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Everything posted by Styumpie

  1. yep, lets hope if the lib dems get in they stay true to their word.. somehow I cant see it happening.
  2. http://www.voterpower.org.uk/ It really is a waste of hydrocarbons driving to the voting station.
  3. (Shetland News) http://www.shetland-news.co.uk/2010/April/news/A%20triumph%20for%20the%20community.htm Everyone has a price.
  4. Getting rid of that 118b millstone would nearly deal with the deficit, we are gluttons for punishment.
  5. Peak oil beginning to go mainstream http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/apr/11/peak-oil-production-supply Considering were flat broke and going to need a booming world economy for the next 15 years so we can lick our wounds back to health, perfect storm?
  6. I'd like to know how they plan to tackle the staggering debt Labour has managed to pile on us, still no party has even come close to elaborating on this elephant in the room. Main stream press now seems to want to mention it: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/election-2010-debt--a-conspiracy-of-silence-1941257.html
  7. Someone told me there are over 600 registered heroin addicts in the isles? this cant be true surely? That would be 1 in every 38 people
  8. I said SNP but as a tactical vote, purely to set the ball rolling to shake things up regarding our own status and allegiances. But I now think Labour may be the best bet for the UK as a whole, again another tactical vote, if they win again, I think the UK will probably descend into utter chaos and hit absolute rock bottom, bankruptcy and complete meltdown which is really whats needed to purge this rotten system of governance. But as another poster said above, in the end it really makes no difference if I vote or not, lib-dems will disastrously get the Shetland vote again, so might as well not waste the fuel driving to the voting station.
  9. This sums up the SIC http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/3769/contstructionworkerswebv.jpg
  10. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=nederdale+lerwick+shetland&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=22.646847,46.977539&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Nederdale,+Lerwick,+Shetland,+Shetland+Islands+ZE1,+United+Kingdom&layer=c&cbll=60.144664,-1.165932&panoid=pN2qWBOP2uMHoWl8ywKGkQ&cbp=12,328.77,,2,3.5&ll=60.144792,-1.166455&spn=0.000684,0.004823&z=18
  11. Using council vehicles more efficiently, and switching off a few street lights will help, but its a bit like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
  12. The surreal thing is, this is real, its too depressing for most to even think about and most blank it out, its going to happen within the next 10-20 years. In the end, we will live sustainably with this planet, by definition there is no other way, that means a cut in population to a level that can be sustained, After the population maxis out when we hit the food/energy/water celing in the next few years, and starvation sets in, the population will decline at various rates over the next 100 years until we reach a long term balance. What ever way this cake is sliced, its not going to be pretty.
  13. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/economics/article7031896.ece As predicted, economic bloodbath imminent, drastic cuts in public spending, pensions and non-jobs for the next 10+ years.
  14. Either we will have a peak oil event or we wont, there is lots of evidence on both sides, time has the answer. I think that abiotic oil is possible, will it be able to provide us indefinitely with cheap oil, no one knows 100%, I cant see it myself, time will tell. Rona thinks the world is awash with oil, I agree with that, but the oil we seem to be peaking on is the easy to get light crude with a good EROEI that lets us live like we currently do. Will they find another Ghawar? probably not. None of us know.
  15. There is no point in arguing about this, time will reveal the truth, in 10 years time we will know if peak oil was real if the price has gone to the moon, place your bets please.
  16. Being optimistic I would say 3, but to be more realistic 4. Oil didnt spike to $150 dollars a barrel for no reason.
  17. I think the most of the cash gets swallowed up into the administration/management black hole, Follow the money. Likewise the rest of the public service here in the isles.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpZWmm4uXwQ (***Mod Edit - Please try and use the Youtube tags when posting Youtube vids. Thanks. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/whatever[/youtube]***)
  19. Excellent news, a kick in the teeth to the talentless artificial karaoke queens. xfactor = load of mindless drivel.
  20. http://www.youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsF_2CNV9v4&start1=3&video2=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06CvUjLgK5g&start2=0
  21. Looks as if we might be in for the mother of all cold snaps! white xmas anyone? http://www.accuweather.com/video-on-demand.asp?video=55253314001&channel=VBLOG_BASTARDI&title=Dec.%2015-25:%20You%27re%20Freezing%20if%20You%27re%20in%20Europe
  22. Very good points by Mr Farage here. Democracy is no more.
  23. Good article that, peak oil is the real elephant in the room here, forget recessions etc, this underpins it all.
  24. Iran joining the EU? I want nothing to do with the EU, let alone Iran. Iran is not even geographically part of Europe. An argument for Europe cropped up earlier in the thread, which was that an all powerful EU will stop blood being spilt, I was merely pointing out a flaw in this argument. I fail to see how its my fault the thread has as you put it, gone off topic
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