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Everything posted by DarkstarIII

  1. Oooh I can think of lots of reasons... i.e * Because the women would be more compliant as they then get to come to the UK... so will tow the line in order to stay here... * Because they want something different.... * Because they want a slave.. so they buy a wife so that she will be grateful and therefore his PROPERTY? *Because UK women CANT BE BOUGHT? Who knows... its each to their own as far as I can see... But you also have to think about the fat, ugly and one eyed.... And what about husband buying??????
  2. Aye I am getting a bit worried too... lol... theres too much pu'in the woo! and nibblin o nuts???? jeez.. its almost pornographic! 8O
  3. The new killswitch Engage album...
  4. That was fantastic, thanks for that, and really quick download too... funny in black and white.. reminds me of being at my grans watching her old black and white telly when I was peerie...
  5. Nah fish on a pizza is SO WRONG! 8O
  6. Hahahahaha they are all fantastic.. thanks for that you have made my day!
  7. 8O 8O and here was me thinking that shetland was a quiet and conservative place! jeez... my eyes are well and truly opened.. you will be telling us that there are prostitutes next!!! 8O 8O
  8. I dont have any spare time at the minute! but that is the joys of moving I guess....
  9. Aye heres a great joke! My feckin electric bill!!!! 8O 8O 8O
  10. Is the ferry usually busy at this time of year... just wondering incase I book to late and am stuck on the mainland for christmas that would be a disaster... 8O
  11. I like that one.. Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens! :tmbup;
  12. I have it too endless hours of fun.. the things that I have come out with on that .... when I hear all the trance and dance music.. its easy.. they probably use F.L6 too... I like doing ambient stuff.. it took me a while to find out how to work it.. but I am getting there... Its even more fun after a few drinks... the voices that are available... fun fun fun.....
  13. 8O this has got to be wan o the funniest threads on here.. hahahahaha... whit are ye all like?? Anyway.. I am keeping my teats well hidden...
  14. I guess the gay scene in shetland might be a little quiet.. I know my mate brian who stays in fife finds it so... must be worse here..
  15. Ahhhh its the rum tonight meharties... oh dear.... 8O has anyone else had the shetland rum experience???? you cant sort your head out in the morning.. its useless... there isnt a braincell that works...and if it does it works back to front! Ahhh the bliss.. 8O 8O 8O
  16. Sounds great.. I have an electric rock guitar.. which I play, but loved my synth... I wish I had my amp for it but I sold it a while back because I was giving up.. might get another one at some point... Have you ever used fruity loops???
  17. Here are some of my favourites.... Laughter rises out of tragedy, when you need it the most, and rewards you for your courage. - ERMA BOMBECK Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly; devils fall because of their gravity. - G.K CHESTERTON If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. - ANNE BRADSTREET English humor resembles the Loch Ness Monster in that both are famous but there is a strong suspicion that neither exists. Here the similarity ends: the Loch Ness Monster seems to be a gentle beast and harms no one; English humour is cruel. -- George Mikes (English Humour for Beginners, 1967) "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all...that is genius... A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty." - Ralph Waldo Emerson There's attraction...there's infatuation...& then there's "THE ONE." -Dr. Alexander Avila from his book "LoveTypes". The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance, and even our very existence depends on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to our lives. -Albert Einstein
  18. I was walking along the road... going to a friends house.. wearing nothing out of the ordinary, pair of jeans and a t-shirt.. and this guy who obviously had a new car kept looking at me... I tried to ignore him and kept walking but its like trying not to look at a car crash.. you cant help but glance every now and again... well... When I turned .... at that point.. I heard an almighty crunch... the guy had been that busy pervin at me, that he had driven right into a streetlamp and bent the front of his car in... well it was a good job that I was turning the corner... because I was IN BITS... I had to lean against the wall and I couldna breathe for laughing.. I know it sounds terrible.. and he was obviously unhurt because he wasnt driving that fast.. but talk about hilarious.. wonder how he explained that one away to the wife!!!!!
  19. What does everyone get up to in the evenings and weekends...???
  20. Cheers for that mate.. thats a great help.. it looks amazing... I shall be definately getting a full years membership for everything! Its about the best complex I have ever seen.. well worth the money... :tmbup;
  21. Yup I knew it.. I am going to love living in shetland... cant wait to get the bikini on and get in the pool... and the facilities sound excellent... my other half made it sound p**s poor to be honest... Interested in the actual gym tho... wonder what the equipment is like... Does anyone know how much it is for a years membership..... cause I think I will be spending a lot of time there!
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