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Everything posted by JustMe

  1. Do not recall either of them answering the point that if there is a Yes vote in September then there is nothing to stop the electricity companies deciding not to buy energy from Scotland. And I heard nothing about the comparative costs of offshore wind farms compared with building them onshore in Shetland. Nor was there any mention that with improving technology for tidal energy that could be the way forward. Not saying I am against Viking Energy but the issues I have mentioned need to be considered. Just for myself I would also like to hear a bit more about alternative types of aero generator. This http://www.global-greenhouse-warming.com/maglev-wind-generator.html comes to mind.
  2. If I was ever called for jury service I would dread having to decide in a rape case. Having to decide which of two people was telling the truth while bearing in mind that one might be an accomplished actor/actress and the other might be one of those unfortunate people who act guilty when accused of anything.
  3. As this link http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Man-faces-jail-dog-faces-destruction-boy-16/story-21310958-detail/story.html shows it is not only large dogs that can cause problems. In fact I have met a couple of small dogs that seemed to me to be dangerous.
  4. I suspect Petrofac might be wondering the same thing now.
  5. Are the tourists visiting Lerwick or some kind of Disney view of Lerwick?. Majority head out from the landing point on expensive coach tours anyway. For the rest there is a good museum, the Fort (when will "they" get the bottom gate open again), the Lanes, the Knab, Clickimin Broch and, for those with Shetland links the Family History Society. They can hop on local buses to go over to Scalloway, buy something good to take home from the limited number of shops selling Shetland goods (Puffin Poo anyone?) and so on. The Lerwick and Shetland they get is the same that is here the rest of the year which I think is as it should be. We are a destination not a tourist attraction. Would be interesting to hear how many cruise passengers just stay on board anyway since for some the cruise is the holiday rather than visiting various destinations. And how many go on the coach tour then straight back to the ship.
  6. Of course having a meeting in Lerwick at 7pm excludes lots of country dwellers without their own transport. People like me that is.
  7. Pity you posted this at 08.37 and the last bus from here left at 08.20.
  8. The members should not have to ask for this to be done and of course plenty of the less committed members have already voted with their feet (or their car tyres) and gone to the much better car park at Tesco.
  9. Yes I had the same problem when I used to turn the router off at night. Dropped connections all the time. Leave it on all the time and connections are much better. Not perfect but better. Have checked the power supply for the router and that is cold while the router gets warm but stays the same after an hour or a week or a month.
  10. Oh well Colin, I guess in this case you can write "Maybe" on your ballot paper. I know it would count as a "spoilt paper" but it would be good to know what people have put on them. As for a duty to vote it is a legal requirement in some countries. Personally I reckon that those who do not vote should not moan about whatever the outcome of the election or indeed referendum is.
  11. My point is that the SIC plans to takes kids away from home compulsorily and I think this is wrong.
  12. There is another side to this. Elements within the SIC are proposing to make it compulsory for kids from Whalsay and the North Isles to be removed from their homes at an age to be decided simply because they are lucky enough to live on an island. From the kids point of view this might feel like punishment and the parents might well think that they have a choice of moving home or losing their kids. Yes I know it happens in Fair Isle and Foula but here the council are saying the kids move from their school in their own area allegedly for a better education but also allegedly to cut the education budget.
  13. Whose agenda?. It is all right for elected councillors to have an agenda especially in those councils where party politics are the basis of the elections but councillors are meant to set the agenda and officials to carry out the councillors wishes. Well as long as those wishes are legal. And every time council officials mention school closures they tell us how much will be saved!. Since that is not meant to be any part of the decision making process for closing schools why do they mention it?.
  14. Time also for the Chief Executive to be told to make the council efficient.......and hope that if he tries then there will be no pressing reasons found for him to depart. Yes I know I am talking about people's jobs but surely this is as good as time as any to trim the admin side of the council down to size.
  15. Yep.......that last bit happened just now when I sent the message. Had to refresh the page to see that it had been posted.
  16. Had the same problem but also found that clicking on the link to a new message took me to the top of the right page but then it kept refreshing itself so I could not scroll down to the latest message. Win 8.1 64bit and latest firefox. Another odd thing.........when I posted things they were posted but still looked as though I still had to post the message.
  17. Electronic dog repellents may work. One such described below
  18. Would that apply to non functioning Pelican crossings such as the majority of those in Lerwick. At a guess if the crossing is marked as not in use the probably not.
  19. Found the document after much searching and tried using this link http://www.shetland.gov.uk/coins/viewSelectedDocument.asp?c=e%97%9Dc%94q%7F%8F on another browser and it worked.
  20. Or there is the simple answer which is that people expecting to be out when the lights are turned off (after midnight?) carry a torch.
  21. This http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-27654888 rather highlights the dangers of uncontrolled dogs. That said most dogs do not attack anyone and they do provide great companionship for their owners. Maybe we not only need to bring back the licence but make it specific to one dog per licence and have some way to enforce licensing.
  22. Tesco do sell a good range of branded products at good prices although God alone knows what sort of discounts they screw from their suppliers. But most supermarket meat is not that good. Worked at one years ago and even with a staff discount card for the supermarket I still used to get my meat at the Globe. But both supermarkets in Lerwick offer a much better selection of fresh fruit and veg than the country shops although mine is getting better.
  23. I have a different worry about the delivery service and indeed the click and collect service. If the "personal shoppers" are picking the goods overnight will actual customers going to the shop the next day find bare shelves at least until the trailers arrive off the north boat?.
  24. Usual speeds (or can I call them slows?) with me on the Gutcher exchange. Ping 62 whatever pings record in, download around 2.4meg and upload 0.4.
  25. Another mini power cut tonight. Needed to start the computer again and I suspect the router may play up for a couple of days. Plusnet tell me I should leave it switched on all the time which is difficult when the Hydro keep cutting the power supply. Radio needs resetting as well and of course if I was foolish enough to think that I could watch TV then I could well have missed some vital moment in whatever I was watching. No wind, no rain, no thunder and lightning so why has my power been cut?. With an electric shower unit I am getting afraid to have a shower in case I end up all covered in soap when the power goes off again. And why should I pay for a UPS for the computer and the costs of running it just because SSE cannot maintain a local power grid?. Got better things to spend my money on. Complaint to SSE/Tavish/Alastair coming up.
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