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Everything posted by Capeesh

  1. ^^^Or it could be full of mechanics making a fortune re-aligning wheels and fixing knackered suspensions...kerching £££££.Sweeping generalisations are fun aren't they?
  2. Car wrecking speed bumps are an abomination! Why take a perfectly good smooth road and ruin it by sticking suspension busting, back breaking humps on it? Surely a 20MPH speed limit, a couple of speed cameras or even a police presence now and again would have the same traffic slowing effect. If I wanted to enjoy off roading thrills I would've bought a 4X4 and went on a hill somewhere, I didn't expect to need one going to the street for a jolly. The funny thing is, if you're sitting in a 4x4, van, bus, truck or even a slightly wider car you can sail over those horrible square bumps without even touching them, the rest of us aren't as fortunate.
  3. ^^^ In 2016 before the import ban China bought around two thirds of the worlds plastic waste, a few more sea hours than a trip from Lerwick to mainland Scotland or mainland Europe for that matter. Sweden has to import waste to keep their revolutionary recycling plants going, can we not try and emulate the Swedes, save the world and increase local employment at the same time? Seems logical to me. Recycling our crap is giving local people jobs, it's actually feeding a few of our neighbours families. Hooray for recycling!!!
  4. ^^^ There's not a country in the world that says incineration is recycling, (even when it's converted into usable energy), Trying to imply that it's only Holyrood and the SIC that says so is a bit far fetched. Waste to energy incineration is definitely better than landfill, at least we get something useful out of it, but most developed countries try and take out the reusable materials first.
  5. So, we're second from the top of the table for least waste going in to landfill, but apparently we're also high on the league table for not 'recycling'. A rather curious anomaly that..... We don't landfill it, but we don't recycle it, so what do we do with it. Oh, yeah. We 'recycle' it in to used heat, but Holyrood doesn't have a box to tick for that scenario. So, instead of creating a box and ticking it, we have to change our 'recycling' method from one that makes sense and does work for our circumstances, to a complete waste of time and resources so that we can tick one of the 'recycle' boxes they do have, regardless if it consumes a considerable additional un-necessary amount of non-renewable resources to achieve. Holyrood 'one-size-fits-all' - 1. Island proofing & common sense - 0. Burning waste in an incinerator isn't classed as recycling even though it produces energy. It's got nothing to do with Holyrood box ticking.Some experts say the increased use of market-driven incinerators that constantly need to be fed have a negative effect on the amount of waste getting recycled.
  6. Just noticed the pound tank even further as Theresa May gave another speech regarding Brexit. Looks like our incompetent Tory overlords are taking us to the edge of the cliff with a whip with their "Hard or no-deal Brexit". The Tory party doners who deal in currency speculation are making an absolute fortune, they can easily pay the rising cost of champagne. Unfortunately for those of us who aren't multi millionaire Tory party donors, we have to tighten our belts or do without even the basic necessities (depending on incomes) as our weekly shopping bills keep going up and up and up.
  7. I like the yoal design, better value for money and more identifiable with Shetland, the other ones could be anywhere in the world and I would be none the wiser to what it was meant to represent without reading a description. I agree with those who believe the NHS should allocate part of it's budget to encourage and promote healthy living. I'm sure I read somewhere about how our leisure facilities have saved the NHS money. My guess is it's a bit like owning a car, keep it well maintained and you'll spend less on garage bills.
  8. Just read this and thought there must be some kind of mistake.After reading so many negative opinions on Shetlink regarding the SNP Scottish government you would've thought they had some kind of vendetta against us here in Shetland. Yet here they are investing tax payers money into decommissioning in Shetland, furthering our chances of winning business while angering SNP voting Dundee who have had no such help and have relied solely on private money to try and win decommissioning business. SNP voting Dundee (near the central belt) are up in arms, accusing the Scottish government of creating an uneven playing field, unfairly helping us here in Shetland almost like whatever the opposite of centralisation is. Could this be yet another example of "what have the Romans ever done for us"?...copyright Monty Python
  9. @ suffererof1crankymofo Whatever floats your boat. I personally see it as a positive thing, I hope that (on our behalf) the many superb groups, organisations and even interested individuals in Shetland participate.
  10. @suffererof1crankymofo The document in the link provided by peeriebryan says it hopes to achieve this by... • Making sure people have a say in the type of culture that’s available in their communities. • Promoting different types of culture. • Creating partnerships between culture organisations, businesses and people. "Recognised by whom?" I'm assuming they mean that it's important for the people developing the culture plan to recognise that a one size fits all culture is not what their aim is, hence making it one of their 3 aims
  11. One of the 3 aims of the Scottish government's culture plan is... Quote... "To make sure each community is recognised as having its own culture and sense of identity." Blows the predictable tinfoil hat brigade theories mentioned above out of the water.
  12. ^^Sorry to hear that SB, hope you catch a break.
  13. Are you sure buying is out of the question? I wish I'd bought years before I actually did. The beauty of buying is that if things do go pear shaped you can always sell it again and you'll be no worse off than you are now. (Disclaimer..as long as house prices don't nosedive and the property sells.) The cost of borrowing is very low at the moment, (Disclaimer 2..you should probably factor in a possible/probable increase in interest rates.) I did a very rough and quick 2 minute google check to see what kind of monthly repayments you'd have assuming you've no mortgage deposit (Disclaimer 3...I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination) 1 bed flat in St Olaf street, price in the region of £97,000 (I think "in the region of" means you can offer less and maybe get lucky, a cheeky £90,000 offer might secure you never know) So... £80,000 mortgage over 25 years = £330 per month £10,000 personal loan over 5 years (for deposit) = £179 per month Total £509 per month. Once personal loan's paid off as long as interest rates don't shoot up monthly costs will decrease. Obviously there's other costs...home insurance, solicitor fee, furnishings, council tax, electricity, etc As Tooney1 says, there's people who can advise and secure good deals for a fee.
  14. ^^ This vid gives an small insight into the complexities facing the UK if we leave the single market and end up having to trade under WTO rules. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/video/other/james-obrien-speaks-to-an-expert-on-trading-under-wto-rules/vi-BBL1Tia
  15. Anybody selling any warehouses cheap?
  16. @mucklejoannie The SNP have been consistent, they want to remain members of the single market (like the majority of the people they represent), trade would carry on as normal as long as we remain in it. It's only the Tory UK government and Labour opposition who propose to commit economical hari-kari and create a situation where having to stockpile food, medicine and blood becomes a real possibility by crashing out of the biggest and richest frictionless trading bloc in the world and not being properly prepared for it. The UK government could respect the result of the referendum, leave the EU and still keep membership of the single market like Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein but it's looking increasingly unlikely to happen.
  17. Capeesh

