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Teenagers in Shetland


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^^^ Yeah, what he said. It is often easier to lump them all together as 'Yoof' but there are as many bad elements in their social grouping as there are in any other. Give them some space, give them some responsibility for themselves and *if* they fail, help them. *If* they break the law, punish them, but at least give them the chance to screw up before condemning them as a generation.

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I was recently on the bus with a couple of young children I mind plus my own 5 year old while there was a gang of teen lads behind us. There was the usual banter goin on that you would expect from teenage boys and the language was getting quite colourful but all it took was me turning around and saying to them "lads there are wee ones on the bus, can ye watch yer tongues" in a manner that wasn't condescending and they all apologised and they did refrain from swearing for the rest of the journey. Same way in the park I came across older ones twisting the swing up but got them to twist it back down so the wee ones could use it, pointing out it was a bit of a pointless exercise in the first place. They again apologised and left.

The fact that no one seems to say anything to them means that sometimes they are not aware of their actions and peer pressure takes over, it's easy to complain about groups of teens but if you havent done anythin pro-active about the situation your complaining about then how are they supposed to know?

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.... stand under the canopy reeking others out with their underage smoking, and they seem to take no notice of the fact....smoking is banned/restricted. They are also constantly swearing, shouting....


I'll shutup, the above describes far too closely the "me" of 30 years ago.... :?

yep, me too , am gee'n up shoutin cos i hae a few missin teeth lol, most o them maybe better as we were

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weel the teenagers of lerwick may not have any where to hang about, but they dont have to stand there like herds of sheep....


i have tryed spiking to a few of them but u just gt laughed at and taken the micky owt of... they stand there and sneer at people who look a tiny bit different.... they stand there and smoke and shout and scream.. they are not just there on saturdays it is every week day to.... i respect the idea that they want to be around their friends on a saturday but crowding around the bus shelter for the hole day cant be that fun... it is just annoying to some people and i think that they should be removed.... they could at least find somewhere else to hang around...when i was a teenager which was a few years ago i must admit, then me and my friends hung around together but we didnt hang around a bus shelter we hung around at the pier and at the isleburgh center ..... i understand they want to have fun, but they have to respect other peoples thought s and i keen not all of them smoke and shout and scream but most do... and to be honest they are intimadating!!!

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i am sick of going into lerwick on the saturday and the viiking bus station is mobbed by the teenagers of lerwick and other places...


Hmm....Does the CCTV extend as far as cover the Viking :?:


If it doesn't could this be an early example of "moving it round the corner".


Folk were always whining off and on about teens playing the fool of the street for a while, if they've been effectively "moved on" by one thing and anther, the Viking is the next logical pew.


Us, we just cluttered up Don Leslie's window sills and the pavement in front of them, every dinner time, and after school, and most of the evening, and Saturdays, and even some Sundays....unless the ones some religious sing-song was going on at the Cross.


Some of us smoked, one or two may have even had a little to drink once in a while. Yup, we were shouting sharn at each other now and then. Yup, folk some times had to walk out in the road to get round us, and dirty looks were directed as a result....


I am trying to have some sympathy here, but in all honesty if its just the Viking that's the problem, I'm struggling. It was always taken over by teens of a Friday evening and Saturday even back then, and unless they've started mugging folk, I'm not seeing how the present lot is any worse than any previous lot, us, and probably many who went before us, included.

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As for the teens in Lerwick hanging about the bus station.

So what?

They are young with nowhere else to go.

Give them a break.

Were you never young once?

When I was a teenager in the eighties - gosh I am getting old!!

We hung about the local bus station but had the added extra of being linked to a warm shopping mall.

Which was a bonus on cold days.

We looked threatening to all that walked by. With our brightly coloured hair and piercings etc..

But we were the first to help an old lady carry her shopping to the bus and give a mother a helping hand with her pram.

Give the kids a break..

Concerning the bus station at 5pm on a Saturday night..

If everyone has a problem with the kids hanging about.

Logic solution to the Council..

Instead of the buses all going at the same time..

Space them out between 1700-1730 and you wouldn't get such a build up of people going for buses at the same time.

Common sense!!


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I find people with attitudes that make sweeping generalizations of important groups in society using flimsy hearsay as an excuse, both intimadating and annoying and I think that they should be removed.


Your old road is rapidly agin'.

Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand

for the times they are a-changin'.

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