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Everything posted by filskadacat

  1. What a nice piece. Can I say this without sounding fearfully patronising? - as a French teacher to trade, just like my late sainted / respected / feared aunt at the AEI - how very well put. Photographs are wonderful too!
  2. This is John Magnus Tait (2nd cousin to my cousin’s wife)’s website – he was one of the prominent contributors to the Shetlandic Yahoo group which closed down in July 2003 as the chap who was moderating it ran out of time. It was a marvellous list in which the discussions ranged from incredibly esoteric points of grammar and pronunciation varying from district to district to Cavy Johnson telling us about his latest book being published and discovering that half a century ago he was taught French by my late aunt. Some of those who contributed to that list must now be Shetlinkers surely?
  3. Volvo 5,3,4, no, 0. We have 2 - the S40 is 10 year old and the V70 is 9. I would just fine laek a new ane - that would do me! - but one son a student and the other still at school rather puts paid to that....
  4. I drove up to Aberdeen this afternoon arriving at 5.30 - gloomy and dreich and some drops of rain but no noticeable wind. Left again at 8 and it was a fine clear run south - definitely not a 'Bairns I widna laek ta be on da boat da nicht’ evening!
  5. That would probably explian why the line across the top of the page says 'This page was automatically translated from Portuguese.'
  6. Yea yea I hae een o' dem (Believe it or not) tü - dated September 1952 with a beige sugar paper cover, published by T and J Manson from the Shetland News office. It says on the last page that 'The old script for 'Sh' as shown below was mistaken for a 'Z'. Naethin aboot a sword though... Beside it in the bookcase is Rasmie's Smaa Murr published by JJ Haldane Burgess in 1916 and also claiming to have been printed by T and J Manson. The quote for today 21 Janniwary is 'Few believers kens what dey believe' - plus ça change for the AIAMG thread!
  7. I could do it for you, but I'm no wantin to tinker Thanks v much - will hope to get it right next time. Have to dash to take son back to Edin - much appreciated!
  8. Sorry haven't managed to make that quote look like a quote.
  9. If a piece by him comes on Radio Scotland in the mornng when I am on my way out the door I will be late - I won't miss listening to him even for the time it takes to set the alarm and get to the car!
  10. Keystroke Alt+0230 in Word will give you æ – or you can just look it up on the character map. I did that in a separate document though and then pasted it in here. You can tell I’m supposed to be getting through a load of work this afternoon while husband and son are out mending friend’s fence…and looking up etymologically-inclined old threads is a option since the work involves typing….
  11. Filskit cat looking very demure here - owes her name to character deriving from father who was wild in the byre with the kye and 'teenage' mother who lived in the farmhouse and had an adventure! Given Filska's propensity for biting anyone who claps her she is now generally referred to as the ASBO cat (as in, Anti-Social B****r Of a...). But she's a fine cat really. A peerie bit of Shetland down here!
  12. And that's exactly what they had when I were a lad. Are you sure they don't still? Actually they've gone all minimalist. Just checked a recent pile and they all say: [bLANK PAGE].
  13. Well yes, but that's to stop the panicking kiddiwinks putting their hands up every five minutes to tell the invigilator that they have a bit of their question paper missing.
  14. Prrrr - that's superb! Unfortunately, now you have kicked out the nasty people, I can no longer be '009-in-reverse Licence to Yowl!'
  15. They're twins - v clever arrangment whereby a boy and a lass arrive together thus providing instant family unit although lots of extra work. Sorry can't come up with sufficiently witty rejoinder involving non-male order which might not be misconstrued by cousins in question, who by now may have recognised cat!
  16. Thank you. Absolutely love the typo - are you the god or am I the goddess? Hope to be able to collect prize in the summer as there will be new bairns to see - two recently arrived and one due very shortly.
  17. Oh well hello then everyone - I have been lurking for months but had to wait till my son came home to help me resize the avatar. We bide sooth but Filska cam fae Sound ower 10 year ago. Do I get a prize for being member no 900?
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