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Everything posted by Frances144

  1. No, we made it into an Andy Murray song!
  2. So, has anyone actually got it yet in Shetland?
  3. We went and did this:- http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=121151&id=576382264&l=7046eb639d Great fun.
  4. and to the light-fingered bar-steward who helped himself, may your next calamity be a big one.
  5. Oh egg - I think I may be done for egging you on and eggsaggerating with my silly yokes. Don't worry, it will all be ova soon come winter! From now on my conduct will be eggsemplary in case you make an eggsample of me. I promise, in the future, to go through the right channels and shell out for adverts like eggerybody else, if nest-ecessary! Should I need to hatch a plot, I will poach an idea or two and fry like the wind! I am not some hard-boiled business woman but just see the world sunny side up! I had better finish this before I eggspire! (Clucking shell - do you think I over-egged it?)
  6. Eggstraordinary, eggcellent, eggsactly, eggcetera, eggcetera.....!
  7. Dunno - I'll have a recce tomorrow!
  8. Not when I went past on Monday and tbh, I don't think they are making any effort to re-open that I can see. No decorators, no nothing, just usual white-washed windows and the sign about the fire on the door.
  9. Anyone got this week's? It came out yesterday (Saturday). If so, can you go to the back page of the magazine bit and tell me what the "in pictures" competition for this week is please. Not the winners, just what the next assignment is. Thanks Frances
  10. The Dunna Chuck Bruck campaign seems to have faded into the dim and distant. That was an effective slogan and should be part of the single track "passing place' sign, therefore enforcing the message. As for targeting those that do it, I really don't know. I cannot begin to fathom their mindset at all. A complete mystery to me of why people chuck rubbish into these beautiful hills. Mind you, some want to chuck 150-odd jumbo jets placed on their own individual Blackpool Tower into the hill, so what are a few bottles and crisp packets between friends.
  11. The "table" is doing very well. I keep the eggs in a cooler box with daily changes of freezer blocks. It has been going a couple of weeks and I have made about £20! There are usually some very nice, yummy scrummy banana muffins in there too and I might put in some chocolate brownies to test that market if anyone is interested!!! Please give me your empty eggboxes. Leave them beside or in the box. Thanks Appreciated. Cheerful chickens!
  12. But I don't want to listen to my radio via my telly or my computer (btw, I do know you can get Classic FM on puter, even a Mac!) but in my car, when I walk the dogs (on my phone), out and about..... and all my kit will have to be changed over according to the latest news. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/jun/16/digital-britain-analogue-radio-switchoff
  13. So then all our analogue radios will be redundant! What a waste. I will mind slightly less if I can get Classic FM.
  14. When will Shetland get DAB Digital radio? Anyone know anything about this? (***MOD Edit - Merged with existing 'Digital Radio' thread***)
  15. I must say that keeping this wild animal alive for the sake of life itself, if it cannot walk and have a normal wild animal life, does not sit well with me at all.
  16. Bottles, eh? Makes a change from the Shetland Rose. I agree though, it pisses me off mightily and to those who chuck them on the hill tracks, it is no better place for them either.
  17. Perhaps you could give us an example of where you have been refused a job because of your postcode? Or an example of how you were refused a job because of your postcode? When you were not offered the job, did you ask why and they said "it is because of your postcode"?
  18. She probably won't speak with a Shetland accent or dialect. None of mine do. We moved up here when one was 1 yo and the other 3yo. They both have English accents because that is how we speak at home.
  19. Only if you buy your Mac direct from them. If you buy it from another third-party retailer, then you have to pay the cost of sending the item to the recognised mender. That is why I buy everything from Apple direct. They have to foot the bill then for getting it to and from the menders too.
  20. Thanks - I saw that and read You can get the bonnet open without the cable but as said above - a public forum prob not the best place for me to say how which is why I asked for pm's. Anyway still failing. Tried with molegrips and failed. Any other thoughts. Frances
  21. Tried that - there is no give in the bonnet at all. Fx
  22. Has anyone got that I could borrow for 1 day in August a large water boiling urn/container so that I can make tea/coffee for a large group of people at a time? It must have a tap and either gas or mains electric. Many thanks - donation to charity given. Will collect and return in pristine condition. Cheers Frances 01595 809 432
  23. Does anyone know how to release the bonnet of a Yaris without using the cable as it appears to be defunct. Is there some alternative method, apart from an angle grinder? If so, please pm me a method. Do not reply to this thread as it may be giving out information some should not have! Many thanks - appreciated.
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