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Everything posted by Pleepsie

  1. erm.. "permissible" ...easily done - isn't it
  2. 1 Ice cap , 2 groups of scientists and two wildly differing measurements. Could we be going to see claims that we are entering another ice age plastered over the papers in the near future?
  3. If you are going to try and write 'Shetland' at least make an effort to get your grammer right
  4. ^^^ Apart from drawing strange looks from the neighbours with this 'tip' and looking like a fool, I thought the general idea was to repel the midges, not lure them to your shiny, greasy self - still each to their own
  5. ^^^ If you can't do the time - don't do the crime.
  6. It doesn't have to be roses - a supermarket bunch would do just as well, its the (romantic) thought that counts.
  7. I would suggest that a bunch of flowers might make a relationship last a lot longer than a tin opener - no matter how good a tin opener it might be! Perhaps it is the tin opener gift itself that sounds the death knell to your relationships. A household item should never be given as a gift...ever!
  8. Pleepsie


    Wow - a real treat for any nosy parker. Anyone with a bit of time on their hands can spy on their friends and colleagues with their employers blessing!
  9. I have always thought that 'Skirl' meant a shrill laugh.
  10. What amazes me is that in the picture of the really messy computer station... there is a comb in front of the monitor - as if the person was really fussy over their appearance
  11. ^^^^ My point being that there will be no money if we do not pay our taxes.
  12. I am intrigued to know how these wonderful 'free to all' NHS and Social Security services are to be funded, especially if we all follow your advice and stop paying taxes?
  13. ScotFree wrote You are, of course, quite at liberty to leave these Isles if you find it so repugnant to live here. Or, if you wish to stay you could become a 'traveller' and wander round the country year in - year out and not have to pay a brass farthing to anyone. As Medziotojas said you would still be dependant on the tax payers generosity if you had need of medical help. Perhaps the truth is that you don't realy want a true free life, you only want to cherry pick the best bits ie. not paying for anything, but still want the house, electricity, running hot water.....internet access!
  14. Just felt like writing something worthwhile.
  15. ... or perhaps they write in block capitals to ensure legible reading of their handwriting. In that situation the easiest thing to do would be to ensure you don't talk in capital letters
  16. As far as I am concerned, the BBC provides a very good service without the intrusion of adverts. I also pay for Sky TV ( a lot more than the BBC licence fee) and endure a lot of adverts - sometimes only minutes after a programme starts. If you have had the misfortune to watch local TV in other countries, you would then appreciate the BBC for the quality and diversity of programmes it offers. The BBC is the envy of many countries - and rightly so. When I am in country where English is not spoken at all I am very grateful to be able to access the BBC World News and also for the World Service on Radio. The world service is something the British Public gives freely to oppressed and free nations everywhere, and contrary to what some people say it does offer an unbiased account of world news, which in some countries is the only true account of events that people receive.
  17. Another offering from the pens of 'The Peoples United Community' and only 18 months old! Breaking News indeed! Perhaps you can find a credible scource for this story?
  18. Well that's alright then...just so long as its watched with contempt
  19. If you read all of my post it says at the end that it is in reply to JAStewart.
  20. I must assume you DO watch the BBC as you seem to be very knowledgeable about the content of the news programmes.
  21. ^^^ Not true. You can have a tv in your house for watching dvd's and for games consoles and not need a licence. You only need a licence if you watch 'live' tv. Even if there is an ariel in the room as long as it is not connected to the TV you do not need a licence. Edited to say my post was in reply to JAStewart.
  22. ^^^ What a load of rubbish that site is. after ploughing through a lot of garbage I came to this: I then clicked on the link to 'non payers' and found that there are 5 people who are non payers and 2 who are 'intending' non payment. I don't think I would regard 5 people as 'many' but more as a 'few oddballs' I suppose the site did give me a laugh. But worryingly the writers seem to believe their own propaganda. I think I will continue to fund the 'evil and corrupt' BBC, and enjoy watching programmes without a single advert in them.
  23. I doubt that the boy can argue that he didnt know what he was doing or what the outcome would be. Sex Education is part of Key Stage 3 and is taught from 11 years of age. Just because the boy does not show outward signs of puberty does not mean that his emotional developement is also that of a young child. As any parent can tell you the emotional state of the brain is far ahead of the body in early teens.
  24. The News that it is okay to eat eggs till they come out of your ears brought to mind the Gullivars Travels story of which way to 'top' your breaky egg. In the book : Blefuscudians break theirs, in the original style, at the big end. But, by royal edict, the Lilliputians must break their eggs at the little end. I confess to being a little end.
  25. The BBC are almost as bad, they have 'Superheroes' showing on a Saturday morning. Each week one kid is kicked out of the contest, the misery and heartbreak are plain to see upon their little faces as they wait to find out who leaves, and most weeks tears flow. This type of programme is really mean
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