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Everything posted by Wheelsup

  1. There is no such thing as cheap prices if you are giving your money to a foreign company, who are avoiding taxes. It means those of us who pay taxes are subsidising cheap purchases.
  2. Yes i believe the Camera Shop does sell a lot online as well. https://www.thecameracentre.net/shop/
  3. Better to be out with mates having a laugh than sitting in someone’s house drinking. At least they are out in the open and any nonsense isn’t swept under the carpet.
  4. Maybe that’s just shops supplied by SIC. They had already bought them before the stopped issuing them for free.
  5. There is/was a scheme where a youth club got paid (some of the Miserati’s money) for cleaning up a beach. Not exactly sure who paid, but would have the amenity trust or council. The kids used the money to subsidise a sports trip
  6. Perhaps the council should raise a separate tax to pay for re-cycling rubbish collection etc. That way they could ring fence the amount required to provide skips and collection , so that budget cuts elsewhere wouldn’t be an issue.
  7. I suppose that's what happens if you promote people out of jobs they can't do.
  8. While there some council managers who don't really have any management ability, only some irrelevant qualification, and this should be addressed. We could probably all name one. However I found that most people who think we don't need managers have no comprehension what managers actually do.
  9. You are either stirring it or had some bad experiences. Perhaps gender re-alignment would give you a way out.
  10. I respect your views and they will probably be lot of men out there who have similar views and experiences. But things have had to change. It has taken years, but women are now allowed to be on the front line and work down the mines etc. My mother and now my daughter worked/work in jobs that are as dangerous as any other, and could be equally argued that very few men choose to follow their careers. I couldn't. We are slowly moving in the right direction, and yes equality does cut both ways.
  11. Yes! never listened to this kind of music before. Quite interesting although I sometimes hear things afterwards.
  12. This could have been quite an interesting post, ruined by someone who seems to like trying to get people to agree with them even when they are really just rambling on. The tailgating thing is definite nuisance. There are people who speed up right behind you and follow with no intention of ever overtaking. They even stop behind the bus, which is dropping off passengers and wait until it moves off, although there's an open road ahead. People should either stay back leaving room for car to safely overtake them or overtake themselves. Most times its hardly worthwhile overtaking so I tend to leave plenty of distance. I've signalled and pulled over a few times only for the car behind me to stop as well. wtf
  13. That's what happens when you use your real photos as avatars
  14. They don't run Shetland, they run after it.
  15. They did away with the Lerwick residency some time ago. Currently I believe its 5 years a Shetland resident that counts.
  16. to end your account a) sign out of Shetlink don't sign in again
  17. Maggie Thatcher is so last century. Surely more recent Prime Ministers should hold some responsibility for not fixing things.
  18. I guess the SNP will have budgeted for us all getting new passports anyway. How much are they going to cost? And who will be making them?
  19. What’s the pc term for Ramadan or Yom Kippur?
  20. This is going to be a tricky one. If people feel they are in danger of paying more tax than in England, then anyone supporting this budget might find themselves punished at the next election.
  21. Wheelsup


    Just to be pedantic Flybe have at least had one flight in on a proving flight, for oil industry, but not as a commercial flight as you correctly state. All the people who whinged about not having a jet service have not given them a chance to make it work. Remember when everyone was calling out for competition! And people should remember that it is not long ago that Loganair (in their Flybe livery) were struggling with reliability issues. It looks like we have all our eggs in one basket now.
  22. Wheelsup


    At least Brexit will give Scots an inkling of some of the problems of divorcing from the UK
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