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Deportation - Apparently A Debate Thread?? :?


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as fir CATS gaining fae ony left over money fae da "fighting fund", I widnaa lik it if it did, as every bit of fundraising dat goes on in shetland at da moment is fir dat. It's already pretty much looked efter.


Let someboady/something else benefit fae it, as opposed tae something dat's gonna get da money wi aa da fundraising being done fir it


But the CATS appeal has a target, once this is reached fundraiseing will stop. The money would help it reach this target and its somthing that has the potential to benifit all Shetlanders.


I would be less than delighted to see and surplus funding passed across to the CATS fundraising effort. Not because it is not a very worthwhile and valuable cause, it is, but for the following two reasons:


1) We allegedly have a National Health Service (aka H.M. Govt.), which virtually everyone pays towards on a daily basis. The NHS should be the ones who are putting their hands in their pockets for this, not us, we've already paid for it. IMHO the more often well meaning, but misguided people bale the Heath Service out of a hole by buying the equipment for them, that they themselves should be forced to buy, the more lax they will become at financing anything, and the more slipshod the service will be.


2) I may be wrong, an stand corrected if I am. However, I seem to recall part of the bumpf that accompanied the launch of the appeal stating the the Shetland Health Board had plans to purchase one in the foreseeable future anyway. If this is the case, why the all hanged rush to squeeze Shetland people twice/double just to get it that little sooner?!? IMHO the efforts going in to the fund raising should have been directed towards pressurising the puppet "Government" in Edinburry or the unspeakables in Westminster, whomever holds the NHS purse, to pay for what is needed, and what they are supposed to pay for, and do it now.


Loosely speaking, the money was raised for the appeal to fight the powers that be in perpetrating what was seen as a fundamentally unjust and unfair act. *If* a surplus exists after the fat lady has sung, let it go towards holding the powers that be accountable for something else that is seen as an unjust and unfair act by them, and not towards helping them evade their own responsibilities by buying equipment that they should be funding.

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Whit's CATS?


no da cat protection, surely??


Da money donatit wis fur Sakchai's 'immigration' case (which is no an immigration case at all, as da man is no an immigrant except ida moast nairrow legalistic sense)


As suggestit elsewhaur, my penny's wirt wid be fur ony surplus cash ta be used judicously on similar cases whaur fok at cam tae Yookay as peerie bairns, and did a single crime is facing deportation. E.g. Ernesto Leal.


Widna be entirely happy if my ££ wis spent on pussycats!



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as fir CATS gaining fae ony left over money fae da "fighting fund", I widnaa lik it if it did, as every bit of fundraising dat goes on in shetland at da moment is fir dat. It's already pretty much looked efter.


Let someboady/something else benefit fae it, as opposed tae something dat's gonna get da money wi aa da fundraising being done fir it


But the CATS appeal has a target, once this is reached fundraiseing will stop. The money would help it reach this target and its somthing that has the potential to benifit all Shetlanders.


I would be less than delighted to see and surplus funding passed across to the CATS fundraising effort. Not because it is not a very worthwhile and valuable cause, it is, but for the following two reasons:


1) We allegedly have a National Health Service (aka H.M. Govt.), which virtually everyone pays towards on a daily basis. The NHS should be the ones who are putting their hands in their pockets for this, not us, we've already paid for it. IMHO the more often well meaning, but misguided people bale the Heath Service out of a hole by buying the equipment for them, that they themselves should be forced to buy, the more lax they will become at financing anything, and the more slipshod the service will be.


2) I may be wrong, an stand corrected if I am. However, I seem to recall part of the bumpf that accompanied the launch of the appeal stating the the Shetland Health Board had plans to purchase one in the foreseeable future anyway. If this is the case, why the all hanged rush to squeeze Shetland people twice/double just to get it that little sooner?!? IMHO the efforts going in to the fund raising should have been directed towards pressurising the puppet "Government" in Edinburry or the unspeakables in Westminster, whomever holds the NHS purse, to pay for what is needed, and what they are supposed to pay for, and do it now.


