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Parish League?


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The teams that play at the moment in the Parish cup are :






Southend Utd


Westside Utd





Of those only Westside Utd dont play in another competition or structure, though quite a few of their players play for Whitedale in the SFA structure, so it really isnt a starter is it , Sandwick Cunningsburgh and Southend Utds players play for Ness Utd who are committed to playing in the SFA setup, Burra, Unst and Yell are unhappy at the situation but they alone wont make a competitve parish league will they?

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Again this competition would perhaps need a revamp as it seems to have lost popularity and it would be a shame to see a traditional competition die out (although some ppl would probably strongly disagree!) I have a lot o friends that have played in the league in recent years and the message i get is that its a bit worthless now. Whoever seems to have the most players on the day between Sandwick and Southend will win a trophy often after getting a bye straight to a final! Poor Cunningsburgh have been whooped for years and it seems to me the (younger)players are getting fed up from all teams. If it was played in the right context where those players that didn't play for Ness Seniors or Juniors were the only ones that played then perhaps teams would be more even and results less predictable?

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I know this discussion was some what inspired by my comments on the AGM forum but I hope everyone realises I am not backing the creation of a Parish league.

I was really trying to point out that when the masses are not happy they inevitably come up with their own solution, rightly or wrongly.


Wheesht has a point regarding officials etc but he should not be fooled into thinking this will restrict the creation of other competitions. The SFA is an association made up of reps from the clubs, many of which are duplicated at the PC meetings and to think co-operation between the associations is anything less than a MUST is niave or bullish.

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I'm sorry if i caused offence, i know you weren't promoting the idea i just thought it was something worth further discussion :) But i think we've established that a Parish League or something else wouldn't appear to get enough support to form a breakaway. Although certain parties aren't happy with the new proposals i think most teams should look forward to next season and evaluate how successful the changes are at the end of it. You might be right Victorandjack that ppl don't come back in 2008 but lets hope its (one) step forward in trying to make football accessible for all those that want to play throughout Shetland! Perhaps this season will identify good and bad points for further re-organisation at lower levels.

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No offence taken Stoichkov.


I think your right and hope a sensible and realistic discussion can take place before next season. This season may well be worth a trial run and be informative for everyone.


What we don't need is individuals on the SFA forcing players and volunteers to enter into a long term commitment which their club cannot sustain. Equally any refernce from the SFA about clubs merging should not be discuused again, unless at the request of those meber clubs involved.


Back to the Parish Cup.


I am sure any suggestions will be listened to at the PC AGM and if the members vote for change it will happen. It is a democratic association and is not a dictatorship. I personally find the suggestion for including more teams interesting but their needs to be a strong will from these ares if it will ever be reality.

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Poor Cunningsburgh have been whooped for years and it seems to me the (younger)players are getting fed up from all teams. If it was played in the right context where those players that didn't play for Ness Seniors or Juniors were the only ones that played then perhaps teams would be more even and results less predictable?


You shouldnt feel sorry for Cunningsburgh if they didnt want to keep going and fielding a team then they wouldnt, as has been said on other topics in this forum you cant force folk to play, as for stopping both Ness Seniors and Juniors from playing in the league then there would be no teams, There was a move last year to stop A team players from playing this season but Sandwick and Southend would have struggled to field a team as most of the Ness Senior Squad were provided from those two teams.


There might have been scope to continue if older players that have stopped playing came back, along with younger players that may not be getting a regular game with Ness, but judging on the turnout at previous AGM's I'd very much doubt it.

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