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Budget 2010

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... I have no problems with people who genuinely need the subsidy to live, like disabled people, people with real debilitating illness, or from a genuine lack of employment, but a large percentage who are on benefits are on them because they can not be ar$ed to get their fat backside away from the sofa for more than 5 mins at a time.

Proove this you (***Mod Edit - Baby talk removed***)


Prove to me that the majority of those on benefits are scamming the state! Go on, give me proof of this.



Or get down own your knees and beg forgiveness from every single person who has ever had a day off work because they were ill. And thank the Lord that those same rules that protected those people are protecting YOU!


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yep, straight to the level of juvenile name calling :lol:


I didnt say they were scamming the state, what they are doing is perfectly fine under the current lax system, unfortunately people who are genuine, who are unfit for work who would give anything to be back at work get tarred with the same brush, the fault lies with system as it currently stands, expect this new lot to tighten things up a bit, there will be plenty of squealing to come from the lefties no doubt.


"Or get down own your knees and beg forgiveness from every single person who has ever had a day off work because they were ill. And thank the Lord that those same rules that protected those people are protecting"


I'm sorry but thats unfathomable. I'm talking about the work shy, not those who are genuinely immobilised due to illness.

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Guest Anonymous
... I have no problems with people who genuinely need the subsidy to live, like disabled people, people with real debilitating illness, or from a genuine lack of employment, but a large percentage who are on benefits are on them because they can not be ar$ed to get their fat backside away from the sofa for more than 5 mins at a time.

Proove this you (***Mod Edit - Baby talk removed***)


Prove to me that the majority of those on benefits are scamming the state! Go on, give me proof of this.



Or get down own your knees and beg forgiveness from every single person who has ever had a day off work because they were ill. And thank the Lord that those same rules that protected those people are protecting YOU!


Admin - Terms & Conditions[/url]"]1. You agree, through your use of the Shetlink website, that you will not submit (or hyperlink to) any material or use language which is defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, inciting of violence, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or in violation of ANY UK law. Personal attacks, inflammatory language, harassment, impersonation, trolling and sockpuppeting (multiple user accounts), or multi-account use (two or more individuals using same account) will not be tolerated.


yep, straight to the level of juvenile name calling :lol:


I didnt say they were scamming the state, what they are doing is perfectly fine under the current lax system, unfortunately people who are genuine, who are unfit for work who would give anything to be back at work get tarred with the same brush, the fault lies with system as it currently stands, expect this new lot to tighten things up a bit, there will be plenty of squealing to come from the lefties no doubt.


"Or get down own your knees and beg forgiveness from every single person who has ever had a day off work because they were ill. And thank the Lord that those same rules that protected those people are protecting"


I'm sorry but thats unfathomable. I'm talking about the work shy, not those who are genuinely immobilised due to illness.


in the same context i cant say i hope you should try out some ailment to see what its like , but i'm very positively sure theres quite a few with prolapsed discs n arthritis in the spine who would dearly love some of your ability. If you n i could swap places then you could take a turn at being flung off the sick while waiting for spinal bone fusion , so had dee jaas time

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^^ Is this going slightly off thread and going more into a specific issue of people claiming benefits, etc.?


I know people on benefits, some of whom are genuine claimants and more than entitled to what they receive. On the other hand, I know a guy with coeliac disease, previously a landscape garden chap, who is more than capable of being able to afford to have the £45 a month Sky package, walk back the pub every other night yelling aka singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles", also capable of doing the occasional day cash in hand as a labourer on a building site but, SHOCK HORROR - he isn't fit for work and is on benefits.


This guy does annoy me because my sister too has coeliac disease but went onto develop Crohns but still manages to work part-time.


I also had a friend on the phone in the last few days, living in Suffolk, not happy that as she works in the NHS and earns £40k a year plus her husband works part-time, 2 kids, she thought it rather unfair that with a mortgage of approximately £550 a month that they would lose their working tax credits but was grateful still to receive the child tax benefit element of it.


WHAT? For crying out loud peeps, there are some genuine people who should most definitely be in receipt of state benefits but someone capable of the odd day tax-free work should not. Nor, I hasten to add, should somebody on over £40k a year be in receipt of working tax credits just because they have kids. She reckoned that they should scrap child benefit for all those earning over £65k a year.


It is the same old story - the genuine lose out but the bone idle (And there are some in major towns who have no intention whatsoever of working) seem to get away with it. As for those on over £40k receiving tax credits - well ... :cry:

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Guest Anonymous

unlinkedstudent thankfully brought things back on topic now that the worlds problems have been quite completely designated the poors making , and now back to my point that whether or not its their own doing , they exist and why hit them proportionately harder as the farkers that are keeping them poor ? p.s. some of the so called workshy are actually folk who dont fit wi anybody n i can think of a few i am quite happy to pay for keeping them home oot under my feet, by means of taxation. What really defies me is how fat cats and the wonderfull bankers n big business leaders etc are totally off the other end of the scale n nothing is ever said about that. Will "dog eat dog" eventually end up worse as the victorian society this country is heading back to ?

