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Hi Sherlock, Girls and Boys,

Nice opener. I instantly warmed to you right there.

I am at your service:

Dave Allison

[i have no truck with anonymity unlike ....]

Good for you. Your name's all over your web site so it'd be tough luck if you did :roll: You're on a forum where 99% of people don't use their real names. If that gives you the warm jollies then so be it. The Freeman movement obviously has problems with an individuals right to anonymity :roll: :roll:

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QUOTE:"The Freeman movement obviously has problems with an individuals right to anonymity"


The Freeman movement hs NO problems with an individuals right to anonymity. I have NO problem with it, but I am a FREEMAN.

I speak what I know in my heart is Truth.


Lawyers and Policemen are LIARS. They may tell you things,

e.g. "You must give your name...."


I give my name to NO man unless I wish.

I enter into Contract, [give my name] to NO one, unless I wish.


The other day I was stopped by two Policemen.

Report at:



I said nothing to these men who had on masonic style hats,

black uniforms, ........they are only human beings and have NO authority over me and I did not Contract with them.


From my site:


There is NOTHING between ME and my Creator, God or Nature.


Every Freeman is independant of all laws, except those prescribed by God or Nature or Physics.

A Freeman is NOT bound by any Contracts, Laws or Institutions formed by his fellow humans, except with the consent of the Freeman.



YOU PAY TAXES ~ Slaves pay Taxes.


Ask youself these simple questions:



Why pay Council Tax?

Have you read the Finance Act 1992 ?


Why pay Income Tax?

Have you read the Income Tax Act 2007 ?


I believe you pay because someone comes along in a masonic hat or a wig, not because you believe you should pay.

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You made a jibe which I took to be at the expense of Sherlock not posting under their real name while you were. So you obviously do have issues with peoples right to anonymity (and SHOUTING too).


I'm outta here before I get told I'm a SLAVE and NOT FREE!


C'ya! :wink:

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Every Freeman is independant of all laws, except those prescribed by God or Nature or Physics.

A Freeman is NOT bound by any Contracts, Laws or Institutions formed by his fellow humans, except with the consent of the Freeman.


i will assume that you are a native of the UK. as such you are a subject to H.M the Queen. As such you are subject to all the laws that were and will be enacted on her behalf. By claiming that you are not a subject does not change the fact that you are.

If you are so sure that you want to be free from British law i would recommend you join with our captain calamity and live on forvick were you would be free.

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If you drive, then next time, weave your car from side to side in front of a police vehicle.


'A'HA' Look everybody, it's the corruption inherent in the system:


Incitement -

incitement is an anticipatory common law offence and is the act of persuading, encouraging, instigating, pressuring, or threatening so as to cause another to commit a crime.



Entrapment -

Entrapment is the act of a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense which the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit.



Book him Dano :wink:

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I have no truck with anonymity


I have no truck.

Bring me the head of a Rothschild or Rockefeller and I'll be impressed.

Noiseing up the local cops wont do much but have then going to work in a mood with Joe public (although I'm sure our Sherlock is above such things) Even if you manage civil unrest on a hugh scale, we'll only get martial law on our ass.


Things have come too far now anyway, just look after yourself, your friends and family, while pop eats itself.



Oh, and don't forget to duck.

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Ah, the ever effervescent Master K. Sir, I shall take your post in the tongue in cheek manner in which I am sure it was intended. Else I shall ask you to look up "mens rea". If I do not believe the act is likely to be carried out, then there is no criminal intent. Without criminal intent, the crime is not complete. Any exceptions are statutory, or refer to culpable and reckless conduct, where mine is neither.


And on that note, having now been baselessly slandered as a powermongering, thieving, lying, Masonic whore, I shall bid this thread adieu, and good luck to all participants.


However, Master Free, I shall continue to arrest thieves, drug dealers, rapists, thuggish husbands, abusers of children and all their tawdry ilk, despite your apparent, and somewhat astounding, exhortations not to. I bid you well in your Freemen Utopia (no women allowed?).


I remain, as always,


Your humble servant.

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And on that note, having now been baselessly slandered as a powermongering, thieving, lying, Masonic whore, I shall bid this thread adieu, and good luck to all participants.


However, Master Free, I shall continue to arrest thieves, drug dealers, rapists, thuggish husbands, abusers of children and all their tawdry ilk, despite your apparent, and somewhat astounding, exhortations not to. I bid you well in your Freemen Utopia (no women allowed?).


I remain, as always,


Your humble servant.


Sherlock, I never meant You.

Just the Police and Courts and Lawyers, Judges as the Collective.

Also I never mentioned whore. I dont expect there are any on Shetland.


But Sherlock, you do recall all men are innocent until proven guilty by your 'Laws'.


Freemen Utopia (including women (especially charming intelligent women))


I think Sherlock has seen that the bits of paper which contain his power are indefensible, his power based on a fiction.




