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  1. Like
    George. reacted to wotsit in Syria   
    A woman in Syria on the news has said they don't want to live in Arab countries because they would be classed as refugees or migrants. They want to move to the EU to become a citizen. Once they are EU citizen they can go anywhere in Europe.
    Hello Britains benefit system. Their families will just get bigger and bigger and Britain will no longer be Britain.
    Germany will not prevent 800,000 Syrians leaving Germany they will let them go where ever they want.
    The French will probably build a bigger camp at Calais.
  2. Like
    George. reacted to Suffererof1crankymofo in Syria   
    They escaped that town over a year ago.  The father chose to go by sea from Turkey to a Greek island.  How is that our responsibility?  They were refugees.  They were given shelter in Turkey.
    Isn't it the case that Spain has closed its borders because it realises it cannot cope with an influx of refugees?  I don't think the UK could realistically cope with 20,000 more refugees; we've still got refugees here since the break up of Yugoslavia.
  3. Like
    George. reacted to Frances144 in Shetland Times   
    I would be quite happy if they used punctuation for a start.
  4. Like
    George. reacted to Scorrie in Sea Shepherd in Shetland   
    Hardly 'great', but right on a few points regarding practices elsewhere on the planet.
    The main thrust by the author is still the hackneyed 'tradition' line, with romantic pish about 'hardy islanders' being thrown in as well. Probably thinks the Faroese all have turf carpets in their low-roofed hovels and ride around on the backs of guillemots. 
    Why don't SS & co tackle the whale shark or manta ray issues? Logistics: There's not a single focal point at sea for these operations, difficult to get any mileage out of targeting a single small boat at sea that may or may not have the naughty fish on board.
    But...hopefully the author's right that the tradition will die out. Remember the Faroese do not have 100% support at home on this one, with most of the opposition coming from the younger folk.
  5. Like
    George. reacted to Suffererof1crankymofo in Syria   
    How many Syrian refugees are the USA taking in?  Last report I read they had taken in 1,500 since the beginning of the Syrian civil war.  That's pitiful.
    And what about Israel?
    Just how are the refugees being 'distributed'?  Why are some not seeking shelter in the first country they land in and choosing to travel further afield? 
  6. Like
    George. reacted to Ironwithin in Syria   
    It seems more people are suffering now. Those dictators were not good people but unfortunately sometimes it's better the devil you know. The world is not perfect.
  7. Like
    George. reacted to Ghostrider in Shetland Times   
    Never mind, I hear a rumour that in the next phase of moderisation the Times will be introducing topless page 3 girls in their efforts to become more "cool".
  8. Like
    George. reacted to Colin in Sea Shepherd in Shetland   
    Kind of undecided here.  I find what the Faroese do to the whales quite "distasteful" and, I believe that it should be stopped but, I do not really sympathise with the methods used by SS
    As whale hunting is illegal in the EU, I also wonder how the Faroese get away with it whilst protestors (legitimate or otherwise) do not?
    I am also slightly bemused by the attitude of the "authorities" who see fit to send a warship (at great expense and to sneak in and out quickly before any legal(?) challenge can be made) to arrest/capture(?) what is nothing more than an inflatable dinghy which, although it "might" have been used in activities deemed to be "illegal" by some foreign court, is not exactly "guilty" of anything here in the UK..  Bit like arresting a brick that someone has thrown through your window.  The culprits get to wander around "free as birds" whilst the brick seems to have a pretty bleak future.  Smacks of spite as much as anything else.
    I also wonder how long it would be before the SS lot turn their attention to the fishing industry in general.  After all, our fishing fleets capture and kill millions of fish each year and, who is to say that the killing is humane(?) or otherwise.?
  9. Like
    George. reacted to Scorrie in Sea Shepherd in Shetland   
    I agree with seals being culled when necessary...humanely.
    I have no problem with any sustainable animal being killed for food providing it is done humanely.
    I have no problem with shooting for the pot or as a measure to control numbers when necessary - providing it is done humanely, I do it myself.
    I have absolutely no time for people who drive animals into a log jam and then butcher them inefficiently. And I have even less time for dickheads who blart on about 'tradition' and spout on about 'their ways' as if being native to a pile of sheep-turd infested rocks in the middle of nowhere gives them some sort of superiority over anyone who has moved on and who does not agree with this outdated and barbaric practice. 
    Welcome back to the C19th, folks.
    Anyone for dog fighting being put on the school curriculum at Anderson? No doubt some halfwit will say it's no different to sheep headbutting each other.
  10. Like
    George. reacted to Urabug in Sea Shepherd in Shetland   
    iiboy it is obvious that you are not familiar with the way the whales are slaughtered,compared to the humane procedure for the lambs.
    Either that or you are being sarcastic.
    I to would have no problem with a few whales being caught for food if they were humanly slaughtered.
    This is 2015 not 1915
  11. Like
    George. got a reaction from Acid in Sea Shepherd in Shetland   
    The Faroese tradition probably is sustainable, Cheesy, but IMHO it's carried out in a particularly cruel manner. All the whales that they choose to kill could be killed quicker, therefore there would be less time spent scaring the s**t out of the b*ggers.
    As to your comments about the amount of jungle that is cut down to grow soya, provide cheap wood etc, it is also wrong. It's a huge waste of a major resource that provides oxygen for man to breath and it's not justifiable. Look at the Amazon and consider the waste and destruction carried out there. They're even taking away the homelands of ancient tribes of man that have never needed to communicate with modern man until now. What honest reason is there for taking away their form of life? The greed of mankind is not an acceptable excuse.
  12. Like
    George. got a reaction from Acid in Sea Shepherd in Shetland   
    What a good idea!!! We could also encourage mankind to use and abuse each and every form of sea life for no good reason, too. 
