queen and the Governments we have had since 1972 have all progressively sold us out to the EU dictatorship of the bureaucrats. The only solurion is regime change. I can see the day that eventually the people will get serious and actually get themselves onto the streets. Are the governments of the world becoming terrified that rebellion will become the new global fashion trend?.
  2. What I wrote here back in September We have a working population who have been paying all their lives into the U.K money pot ( the one with the big hole in the bottom that sits above the E.U. Pot) But as we continue paying very large sums of tax in, it would only be correct that certain services recieve back revenue to maintain function - coastguard, health service, education etc. Well now coastguards and education service face the axe, whilst taxpayers pay even more into the corrupt system. Magnie Stewarts letter in the Shetland times pointed amongst other things out that 1 years bankers bonuses could maintain the Coastguard service for 250 years ! WE ARE BEING SHAFTED! Carbuncle and Scott dont have the power to either tweak with fuel duty, control the bankers or stop the mass dumping of marine food resources by one of our main primary industries. They have given away all control to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels! They are totally ineffective at every level , just try reading Tavishe's letters from Edinburgh - complete drivel every time. How anybody in Shetland or the U.K can support the existing status quo is astounding, there is no doubt we could do much, much better. The Lib/Lab/Con & the SNP are nothing but a bunch of self serving members of the Corrupt E.U. regime In this present day of fish dumping , economic scandal and revolution we should be looking at the levels of autonomy other remote Island groups enjoy, Faroes and Iceland for example. I wish the Soveriegn Shetland movement a bright and succesful future
  3. http://www.thetrumpet.com/?q=7889.6489.0.0 New legislation signed by Britain’s current coalition government will lead to the EU completely bypassing the British Parliament to directly fine municipal councils billions of pounds if, and almost certainly when, targets on air quality and recycling rates are not met. The standards governing these targets are set, imposed and enforced by Brussels, not by any elected British democratic authority. With the current wave of budget cuts, councils will have to either raise council taxes or cut more services to meet these onerous charges. The hypocritical EU’s budget is so riddled with fraud and missing billions of euros its own European Court of Auditors revealed in November that in 10 years just 1 percent of fraudulent subsidies have been recovered.
  4. From open europe .org.uk National Audit Office says UK owes EU £1bn in fines; Local councils may become liable for a further £1bn The National Audit Office has set aside around £601m to pay future EU fines, in addition to £398 million of fines already paid, over the mismanagement of EU funds spent in the UK. Most of the fines relate to EU farm subsidy payments, but regional development funds also attracted “correctionsâ€. Open Europe Director Mats Persson is quoted in the Telegraph saying, “Undoubtedly, the UK needs to tighten its checks on EU spending, but it’s also true that this money would be much easier to control if it wasn’t channelled via Brussels in the first place. The EU budget is hugely complex and irrational and therefore more prone to mismanagement than national spending programmes.†More budget cuts just over the horizon.......
  5. From Magnie Stewarts excellent letter - " squandering our money" Do a very simple sum: the Royal Bank of Scotland is to pay out £1 billion in bonuses, while closures of the coastguard stations will save £20 million over five years. Then divide 1 billion by 20 million and multiply by 5. The answer is that the RBS bonuses could keep the coastguard stations open for 250 years. Every way you look , closure of schools and vital services ... Its daylight robbery .
  6. From the bbc story But a Treasury source said "informal discussions" were still taking place between EU and British officials. The UK needs EU permission to charge different fuel duty rates around the country. Ministers hope to make a formal request after the Budget. EU law means the UK would need the European Commission to propose the scheme, and the EU's finance ministers to unanimously support the idea at an ECOFIN meeting. Once the request is made by the UK, it will take three months for the commission to draw up a proposal and several further months for it to be agreed. Only then would a pilot scheme be possible. This is the bottom line the U.K. Government cannot set different levels of fuel duty, they have given away the control to do so. By the time they get this through and it's a big if ! It will most certainly have gone up by another 15 pence a litre. If you voted for any of the mainstream parties who let the E.U. reign supreme than you only have yourselves to blame.
  7. http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=42131&SESSION=905 So far Our MP Has not signed this motion.
