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Everything posted by Ally

  1. http://www.haydur.com/life/ultimate_optical_illusion.gif Just focus on the middle part. Where did that green come from? I love crap like this ! Here's some more http://www.dailybubble.com/archives/disturbing-faces-illusion.jpg
  2. Was he no the pilot in Airwolf?
  3. Ally

    Pot Noodles

    And what an empty place the world would be if it didn't! Seriously though, I can just about cook and the aulds are a dab hand in the kitchen... It's just sheer laziness or circumstance that gives me the pot noodle "itch" - i.e When I'm hungover on Sunday at work. In our office we have several PCs, a kettle, a water cooler and a fork. I can only work with the tools I'm given!
  4. Too right - Has nobody else watched Whiskey Galore?
  5. Im on alluding on what Shetland News was alluding on Girls Alluding - great band!
  6. Ah, DeMascus - the old me would have behaved in such a fashion. I used to constantly judge people on their political beliefs, actively ignoring anyone who wasn't socialist, atheist and heavily into Nirvana! To be honest, life is too short to be ditching people because they read the wrong papers. Besides, I've "converted" a few of my previously politically unaware friends through friendly pub discussion rather than angry rhetoric, which serves only to isolate and often reinforce the ill-founded views these publications spout (i.e. the 'loony left' etc)
  7. I have thought about using my PC to make music, but have never got around to it. I've got a bog standard PC with 1gig of memory, XP and a fairly basic sound blaster style audio card. Is it possible to setup some sort of real-time recording affair with this configuration? I'm basically looking for something where I can have a click track and then proceed to layer vocals and guitars.. kinda like a virtual 4 track ... any ideas?
  8. Yep, most of these games bring back memories of wasted youth. As well as game play, the thing I always loved about certain games was the music, eps on the 16-bit machines (I was an Atari ST owner - the rivalry between it and the Amiga was akin to that of rangers Vs Celtic, albeit infinitely less cool!). My fave was Xennon II - with intro music by Bomb Da Bass! - it even had sampled speech, which at the time was amazing!
  9. True - It also had an ok Jukebox I reckon. Am I alone in my assertion that a decent (although I know it's a relative term) jukey can really make a place? The Wheel and the Thule both had malfunctioning ones last time I was up (with no refunds either) and I was gutted!
  10. The moral bankruptcy of the British tabloid press is something most intelligent people should aware of, although I do find it depressing when I see otherwise nice enough folk buying the Sun or the daily mail. I've got friends who buy the Sun and I have to bite my tongue when I witness it. Of course, they claim it's for the sport, though surely their back page coverage can't be all that good? I've a relative who buys both papers every day and, although he's a decent bloke, I can tell that some of his "political opinions" have been coloured by those hate-filled rags, especially his views on immigration, which are less than liberal!
  11. I'm afraid I kinda agree with you there Styles! It probably says more about me than "them", but I'm always rather suspicious of people in Scotland who don't drink, unless it's for religious or medical reasons I suppose. It's not a very charitable outlook I admit, but its prejudice I must confess to harbouring nonetheless!
  12. The systematic execution of over 6 million souls is such an utter aberration that it seems a little churlish (to say the least) to accuse the jews of playing the holocaust card!
  13. I agree JustMe, although I would add that, due to the insidious nature of bullying, it can be quite difficult to formally complain when there's no clear crime. IE, if a supervisor is frequently criticising work, allocating bad jobs, and generally behaving in a condescending and overtly critical fashion it can be quite difficult to pin them down for to a specific act of bullying.
  14. Can't mind the lyrics. I mind that scene being as sharn and cringeworthy as the rest of the movie though lol
  15. I'll miss the smell of the North Star. That weird kinda foostie/beer/bubblegum smell that was completely unique to the place. I'll also miss the constant repetition of the awful "put your hands up in the air, put your hands. up. in. the air!" song favored by the DJs. I'll miss the way that outside always looked so clear at closing time as I'd bumble out into the night 8O , usually with a smuggled alcopop under my jacket...real classy.
  16. Going back to Jade - while I find her annoying in the extreme for a variety of reasons (her stupidity, ignorance and volume being the main factors), I couldn't help but feel a wee mouse of pity gnawing away at the sides of my brain when I watched her actually witnessing her "best moments" on the show last night. She looked sort of lost and scared as the gravity of the situation slowly dawned on her. As for the rest of her coven, watching them scamper around trying desperately to save their own skins by crawling up to the practically angelic Shilpa was priceless
  17. Ally

    Pot Noodles

    Has anyone tried the "Bombay bad boy" pot noodle? It's akin to smearing mustard all over your tongue, then taking a blow torch to it, before extinguishing the flames with a pint of tabasco sauce. A tad on the warm side. The regular curry one is quite nice - had one for my lunch today. Not gonna make a habbit of it though... I haven't tried many of the others, although "nice 'n' spicy" is all right. One of my best mates used to practically live on a diet of Beef flavoured pot noodles, Vodka & coke, Quarn and Marlboro lights. I think he was in rather a bad place mentally at the time, coming to think of it!
  18. For what it's worth, I don't think she's particularly racist, just totally ignorant. Jaysus, why am I even talking about her? 'tis a mad world, right enough.
  19. This alone shows how stupid some people are. Some might even say this could be a racist comment ....... its certainnly more racist that anything said on big brother. Only if you're the kind of person that views the "PC" world as a minefield of potential faux pas, like some bad version of David Brent, rather than grasping the obvious (at least to me) definition of racism.
  20. Ally

    Smoking Ban....

    It's worked in that it has been effectively executed and adhered to. Personally I'm in two minds about it. From a purely selfish point of view, I miss not being inside a pub and having a tab, especially this Xmas when it was mainly freezing and peeing it down outside. Having said that, it is quite social sometimes when you go outside for a smoke. You often end up chatting away to complete strangers, bonding through a shared sense of camaraderie from having been forced outside. Most people prefer the new cleaner smelling pub atmosphere it would seem. They are, of course, wrong! The reek of fags in a pub was always part of their charm I always thought, although I'm clearly in a minority . As for the health benefits, most folk are now so completely brainwashed that they're convinced being within a mile radius of a smoker is tantamount to chewing anthrax, so I guess at least they can relax a bit more, now that they're not being "exposed" to us murderous and evil smokers!
  21. Ally

    Pot Noodles

    Christ, I'm really scrapping the barrel with this post, but nonetheless I shall plough on... So, Pot Noodles - they get slagged constantly for being cheap, trashy and having no nutritional value whatsoever. The culinary equivalent of Jade Goodie (albeit with a slightly higher IQ). Still, I don't care what they say - Pot Noodles are well tasty. So, Pot Noodles - Good or bad? You decide...
  22. I had no idea jade was "mixed race". Mixed species seems far more plausible...
  23. True, but I can't help but feel that the world would be a slightly better place if Jade and her simpering acolytes simply ceased to exist! I recently read that her old man was "A pimp turned heroin addict and thief, he was thrown out of the family home by his wife because he stashed guns under the cot"... I'm no psychologist, but I'm guessing that might have effected her just a wee bit... 8O
  24. Damn, I almost forgot Ulysses 31! I must admit, the sensational German version does have a certain manic quality to it... ("Ich bein NoNo...")
  25. Watch out bud, I've heard it's seriously addictive and can ruin your sex life...
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