  13. Like
    George. reacted to Ironwithin in Syria   
    I think we should not be interfering and allow Assad to win, as although not the nicest of regimes, he kept law and order. Look at the chaos and death brought about from removing Saddam and Gaddafi, I would argue that in the long term it would have been better if we did not get involved and had left them in power as although some of their people may have suffered under them they kept order and a lot of the people are actually worse off now.
  14. Like
    George. reacted to Capeesh in Syria   
    Does dropping more bombs or arming one side in a civil war help?
    I've no idea what would stop the killing in Syria, hopefully in the meantime our government does the right thing and gives refuge to some of the poor people fleeing for their lives.
  15. Like
    George. reacted to BigMouth in Isopropanol   
    I have since had Isopropanol from an eBay seller.  They shipped by Hermes without any issues.  I think that it came to about a tenner for the same amount as Laings had sold me.  Remember to shop local - yeah right - pass the lubricant!
  16. Like
    George. reacted to Ghostrider in scam phonecall   
    You get spam/scam calls on unregistered mobile numbers that nobody but the owner and phone provider know exists. I may be wrong, but it would seem to me the only way that can happen (or should be anyway) is if the caller simply programs their auto dialler to call every possible code/number combination a provider could have given out, and let it get on with it, finding the live ones by a process of elimination and covering every live number in the process.
  17. Like
    George. reacted to Suffererof1crankymofo in scam phonecall   
    I've been having nuisance phone calls for at least 15 years now, if not longer.
    * Double-glazing
    * Conservatories
    * Would you like to sponsor X charity?
    * Have you had an accident in the last 6 years?
    * Time is running out for you to claim back on those bank charges.
    * I'm calling in connection with the electricity/gas supplied to your property.
    * I'm calling in connection with the telephone account.  Who is your current provider?
    Not once have I had anyone say they are from Microsoft.
    Do we seriously need warnings about spammers and scammers, given the length of time they've been around?
  18. Like
    George. reacted to Ghostrider in Nuclear Bunkers   
    ^ How many bombs did the IRA set off in the UK in the 60's-80's, how many folk did they kill and wound?
    How many "terrorist" bombs have been set the UK this Millenium, how many folk have they killed and wounded?
    Lets have a little persective here, not red top frenzy fuelled paranoia and panic.
    This isn't Beiruit, or the West Bank, or anywhere else in the Middle East, we have a few folk knocking around with designs on making an occasional bang here and there, pretty much same as we've always done right back to Guy Fawkes if not earlier. Business as usual, but only with some trusting folk wound up by media outlet getting bums on seats and a gormless Government letting it slip as there's no benefit in it for them to inform the public reality is otherwise.
  19. Like
    George. reacted to Suffererof1crankymofo in Nuclear Bunkers   
    FFS, don't anyone mention WMD.
  20. Like
    George. reacted to whalsa in Nuclear Bunkers   
    Plenty of folk probably would take up the challenge. The same type of folk who make up a contingent of every police force, security staff, door staff and any other position which gives people some personal power which they can wield in order to inconvenience others and make their "authority" felt. We have enough of these interfering jobs-worths in society as it is without adding legions more of them. Counter-terrorism is as important as its ever been but it is no justification for implementing the policies of a police state! 
  21. Like
    George. reacted to Capeesh in Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?   
    Hopefully justice will be done, it damages democracy to have our representatives lie to us and abuse their position in government.
    As others on this thread have said its nigh on impossible for the electorate to boot out a MP between elections, even when they've confessed to wrongdoing.
    Maybe someday our antiquated parliament will catch up with other more enlightened democratic countries and have an act of recall for MPs so events like this don't become the norm.
  22. Like
    George. reacted to Capeesh in Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?   
    Yes It's a great start for the new Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, in answer to his party's almost total annihilation in the UK election, he has proven his party has learnt nothing. In an act of breathtaking hypocrisy, Tim Farron has forgotten all about his principled support of an act of recall, whereby MP's who are guilty of wrongdoing have to answer to their constituents in a by-election.
    Link HERE
    It seems the Libdems new policy is to reward members who are guilty of wrongdoing by promoting them.
    I know they only have 8 MPs left after the electorate delivered their verdict on their abysmal performance in government but to have to bring in unelected peers in his...cough..."shadow cabinet" is laughable.
    Another LibDem principle forgotten, are they not meant to be opposed to the House of Lords?
    A little google search reveals despite only having 8 MPs in the elected House of Commons they have 100 peers in the House of Lords.
    Link HERE
  23. Like
    George. got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Nuclear Bunkers   
    @Urabug, you certainly come over as the man for the job. Willing to do all the watching and listening of the people around you and within sight when using a great big pair of binoculars, hiding behind your front window with the curtains closed so that nobody can see what you're up to (this time), and certainly prepared to report back to Big Brother anything and everything that you've either seen, think you should have seen or possibly would have liked to have seen, regardless of whether it actually happened or not. There's a person like that on every street. We all know who they are and we steer clear of them for two reasons; We don't want utterly false stories being told about ourselves or our friends and neighbours, and we certainly don't want to destroy ourselves socially by being seen talking to them.
  24. Like
    George. got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Nuclear Bunkers   
    Only one moron - and I bet that he'll be only too happy to report you as well, regardless of whether you're guilty or not.
  25. Like
    George. reacted to Ghostrider in Nuclear Bunkers   
    That's fine, you live in your own little bubble swallowing hook line and sinker every word of the bull the man feeds you, if that makes you feel safe and happy.
    Some of us however are already quite happy to accept that no-one is, or will be keeping us safe unless we do it for ourselves.
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