  8. http://www.fishfight.net/lobby-your-mp/ Using the above link , I emailed MP Carmichael and requested he sign the early day motion - http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=42131&SESSION=905 So far he has not signed it , would anybody else who feels strongly about this please email him . It made me stop and wonder what have these so called liberal democrats ever achieved for us here in shetland ?
  9. Check out here to watch fish fight http://www.channel4.com/programmes/hughs-fish-fight/4od#3152474
  10. Whats happening AT ? This topic here is about a very real and hugely wasteful situation, and you are trying to corrupt it with your manic AGW obsession .
  11. http://www.fishfight.net/ - check it out. Watch Hughs new programme tue night ch.4 - 9.pm or CH.4.COM
  12. http://www.fishfight.net/signed-up/#signup-form Just watched Hugh F Whitingstalls new fish fight programme - Excellent . I suggest checking out the above website and signing up.
  13. As I watched D.C. sound tough about halting the E.U. budget increase, the exact same thought went through my mind as the poster below. In that the whole charade is trying to make it look as giving another 450 million to the fat cats on the e.u gravy train on top of the other 15 billion per year is some sort of victory???? Remember there is no accounts available for where this money actually goes, the E.U. accounts have never been properly audited for years. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/normantebbit/100061206/cameron-must-refuse-any-increase-in-the-eu-budget-rather-than-surrender-vichy-style/#disqus_thread Comment below from above page Yes, just heard this from the BBC: "David Cameron says he has protected British taxpayers by putting the spotlight on reining in EU budget "excesses" at a Brussels summit." What were we ever worried about? The 'summit' of course is nothing of the kind. It's called a summit in the Council of Europe documentation, but in fact it's a routine meeting of an EU institution, and the EU budget is not even on agenda for the 'summit' meeting. This is because the Council of Europe has no jurisdiction over the budget, simple as that. So Dave is plain lying when he talks tough about the spotlights and the reigns. This is not to say that the EU budget was never mentioned at all. I dare say he and the rest of the Slime Gods gave each other the nod and the wink when they got together. Now they can have the 2.9% that doesn't look so bad compared to the 5.9% they were scaring us with. Job done. This fraud is greatly assisted by the soap opera representation of politics by the media and by many people here as well. The idea is that a British strongman can tell the EU what they can and can't have. All he needs is courage. In fact, the situation is far more serious than that. Britain has signed away her legal right to resist EU budget decisions. The soap opera ideas are dead wrong. We have already surrendered across the board. If we want to reverse that decision, shouldn't we start of by at least facing it?
  14. Very well put Malachy, I agree entirely. Arabia Terra's unshakeable belief in the global warming science is similar to a devout christians belief in the 2nd coming of christ. Whilst I dont hold his conviction, I actually think his heart is almost in the right place. His inspiration is fundementally good, in that we strive to leave the planet in as good a condition for future generations as we possibly can, I fully agree with that. But as you point out , there are flaws in what is being planned to achieve this. The V.E. wind project is certainly one of those flaws, to erect giant turbines and all the associated infrastructure so far away from the end user's goes totally against this idea of saving the environment. If renewable energy plans were sincere, all areas of the uk and the world would be busy fitting the most low impact forms of renewable energy equipment possible to provide energy for their immediate local area and only connected where the grid already exists, it would have to be managed without profit , purely run to cover maintenance and operating costs only, and in conjunction with the education of the communities to consider every watt they use. Unlimited 24 hour electric would have to become a thing of the past. At present renewable energy is being sold to the masses with tales of fabulous wealth to be generated, wealth to continue feeding our modern lifestyles of over consumption. And this is where the whole thing falls down .At present there is no movement to change the way we live our lives. The entire developed world must change with regard to energy use, food production, transportation and commerce. And this is rarely considered by the masses . And this entire change in our modern way of living is a must if we are to achieve this sustainable existance in harmony with the natural world around us. And I cant see this happening without some kind of massive shock , social and political upheaval, total war and famine. This might come about once fossil fuel production begins to dwindle, specifically oil and gas, It is widely believed this will occur within the next 15 years.
  15. Yes I see your point G R and I agree. If this windfarm goes ahead without a public referendum it will be a poor show.
