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Everything posted by fusion

  1. where is the place then? never heard of it befour.
  2. i think you heard wrong, its all there and will be there for anyone that wants to show a 35mm film in the future. I think its a shame they could have got a couple of film weekends in while we starve ourselves on the missing movies, maybe thats the cunning plan?
  3. Whats odds does that make? Northlink was in Orkney and did that make any odds to the folk in Shetland? Not a dam thing! Remember how bad they were when they took over from P&O, I for one did not shed a tear when they lost the contract, if they come back they might get better boats for the Shetland route next time. I remember how they slagged off P&O food and service then made exactly the same, remember they werent going to open an office in Shetland untill we kicked up that we couldnt book without phoning some call centre. They came in big guns 'not were are here, then things all went wrong. How great the mighty fall. I dont think northlink did anything special than anyone else would have done if they wone the contract instead. For me going on P&O was boring as it was cafe, bar, bed! and northlink gave us Bar, cafe, bed! and if you wanted to watch a film on a wee tv it cost you, atleast P&O it was free! As long as the front line staf transfer under TUPE then it wont make any odds where the big boss it, as far as i was conserned he could have been in southhampton.
  4. I'm with you on that one - i never read them either! The usual 5- 8 pages of sport shows on how the facilitys here suport sport in shetland - its the proof its working! Get ready for the 5 pages of arts news after Mareel opens, we are 'lucky' if they can scrape 1 or even 2 pages now. I never read the sports pages, but im impressed so much goes on in such a small place.
  5. Thats a realy good reply, we forget that (apart from the BBC) all the local media here are private going conserns and what they put in their papers/news is entirly up to them. If we dont like it, stop getting it. The BBC is quite good, they will pick up stories and they have the Clear the Air bit, although I don't think they put out all the coments they get for that slot either. As long as they don't change the points your making in the letters and/or coments, then there is not a lot you can do about it.
  6. Looking better with the building works coming down this weekend. I hope it's not too long to go now, we are missing a lot of good films waiting for the cinema to open.
  7. If you scroll down this page you will see it http://www.simplonpc.co.uk/NorthCo2.html love that link of the old boats, they dont say when or where they got scraped, such a shame NorthLink ignored decads of tradition and dropped the saints names, perhaps the new ones will change the names of the boats??
  8. I think al lot of the points are maybe valid but planning permition has been granted now, so the horse has gone, so best to tey and get as much money out of them now. I don't think it will make much odds realy as most of the postcards are of the coast and not the middle of Shetland where the windmills are going to be. An example is the Beachgrove Garden in Aberdeen had a masive electric pilon in the middle, but for years they never showed it on the TV. From now we will just take photos with the windmills behind us. Exceffie ranting on, and on has truned most folk off. As i said somehere on here, i only get the first paragraph read then if its a windmill letter i never read the rest! If Shetland Times dont print it, send it to the Shetland News instead! Wonder if your letter was just a rant? they mightna print that kind??
  9. dont think most folk are that interested
  10. Dont think I've noticed much difrence bertween any of them, however wheather it was them or the difrent reporters i have noticed how some reports have a pro or negitive tone to storys wheather they agree or not, with the council, arts trust, charitable trusts etc etc. rather than report the facts and just the facts. i did notive a big difrence with the shetland life though, I started to buy it again when Tom took over.
  11. The thing with us in Shetland that we get too pationate about things, wheather pro or agenst, the outspoken ones are either way for it and spout off the extream benifits which some of are realy unbalivable and pipe dreams, or they are extream negative and compleat slag off everything no matter what it is. They never seems to be a middle ground. What this style of campaning does i think it switches off the silent majority of other folk. For example with the windmills i read all the letters in the paper,well i read every first paragraph and if it turns out to be a ve letter i never read the rest. Its the same folk arguing the toss about this or that and i'm so switched of now i couldna realy care now what happens. Which is a great shame. I would have liked the option to agree with the wind farm but not as big, i dont mind filling the lang kems, but i'd stay out of Nesting and Aith areas. The above can be said about the new cinema + everything else thats beeing packed into it. but with that compaine i think folk got realy personel and and sometimes nasty, realy slagged eachother off which i thought was very bad at the time. Be pationate about something but keep it sivel.
  12. been out and about the last couple of weeks to the country tea and have noticed a few houses now having panels on their roofs. Anyone got feedback on how the folk are getting on with them?
  13. Rowena is not at the Bruce Family Centre anymore think she is somewhere in Social Work Department now. Where-ever they have been moved to with the changing of offices thats going on just now. Childcare Partnership moved out a couple of years ago i think???? You could also phone the Care Commition too
  14. well i have been in these cabins the last 3 times i've been on the boat and although id not put money on it, id bet you they were the same size as any other cabin on the boat, they are just the same as the 2 berth outside with no tv and no window. I think if your travinling alown or with a partner then they are good enough, i take my own wee tv and plug it into their sockets! 'wala a premure cabin!'
  15. not in the website is they also have at least 4 2 berth inside cabins, I always get them as they are a cheaper way to get a 2 berth but not have to pay extra for the window
  16. P&O are being very quiet on the matter, i would have hoped as they realy are a ferry componey they would have wone it back, I was hopping it would have been them, I like P&O.... after they lost the last contract they made public what they were going to do and rumer at the time had it it was a lot better than what North Link have done
  17. You could say the same about the motorways in the south of England, or the trains all over the country and they are subsidied to the hilt what benifit do we get for train subsidies?? its all swings and roundabouts, you pay wir boats we pay your trains
  18. Thats if they take them, if they have 1.5 screen they cant show everything so id expect still to be a delay. out wee cinema will never compeet with a 7 screen cinema in aberdeen, plus they will be showing the art films too.
  19. that was the same with P&O too, i hope they keep it too, some people might change their mind depending on the weather conditions and how they cope with them
  20. the did for many years from i think the mid 80s the had the st clair every 2nd day and the suniva the other days which when to orkney too
  21. they could try all that carry on but we would just hide food/drink in our bags then sausage aff to our cabins and scoff it in there I already take my laptop and plug it into their tv point - saves taking a cabin with a TV and i used to take a travel kettel befour they gave us one as part of the price, i think tv should be standard like in a hotel costing £90 a room/night would charge
  22. I'm sure it will be in the Garrison if its not, its on every 2 weeks untill Mareel opens
  23. I'm delighted, they will build on the northlink ferry experence which can only be good for us, they built on P&O, the next lot will build on them. Northlink was too complacent and not developing the service, but just offering the same old same. I also think they came in too biggsy, how the mighty fall. I do hope they will change the boats names bk to St clair etc a shetland tradition northlink ignored. Get rig of the reclyning chairs for couchets, raise the passage prices and lower the cabin prices. Can we have free parking back in Aberdeen like we did before? AAAAnd if you use the tag 'now your crusing' can you please bace that on an actual cruse ship and not just the cost of a cruse? I'm more interested on getting the links to scotland/Uk developed than some folk getting to norway, thanks! if it was viable then a big white boat we have shairs in would be linking in with us now. So thanks particulary to the front line staff on Northlink, thank god for TUPE you will just move over like you did befour although i was realy hoping that P&O would get it.
  24. only got 3 leflets and noone at my door, its a no vote to them that dont bother
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