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^^ I'm not saying that the bankers are not at fault. Whether we like it or not, we live in a world driven by capitalism in many countries.


People borrowed beyond their means, the banks were greedy.


There has been quite a lot said in the media recently worldwide about the conduct of the banks. My own bank is now mainly owned by the Government and thankfully, the bank charges have dropped significantly - is this a step in the right direction?


Whilst I have not personally witnessed workshy peeps on benefits within Shetland unfortunately I have elsewhere within the UK.


Budgets never please every individual and there are always people who lose out. Should GB really have carried on getting more into debt and end up the same way as Greece?

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yet we are still wanting to spend 100+ billion on nuclar weapons that will no be used. then we have the two massive aircraft carriers, now why should the poor suffer worse than the rich who seem to always come out smelling of roses. they are the people who supported the banking system. lets see some big tax increases on those who earn/recieve a 100k a year.

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Budgets never please every individual and there are always people who lose out. Should GB really have carried on getting more into debt and end up the same way as Greece?


Absolutely not, but following the budget, and given the tories policies in general, thats exactly what will happen.


We need investment and relaxation of taxation to rebuild the economy long term, cuts balance the books short term but ultimately lead to disaster. Then again, we all know that because we're just seeing a repeat of what happened the last time they were in power. Lets hope the country realises the huge mistake it's made sooner rather than later and get Labour back in to fix things. Again.

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I also think that the goverment should make it more appealing to go to work and make an effort. There seems to be quite a lot of debate about this but here are a few facts. I was far better off when I was a single parent on income support than I am now, living with my partner. I had income support, milk tokens, housing benefit, council tax benefit, free school meals, clothing grant and could do any open university courses completely free. My current partner moved in with me when I was pregnant with my last child and it all stopped. Money is much tighter. I do work part time and this does help, but depends how often I get work. Also, my son has an apprenticeship for which he gets paid £3 an hour (they actually charge £40 an hour for the service!). My brother who is 18 months older than him is a heroin addict and at one point he was getting over £200 a week. That isn't including housing benefit. My mother who is diabetic, has arthiritis and back problems which mean she cannot walk for more than a couple of minutes at a time was turned down for the same kind of benefits. I see many heroin addicts walking like mad all over the town and also picking welks on the beach. I also work in a pub and many of these people are in there every week. I can hardly ever afford to do that. I think a lot of money could be saved if certain individuals were made to do something instead of being given anything. Some PC people might say it doesn't happen, but it most certainly does. A drug dealer gets out of jail and hey presto, he gets a 2 bedroomed house right opposite a school. And they say crime doesn't pay!

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Guest Anonymous

^^^ its likely another uproar but i think major cuts could be made on alkies n druggies for thier own good , boot camp it out of them , but thats likely just me. Serious cuts could be made in having wars and bein the yanks puppets. Serious cuts could also be made on the billions handed out in tax relief to the top , but na na na , just keep on squeezing the few percent at the bottom. Plus overhauling the system that pays couples to break up ,if not for any better reason than it seems to be where numbers of unruly teen agers come from that also cost the country millions

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Guest Anonymous

the last tory government had so many folk leaving the uk it created a skills gap , very clever. If they can fix my bones am likely to clear out too

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If only.. but as i aluded to in my previous post, there is precious little chance of that. the Tories want everyone on benifits. They always did and always will.


The system is definitely broken though. fleebea already mentioned how many couples "split up" because it can make the difference between a comfortable life and being on, or below, the breadline. I'm sure we all know several cases like that, if you don't you must have a very small social circle!


It's not just couples either, I know several friends/family and even a couple of fellow co-workers who gave up working because they simply couldn't afford it. In fact, in one case, the person was made redundant, then offered his job back with a noteable rise, but turned it down as he had found out he was upwards of £90 per week better off not working.


Another single parent worked until her daughter was 7, by which time it was costing her money to work everyday, so had to give up and swallow her pride for the good of her both of them, and though financially they are now sound, I see how devastating it is to someone to be forced to "sell out" like that.


I just can't get my head around the logic that so called "income support" level is set so much lower than the "dole" level (or whatever its called), forgive my ignorance on such details.

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lets see some big tax increases on those who earn/recieve a 100k a year.


why? in my experience the few who make 100k and over, which i believe makes up about 5% have made or have to make sacrifices elsewhere,

presumably you are someone who doesnt have the ambition or ability to ever fall in this category so its easy to group them similarly and demand penalties on thier earnings.

what perhaps you forget is these 5% are often justified in thier earnings by education and specialty of thier trade, hardship in what they do or where they work and more often than not businessmen who have and continue to work long and hard, and with personal and financial resposibilities all day every day, far beyond your 9 to 5.

so why tax them more, they should be encouraged not penalised for what they earn.

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