  16. Excellent observations from Malachy, I cant agree with Landsbergs way of thinking, we should be teaching both ourselves and the younger generations the lessons of how to make do without unecessary waste, at all levels. All us born from the 70's through to the present day have lived through an age of gross over-consumption by the developed world. This age will come to an end as sure as it began
  17. I dont agree with that ghostrider. Plenty of practical minded people see this project for what it really is. Its got nothing to do with saving the environment and the possible money to be made hangs on a subsidy for which there is no cast iron guarantee. Many of these practically minded people would make far better councillers than what we have at present.
  18. It seems no body writing here has acknowledged the crux of the matter. How did these romanians come to be working in british fields? The reason is we have no control over the influx of migrants streaming in from various european countries. Now I see nothing wrong with kids of 12 and above working their holidays or after schools for a bit of pocket money, but if these kids are effectively slave labour without an education or roof over their heads, it needs sorted out. But this sort of thing will only get worse with no border controls. In the last 18 months I have witnessed increasing numbers of romanian beggars in various cities in england and scotland. . They think they are coming here for a better life and spend their days begging on the streets or working for peanuts in a field , there are thousands like them. But behind it all this is whats going on (some of the readers comments below are spot on) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/8091953/David-Cameron-softens-on-EU-budget.html Whils we pay billions and rising into this E.U black hole , we cant afford to support our own poor people or maintain our over pressed armed forces and as we pay this money into europe increasing numbers of europes poorest people are flocking to the U.K. It amazes me that anybody can say anything in defense of this corrupt institution! anybody that does must be either entirely corrupt, ignorant or insane as far as i'm concerned!
  19. The link below strengthens my last posts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11630355 quote -"The highest losses were seen in Southeast Asia, where loss of habitat as forests are cleared for agriculture, including biofuel crops, is fastest."
  20. Your jumping to conclusions AT. I have nothing against anybody from china or elsewhere for that matter, I am sure the peoples of many other nations are also playing their part in the destruction of virgin forest. I was pointing out that massive deforestation is ongoing on this planet and it does cause changes in environment and climate, locally and perhaps further outside the region deforested. Changes in rainfall patterns, erosion, loss of vital habitat for endangered species and extinction of plants and lifeforms that are exclusive to small localised areas, and of course less trees to absorb co2. I pointed it out because I believe this type of activity is far more damaging that burning fossil fuels.
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11626412 The chinese took 1 million ton of hardwoods out of Gabon last year.
  22. I don't know, what about this? Quote: In Spain the other day, the government realised that it was spending so much on price guarantees to solar power "entrepreneurs" that it decided to cut back. The same will have to happen with wind power here. It would be so much better, and cheaper, if it came before turbines have stalked their way across every lonely and lovely place in these islands. It appears AT just ignores facts that he cant answer. Bob Spanswick wrote an interesting little bit about how much fossil fuels would be left in the ground thanks to the building of this windmills, he wrote of a figure of 11.2 million tons being left untouched. It has to be the biggest piece pf pro-windfarm crap ever written. India's fossil fuel consumption is forecast to rise by 70% as more of their people are lifted out of poverty China's emissions are forecast to equal that of the rest of the world combined by 2030. The only thing that is going to slow this consumption of fossil fuels is the scarcity of these fuels which will eventually come. And yes we should be looking at developing renewables, but more importantly is the need to transform everbodies awareness of our own energy consumption. This mega wind farm doesn't address that, in that it is trying to seduce people with tales of fabulous wealth (which in return feeds more consumption) goes against the grain of what it is supposed to be built for. And nobody has been able to give a credible answer to the question- Show me the 25 year guarantees for this huge and unaffordable subsidy? I imagine it will be paid long enough for the small band of key players to get stinking rich and then after that ?