Legal maxim: He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default.


GOVERNMENT is a fiction.

STATUTE LAW is a fiction.

RELIGION is a fiction.

BANKING is a fiction.

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I shall ask you to look up "mens rea"




I phoned the Israeli Hard Rock group; "Mens rea" but they say they are both unable and unwilling to try and get foreign police force members arrested on trumped up charges.


Frankly I feel betrayed by the whole system. :evil:

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GOVERNMENT is a fiction.

STATUTE LAW is a fiction.

RELIGION is a fiction.

BANKING is a fiction.


While remaining very firmly affixed to the fence on this subject, I can't help but wonder scotfree, what is it that is utopian or desirable about your dissemination of this idea that all Scottish law is wrong?

Are you attempting to invoke a Declaration of Arbroath II (The sequel) with the addition of articles beyond freedom, sovereignty and service to the people with a new order of "I'll do what I want, say what I want, and the law shan't stop me undr any circumstances!" Does it not sound like a potentially scary place when my local neds have been empowered to smash up my car, steal the stereo and then refuse to do so much as give their names, because they are "Freemen" and shall remain so. Especially after the, seemingly illegitimate, government agencies have collapsed from underfunding via Income Tax, Council Tax etc and we have no unified national law enforcement agency, nor emergency services.


Not that I'm supporting our national laws per se. The law is often an ass. I speak from the fence, as I said, but I am curious.


Is this an attempt to provoke the authorities to reinforce our existing laws to ensure our "public safety", by the sacrifice of further freedoms? 42 days detainment for refusing to provide a name, anyone?


I just don't get it. Unless of course this is a Forvikian style challenge, to test the fortitude of our whole legal system, with no consideration nor detailed proposal of what that outcome will be? A bit like the stereotypically male penchant for disassembling ones favourite radio to see how it all works, then realising that disassembly is the easy bit and the reconstruction is not so.


Whom does this legal grail serve Mr Allison? :wink:



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Master Free,


Do not mistake my taking leave of you as some recognition of your veracity and a lack of faith in my beliefs. Far from it. I simply see no point in arguing endlessly with a person who has already confessed to being intransigent and obtuse.


As to the "whore" allegation, I made no such claim in regards to you, sir. There has been another involved (and it would seem, heavily influenced by Messrs Icke, Gerrish, and your good self) in this debate.


It is, however, nice to see you admit to pigeonholing and labelling collectives as stereotypes. I rather thought that was what we, the Police, were always accused of by our opponents. It rather reminds me of the "All (insert group here) are bad. Do away with them and the world will be a better place" type of mentality fostered by neo-messianic - one could even say crypto-fascistic - individuals via the more toxic and arcane corners of the instant communication medium that is the Internet.


If you take the time to read my posts, you shall see that I treat all men fairly and impartially, regardless of their views, origins, creed or colour. I humbly and respectfully suggest you do likewise.


I bid you luck with the world and your place in it, sir. I hope you are not too disappointed with it.


I see pieces of paper all day, however none of these have yet informed me that my powers as a Police Officer - duly conferred upon me by society, via their (once again, for your benefit) democratically elected representatives - do not exist. If you see such a paper, which has at least some form of validity or modicum of origin in sanity and rationality (rather than neo-masonic plots), feel free to send it to me, via Lerwick Police Station. (Masonic hats? Sir, surely you can find a more accurate description? The caps worn by current Officers were adapted from surplus army stock following the First World War. Are the Army also, now, a neo-masonic front for a New World Order consipracy? I always thought that was the U.N.?? :roll:


I am not a practicing Freemason, however through enquiry and research, I have a fairly detailed knowledge of certain of their history, practices, clothing and symbology. I know of no such masonic hat as you describe, which is black, bears a black and white chequered band, a flat top on which a helicopter could land, and a patent leather peak (a bishop's mitre bears more resemblance to that of which you speak, and yet its origins are not masonic either).


As to your "legal maxim", it must also be an Americanism, as I am distinctly unfamiliar with it.


"Do nothing which is of no use.".


"Strategy is different from other things in that if you mistake the Way, even a little, you will become bewildered and fall into bad ways."


“People in this world look at things mistakenly, and think that what they do not understand must be the void. This is not the true void. It is bewilderment...â€


"Never draffle a drexnix when you can quangle a quarg", I always say.


I, too, can play the quote game. Just because something has been said by a "famous" person, does not make it any more true than if 'twere said by a gentleman of the road. I would have thought that you, of all folk, would understand that. (That is not an invitation to spark off a flurry of such posts, however kudos shall go to the person who identifies the origin of the above).


I retire from this discussion, not because I am wrong and you are right, but because you refuse to respect the views of others, or even to attempt to recognise that another's views may be worthy of consideration.