Loosely speaking, the money was raised for the appeal to fight the powers that be in perpetrating what was seen as a fundamentally unjust and unfair act. *If* a surplus exists after the fat lady has sung, let it go towards holding the powers that be accountable for something else that is seen as an unjust and unfair act by them, and not towards helping them evade their own responsibilities by buying equipment that they should be funding.


good, and valid, points well made. Help those dat need tae be helped :)

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In my opinion the surplus money, if indeed there is a surplus, has to remain in the bank until any question of the Home Office launching an appeal has been settled.


After that I believe that any surplus should go to a similar fund for someone else fighting a Home Office decision (in Shetland or on another Scottish island might be good). Failing that perhaps a short opinion poll on Shetlink could decide on a beneficiary.


Agree totally that the fund should remain intact until the whole thing is absolutely settled. Does anyone know the length of time that will be? I assume any system of common justice would mean it cannot last forever .........


For an alternative use, I went looking for some info on the other 1000+ and found this homeoffice page:-




In summary it says:-


The numbers

Of the 1,013 cases identified, the figures break down as:


705 prisoners qualified for deportation - 46 have already been deported

239 of the prisoners in question are currently being detained

180 will not be deported

35 await further judgement, usually because the prisoner remains incarcerated

approximately 90 cases are still being assessed


Thank God Sakchai didn't make it 47 "already deported". But it makes you wonder how many more of the 46 were easy targets without anyone to help them.


Shouldn't the money be used to help others in a similar situation?

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Ghostrider wrote


1) We allegedly have a National Health Service (aka H.M. Govt.), which virtually everyone pays towards on a daily basis. The NHS should be the ones who are putting their hands in their pockets for this, not us, we've already paid for it. IMHO the more often well meaning, but misguided people bale the Heath Service out of a hole by buying the equipment for them, that they themselves should be forced to buy, the more lax they will become at financing anything, and the more slipshod the service will be.


How right you are.......not wanting to say anything against the CATS fund raising effort I believe that the scanner is a piece of kit that is required in Shetland and that NHS Shetland should have taken a begging bowl to the government if they could not afford to buy the equipment.


There is a place for fund raisers in the NHS and that is to buy things that will make patients stay in hospital more pleasant......books, televisions etc.

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In my opinion the surplus money, if indeed there is a surplus, has to remain in the bank until any question of the Home Office launching an appeal has been settled.


After that I believe that any surplus should go to a similar fund for someone else fighting a Home Office decision (in Shetland or on another Scottish island might be good). Failing that perhaps a short opinion poll on Shetlink could decide on a beneficiary.


Agree totally that the fund should remain intact until the whole thing is absolutely settled. Does anyone know the length of time that will be? I assume any system of common justice would mean it cannot last forever .........


Shouldn't the money be used to help others in a similar situation?


YES, DEFINATELY. Also da peerie bit a transient politeecal capital acquired.


Fifi - thanks fur da link (I kent it wisna miaow type pussycats, really!).

RE CATS - agree wi da person at said we already pey protection money - er - I mean - 'taxes' ta da "government" fur da NHS.

Derick a happy taxpeyer.

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by giving ony money left ower fae da "fighting fund" tae sumwan in a similar situation, whit better way o showing dat it wisna a case of fighting fir sakchai jist cause he wis a mate, work colleague, sumwan fae shetland, or whitever, but dat it wis da injustice o da actions taeing against him by da "powers dat be" in da 1st place and dat it winna be tolerated, no maiter whaa it is

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Tak intae account da wirds o Joe Irvine dis week


My great concern is that there are others perhaps in similar positions who finished up in their country of origin without really knowing what is happening to them.


"Sakchai was taken and within three days he could have been out of the country. That is really frightening. You can't put blame on the people who are simply carrying out orders. The whole system seems wrong.


"Sakchai had huge support from the local community as well as the backing of the Shetland Recreational Trust, but it is frightening that this can happen."


dis is a fight dat needs tae continue

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