  23. I realize my last post goes against what I said previously and directed towards Arabia Terra, in that this debate needs to move away from trawling the internet to post some information that corresponds to which any one of us happens to believe. The bottom line, regardless of what we believe regarding climate change, is that there is a day of reckoning out there in the not to distant future. That day or period could be described as " the resource bottleneck" caused by the ever growing population and the increasing number of that population wanting to live the good life against a dwindling reserve of conventional energy sources remaining, you just have to look at the new emerging superpowers with billion+ populations to see how this is already happening. The fact of the matter as I see it, is there needs to be a complete paradigm shift in everbody's methods or lifestyle as regards all of our energy usage and that means worldwide. That is still clearly not happening yet at any level. Be it the government who talk of carbon tax and renewable production percentages by year dot, whilst at the same time propping up our failed economic system, bailing out the car industry and also giving the green light to oil drilling in virtually any and every location. Or our own community, viking windfarm and its supporters, the council and everybody who have been seduced by this notion of getting rich from wind power. To really make the shift should not be about getting rich and our lifestyles not changing, it will achieve nothing for the environment on that basis.
  24. Here is another excellent comment found online at daily telegraph The FUTILITY of Man-made Climate Control by limiting CO2 emissions Just running the numbers: watch On average world temperature is ~+15 deg C. This is sustained by the atmospheric Greenhouse Effect ~33 deg C. Without the Greenhouse Effect the planet would be un-inhabitable at ~-18 deg C. The Biosphere and Mankind need the Greenhouse Effect. Just running the numbers by translating the agents causing the Greenhouse Effect into degrees centigrade: • Greenhouse Effect = ~33.00 deg C • Water Vapour accounts for about 95% of the Greenhouse Effect = ~ 31.35 deg C • Other Greenhouse Gases GHGs account for 5% = ~1.65 deg C • CO2 is 75% of the effect of all accounting for the enhanced effects of Methane, Nitrous Oxide and other GHGs = ~1.24 deg C • Most CO2 in the atmosphere is natural, more than ~93% • Man-made CO2 is less than 7% of total atmospheric CO2 = ~0.087 deg C • the UK contribution to CO2 is 2% equals = 1.74 thousandths deg C • the USA contribution to CO2 is ~20% equals = 17.6 thousandths deg C So closing all the carbon economies of the Whole World could only ever achieve a virtually undetectable less than -0.09 deg C. How can the Green movement and their supporting politicians think that their remedial actions and draconian taxes are able to limit warming to only + 2.00 deg C? So the probability is that any current global warming is not man-made and in any case such warming could be not be influenced by any remedial action taken by mankind however drastic. As this is so, the prospect should be greeted with Unmitigated Joy: • concern over CO2 as a man-made pollutant can be discounted. • it is not necessary to damage the world’s economy to no purpose. • if warming were happening, it would lead to a more benign and healthy climate for all mankind. • any extra CO2 is already increasing the fertility and reducing water needs of all plant life and thus enhancing world food production. • a warmer climate, within natural variation, would provide a future of greater opportunity and prosperity for human development. This has been well proven in the past and would now especially benefit the third world. Nonetheless, this is not to say that the world should not be seeking more efficient ways of generating its energy, conserving its energy use and stopping damaging its environments. It remains absolutely clear that our planet is vastly damaged by many human activities such as: • environmental pollution. • over fishing. • forest clearance. • industrial farming. • farming for bio-fuels . • and other habitat destruction. And there is a real need to wean the world off the continued use of fossil fuels simply on the grounds of: • security of supply • increasing scarcity • rising costs • their use as the feedstock for industry rather than simply burning them. The French long-term energy strategy with its massive commitment to nuclear power is impressive, (85% of electricity generation). Even if one is concerned about CO2, Nuclear Energy pays off, French CO2 emissions / head are the lowest in the developed world. However in the light of the state of the current solar cycle, it seems that there is a real prospect of damaging cooling occurring in the near future for several decades. And as power stations face closure the lights may well go out in the winter 2016 if not before. All because CO2 based Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming has become a state sponsored religion. And now after “Splattergate†thanks to the 10:10 organisation everyone now knows exactly how they think. http://www.disinfo.com/2010/10/murdering-people-who-disagree-with-you/ Splattergate is classic NOBLE CAUSE CORRUPTION. It is probably the most egregious piece of publicity ever produced in the Man-made Global Warming cause. This short film shows doubting schoolchildren being blown up and having their entrails spread over their classmates because they may have been less than enthusiastic about the CAUSE. So any misrepresentation is valid in the Cause and any opposition however cogent or well qualified is routinely denigrated, publically ridiculed and as we now see literally terminated.
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