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The Guernsey Football Manager Is A Moron

wally jumblat

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Check out this story from 'This is Guernsey':




The part about the Shetland football team not defending their Island Games title is news to me, but this is the most interesting bit...


Shetland won the gold medal on their home pitch last year, when they defeated Steve Ogier’s Guernsey side, 2-0. Shetland’s success was clouded with rumours that their team was made up of players based off the island.

‘To be quite honest that side they had mainly came from mainland Scotland,’ said Ogier.

‘Their manager was on a six-month contract from Inverness Caledonian. Normally they are the whipping boys and to produce a side like that, it was obviously something they always wanted to win.

‘If Shetland played in Rhodes I’d be very, very surprised if it would be the same team that beat us.


What a twat.

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Oh this got my hackles up...copy of the email sent to the Guernsey Press and Star - http://www.guernsey-press.com/editorial/contacts.shtml - (who originally published the article)




I read the article entitled "Champions unlikely to defend gold medal" through the "This is Guernsey" website. I have to say I found Steve Ogier's comments somewhat perplexing.


Ogier's comment of "To be quite honest that side they had mainly came from mainland Scotland" is, to be quite frank, absolute rubbish. I've listed the players involved, who are based in Shetland, and the clubs they represented at the time:


Bobby Wiseman - Lerwick Thistle

John Montgomery - Whalsay

Ross Jamieson - Delting

Leighton Flaws - Lerwick Thistle

Karl Williamson - Whalsay

Dominic Mann - Spurs

Merv Jamieson - Delting

Alan Duncan - Delting

Steven Umphray - Scalloway

Kevin Main - Delting

Stuart Hay - Delting

Craig Dinwoodie - Delting

Stuart Smith - Lerwick Thistle

James Johnston - Spurs

Grant Gilfillan - Scalloway

Ian Bray - Ness Utd

Peter Peterson - Delting

Michael Johnson - Lerwick Thistle

Robert Geddes - Lerwick Thistle


In fact, the only player who wasn't playing for a club in Shetland at the time was Duncan Bray who was living in America and came home to play in the Island Games. It should be noted that Duncan Bray has played football in Shetland for a number of years. So it would appear that Ogier's comment was completely unfounded.


He also claimed "Their manager was on a six-month contract from Inverness Caledonian". I can assure you, having followed Shetland football for over 10 years, this is the first that I have ever heard of this and I would be interested to find out what his/your source was on this claim.


And for Mr Ogier's last comment of "Normally they are the whipping boys and to produce a side like that, it was obviously something they always wanted to win". Given the Island Games were established on the foundation of friendly competition, I find this last comment grossly offensive. I may suggest that you perhaps point Mr Ogier in the direction of a supermarket so he can purchase a bag of sugar to go along with his sour grapes.


I can assure you that this article has been forwarded to the Shetland Times, Shetland News and the Island Games Association.


And as that email said, I contacted the Times and Shetland News pointing them in the direction of this article. And I also forwarded the article to the Island Games Association to see what they make of Ogier's comments.

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This is the message I sent to the 'this isguernsey' website!


'I don't normally do this kind of thing but I feel I must complain about Steve Ogiers comments regarding the Shetland Football team last summer in the 2005 Island Games. It smacks of sour grapes from a man who's team were comprehensively beaten in the football final (2-0 to Shetland) by a far better side than his. Every player in the team was from Shetland NONE were from 'Mainland Scotland'. The Shetland manager (Niall Bristow not Neil Bristol)is a local man who has lived in Shetland all his life not 'on a six month contract from Inverness Caledonian', the physio for the Shetland team last summer had spent time at Inverness Caledonian. Everything Steve Ogier says is mis-informed and in some places 100% in-correct. I would've expected a man in his position to know his facts, one thing he will know is that Shetland won the 2005 Inter Island games 2-0, by a homegrown Shetland side who worked extremely hard on their game to achieve success.'

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This is sad indeed.


The reporter would need to check his facts before writing such shiote.


Worse than that is the fact that if the Guernsey manager has been quoted correctly then he, and likely all his side and his association, probably hold the same opinion of the events surounding last summer.


Sad day for sport and if true then any estimation people here held of the sportsmanship of the Gurensey football people has evaporated.

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This is the message I sent to the 'this isguernsey' website!


'I don't normally do this kind of thing but I feel I must complain about Steve Ogiers comments regarding the Shetland Football team last summer in the 2005 Island Games. It smacks of sour grapes from a man who's team were comprehensively beaten in the football final (2-0 to Shetland) by a far better side than his. Every player in the team was from Shetland NONE were from 'Mainland Scotland'. The Shetland manager (Niall Bristow not Neil Bristol)is a local man who has lived in Shetland all his life not 'on a six month contract from Inverness Caledonian', the physio for the Shetland team last summer had spent time at Inverness Caledonian. Everything Steve Ogier says is mis-informed and in some places 100% in-correct. I would've expected a man in his position to know his facts, one thing he will know is that Shetland won the 2005 Inter Island games 2-0, by a homegrown Shetland side who worked extremely hard on their game to achieve success.'


Markj, I suggest you email that to the newspaper the report originally appeared in. The email address is newsroom@guernsey-press.com.


I got an email back first thing this morning acknowledging my letter and asking for my permission to publish the letter with my email address...this could be fun.

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If you are reading this Mr Ogier, the poor demented bad loser from Guernsey, the fact is that 18 of the 20 players from last year's pool of players had played for Shetland at previous games.


A change of manager perhaps, a different approach who knows, better prepared maybe, but players you had seen before. God only knows where you get your information from but it is bull of the highest order and only serves to make you, your team and sadly your association and islands look very bitter indeed.


Canon foder my elbow mate!

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