I wish you well, sir, and remain, as always,


Your humble servant.


post script


Master Njugle,


I am sorry to disappoint. I rather fear that I am all too human, and - after many years of public service (or thievery, perjury, intimidation and bullying to some!!) - find that I easily tire of the conspiracy theorists, or those who hurl invective, piffle and tosh over reasoned and intelligent, informed debate and discussion.


I joined Shetlink and began posting in an effort to better inform some of those amongst you, who appeared to bear ill will or misconceptions as to the workings and requirements of my profession (often perceived as a closed shop), not to argue back and fore. I am, I assure you, a perfectly reasonable chap, never happier than when sat before a fire in my finest smoking jacket, with a fine and informative tome, whilst enjoying a pipeful of Barrats finest Sherbet (the true seven per cent solution!). I do not clamour for this particular fray, nor does argument hold attraction for me. It is another form of combat altogether that claims me, where my quarry and I may face one another across a table and hold forth at length in a battle of words and wills, till one or 'tother of us is proven the better person. Rest assured, sir, that - should I have recourse to do so - I shall re-enter the fray in future. But not when "Heroes" is coming on. :wink:


And, should you ever require to borrow my handcrafted John Lobb Burlingtons, you need only ask. I am sure they shall be in good hands, sir. Or feet?


One and all, please feel free to PM me, should you wish to do so and you have any reasonable questions with which I may assist. I am, after all, a consulting detective. :wink:


I may not always post, however I am, more often than not, always around (sometimes where one might least expect).


Your humble servant. :)

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I have joined this Forum and read the Terms and Conditions of joining and agreed to adhere to them.


I was never asked if I wish to be a member of "Scotland" or the "UK"

now I have returned my passort and broadcast that I am a Free Sovereign Individualist


Sovereignty is the exclusive right to control a government, a country, a people, or oneself. A Sovereign is the supreme lawmaking authority.



I have googled Forvikian - I think I saw the website of the island which is now a sovergein country.

[do you have a link?]


"Whom does this legal grail serve Mr Allison?"



God has given me inalienable rights to life, libery and the pursuit of happiness.

If you wish to pay taxes which fund genocide, invasion, murder,

that is your choise.

Have you read the Tax "Laws" AND the Nuremberg Principles?




Hi again Sherlock,


"It is, however, nice to see you admit to pigeonholing and labelling collectives as stereotypes."


Thank you Sherlock, I am an individualist not a member of any collective, except such as this

Forum and other collectives I contract with willingly.


I am not a member of your "Society" [see Margaret Thatcher]


"If you take the time to read my posts, you shall see that I treat all men fairly and impartially, regardless of their views, origins, creed or colour. I humbly and respectfully suggest you do likewise. "




"I see pieces of paper all day,..........."


Put a match to paper and its so much hot air.

If you believe in a piece of paper has power over me just because it is signed by the Government or Collective, you believe fiction.


"I know of no such masonic hat ....."


The policemans hat has the Black and White cheked squares of the Masons floor.

'All Square'



""Never draffle a drexnix when you can quangle a quarg", I always say. "

I am always saying that. No truthfully I have never said that but will say it in future at the drop of a hat.


I wish you well, sir, and remain, as always,

FREEMAN Dave Allison

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I have joined this Forum and read the Terms and Conditions of joining and agreed to adhere to them.


I was never asked if I wish to be a member of "Scotland" or the "UK"

now I have returned my passort and broadcast that I am a Free Sovereign Individualist


Sovereignty is the exclusive right to control a government, a country, a people, or oneself. A Sovereign is the supreme lawmaking authority.



I have googled Forvikian - I think I saw the website of the island which is now a sovergein country.

[do you have a link?]


"Whom does this legal grail serve Mr Allison?"



God has given me inalienable rights to life, libery and the pursuit of happiness.

If you wish to pay taxes which fund genocide, invasion, murder,

that is your choise.

Have you read the Tax "Laws" AND the Nuremberg Principles?




Hi again Sherlock,


"It is, however, nice to see you admit to pigeonholing and labelling collectives as stereotypes."


Thank you Sherlock, I am an individualist not a member of any collective, except such as this

Forum and other collectives I contract with willingly.


I am not a member of your "Society" [see Margaret Thatcher]


"If you take the time to read my posts, you shall see that I treat all men fairly and impartially, regardless of their views, origins, creed or colour. I humbly and respectfully suggest you do likewise. "




"I see pieces of paper all day,..........."


Put a match to paper and its so much hot air.

If you believe in a piece of paper has power over me just because it is signed by the Government or Collective, you believe fiction.


"I know of no such masonic hat ....."


The policemans hat has the Black and White cheked squares of the Masons floor.

'All Square'



""Never draffle a drexnix when you can quangle a quarg", I always say. "

I am always saying that. No truthfully I have never said that but will say it in future at the drop of a hat.


I wish you well, sir, and remain, as always,

FREEMAN Dave Allison

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