    United Kingdom

    As the song goes "...we're playing for England, En-ger-land..." In footballing terms the UK only exists as rival neighbouring nations who have a long history of playing against each other, there is no single UK team. There's two teams in Liverpool, do you think Everton fans support Liverpool when they're not involved in European competition their rivals are involved in? or Man U and Man C? or Rangers and Celtic? etc etc... Rivalry is the life blood of football. This is why, although there are exceptions, the vast majority couldn't care less how their neighbouring country and rivals do in competitions and it's not unusual for them to wish failure on eachother, it's just part of the game. We are still talking about football aren't we?
  18. Capeesh

    United Kingdom

    Funny this, after seeing TV cameras and journalists asking Scots and Welsh in cringeworthy voxpop street polls if they were supporting their neighbours and long time football rivals England in the World cup, I've not seen one single Englishman asked if they'll be supporting their neighbours France in the final after getting knocked out and not having a stake in the outcome themselves. Very strange. One of life's little mysteries I suppose.
  19. In the spirit of balance, having travelled extensively around the country can I suggest that relative to the rest of the UK we enjoy a very high level of service from our council be it roads, leisure facilities, care for our elderly and disabled, schools, nurseries, libraries, museums etc etc thats just of the top of my head, if we got together like that Monty Python sketch and did a "what did the Romans ever do for us" type thing we could probably come up with a dozen more.
  20. Capeesh

    United Kingdom

    I love the faux outrage when people try and paint non English people from the UK who don't support England as anti English. When England were 5-0 up against Panama the English crowd were singing "Are you Scotland in disguise?" Did I feel offended? nope, It's banter, our English cousins are perfectly welcome to mock the shortcomings of our national team. Equally, the Welsh, Scots and Northern Irish shouldn't feel any guilt about wanting them to get beat if they so wish. That's football.
  21. Stirring up hatred on the grounds of: Race, Religion or Sexual Orientation is Illegal. I'm no lawyer but that looks like the line in the sand where freedom of expression and the right to protest ends.
  22. Good question, I didn't know who he was until I googled him, now I've found out he's the founder of the English Defence League! I genuinely know racists who think they're way over the top.
  23. Every territory in every part of the world has a history of shifting borders, different colonial masters, signed and broken treaties, wars, revolutions etc etc. You could probably go to any patch of land in the world and claim the legitimate government is illegitimate because of x y and z.
  24. Is there anybody in the Sumburgh area with an empty field and a mini bus willing to start a park and ride? £1 a day sounds reasonable
  25. If it was me I would drive right out of Aberdeen, miss the traffic and head for a supermarket breakfast in Banchory, google says the Morrisons in Banchory has a cafe.
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