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Viking Wind Farm Questionnaire

Lewis McArthur

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I am a sixth year student at Inverness Royal Academy. I am currently studying the Advanced Higher Geography Course. As part of the course, I have to undertake a study of a Geographical Issue which is affecting a community in Scotland. For my study, I have chosen to research the possible impacts of the Viking Energy windfarm on the people and environment of Shetland.

It would be great if some of you could take some time to complete my questionnaire as it would really help me with my project. I realise that you may be busy but if you could do this for me it would be greatly appreciated! Please keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers and your honest opinion would be great. Thank you!




Shetland Wind Farm Questionnaire


1. Are you in favour of the Viking wind farm being constructed in Shetland?


a) Yes B) No c) Not Sure



2. What, in your opinion, is the worst impact the planned wind farm will have on Shetland?

a) Visual impact

B) Noise pollution

c) Unreliability of energy source

d) Risk to wildlife

e) Not sure



3. “Wind farms are essential to help us meet our current and future energy needs.†Do you agree with this statement? If not, why?


a) Yes B) No c) Not Sure



4. Do you believe that meeting our current and future energy needs are more important than any negative factors created by wind turbines?

a) Yes B) No c) Not Sure



5. On balance, do you believe that the economic benefits of the Viking wind farm proposal outweigh the perceived environmental disadvantages?

a) Yes B) No c) Not Sure



6. Would you support a smaller wind farm development (less than 50 turbines)?


a) Yes B) No c) Not Sure



7. In your opinion, should alternative renewable energy sources such as wave power and solar energy be fully utilised before any additional wind farms are built in Shetland?


a) Yes B) No c) Not Sure



What is your gender:


a) Male B) Female



Age group:


a) 25 or under B) 25-44 c) 45-64 d) 65+


Do you have any additional comments?

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1. B

2. Other

3. B The power they produce is so limited and unreliable that it is simply not possible for them to be 'essential'. They can only ever be additional to core power production.

4. B Of course not. If we accept that meeting energy needs are more important than 'any negative factors' then why build wind turbines? If meeting energy needs overrides all negative factors then a whole fleet of coal fired power stations would be much more appropriate. If a wind farm supporter answers yes to this then I am exceedingly confused. Developments must be looked at on a case by case basis, whether you support them in principle or not.

5. B

6. C

7. C


Male, age group B


Do you have any additional comments?

Yes, one question regarding this questionnaire: Why are we only asked to justify negative answers? Surely positive answers should require justification too. This discrepancy will give your questionnaire an automatic bias against opponents as it suggests our point of view requires justification while support does not.

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1. B.


2. A, if I must pick only one, but B,C & D all come a very close second.


3. B.


4. B.


5. B. The economic benefits are wholly theoretical at this stage, and may never materialise. Counting chickens etc....


6. C. Would depend entirely on the specifics of each individual plan.


7. C. All renewable energy sources such should be researched and the most productive least damaging option(s) utilised. Seems to me a windfarm is being foisted upon us simply because that technology is slightly more advanced than the others, rather than it being the best all round solution.


What is your gender: A.


Age group: C.

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