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Everything posted by dtothet

  1. As far as I can tell from looking over the last couple months, renting a house/flat in Lerwick has shot up in price over the last couple of years. Is this because there is such a shortage of houses and huge demand? Or is there a better time of year where there's more flats available?
  2. a wise man once said to me "Beer has food value, but food doesn't have beer value." So a can before going to sleep is always good
  3. dtothet

    post crime

    http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=%22shifty%20looking%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi#start=0&imgtype=face&tbo=1 this should help
  4. 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. a thats a lot of A's
  5. i don't think there is paintball anymore..
  6. I don't get why there needs to be theories for this show. So far it's playing out almost like 24, with regular good guys and bad guys, and it seems like terrorists planned it all. For some reason. The only questions I have are 1. Why would terrorists think this is a good idea. Sure it kills loads of people, but noones claimed for doing it so they don't really get much benefit. 2. Are the flashforwards destined to happen or is anyone going to be able to change them? This will make a big difference to the whole feel of the show 3. How will they do a second season? Same again?
  7. I read his email sent to all council workers asking them to read the articles n shetland news and, to be honest, it makes me lose any respect i had for him. Mostly because it's annoying and he needs to quit while he's behind
  8. eating is cheating anyway
  9. I can understand not watching TV because it's generally sharn, but no books or movies? That must suck.
  10. Actually that's a very good point. I actually laughed when I realised howstupid it was for me to miss that But still, I find the current headline to be inaccurate, regardless of bias/spin
  11. what annoyed me about the paper was the headline saying "Majority opposed to windfarm and less than a third in favour". Surely 48% isn't a majority? In my opinion the headline should say "Majority in favour of or undecided about the windfarm" but I guess whilst that would be more technically accurate (in my mind) it wouldn't have the same headline effect
  12. You know what I hate about drinking in pubs (pubs mind you, not clubs). I'm gonna say it because I know you've all been thinking it. Black people music. It's just not pub music.
  13. The Grand has an amazing jukebox if that's any consolation.
  14. mine are usually exactly like a long film. a complex plot builds up with bad guys that all comes to a head, usually with some sort of chase, and then i beat the bad guys. then i go make a sandwich (usually ham), sit down to eat it and watch friends for an hour.
  15. i do believe theres one in the wheel bar just now, though it might be a tennents tin. i forget because im usually drunk when i see it
  16. look no further: http://lolmagni.com
  17. I'm actually intrigued by this idea/technology. Whoever thought it up must be way outside of the box.
  18. it was cool in star trek then they had that omni drive forklift driving around near the beginning, probably because it looks so 'futuristic'
  19. this is all stuart hills fault
  20. dtothet


    i did consider the classifieds but don't really haev time to wait. i snooped around c+j's and wasn't too interested so i think ill hit tinternet
  21. dtothet


    is there anywhere in shetland where tents can be bought?
  22. Ah that's okay then. To be honest, it is a little funny.
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