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Supermarkets in Shetland - prices, ethics and experiences


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Anyone noticed a price creep in Tesco recently? Muller Light Yoghurts have gone from 4 for a quid to 4 for two quid. Okay so it is possible that the original price was a loss leader but the Co-op are *much* cheaper for Mullers. Additionally, the price of their cooked chickens seems to have gone up by 10%.


Is the honeymoon over??

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Just been to the Co-op tonight. They have changed the checkouts and the entrance. First impressions I think it looks really good and will give them more room at the bottom of their aisles for more stock or to give the customer more space.


They certainly seem to be trying to improve the shop and certainly not before time but better late than never.

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60p?! WOW. I ended up buying a pack for £6.00 from Tesco as there were no other choice from the empty shelves. As much as I protested with my boyfriend that we nip over to co-op, but he was adamant.


I've never been back for a decent shopping trip since i figured the Co-op was cheaper and had better quality choice.

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Guest Anonymous

Re. cheap chicken.

Did anybody see the program on Chanel 4 or Beeb 2 a few years ago about how old chicken can be when it is eventually sold.

The gist of the program was that chicken might be repackaged several times before eventually being sold as "Value Pack", or something like that. I was so disgusted that I couldn't eat chicken for ages after watching it.

Oddly enough, I think a supermarket which has been mentioned quite often in this topic was the worst culprit. :wink:

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shouldn't think it, just costs less than putting it through the waste as 100% waste.

Always love the one when systems are playing up that if you buy 2 items on boggof that have both been reduced to less than 1/2price you end up being refunded money. Used to have an awful bother trying to balance things out so the till operator wouldn't get suspicious. Nothing like two bags of food for the freezer for under £2 :twisted:

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Guest Anonymous
The frightening thing is that Tesco probably still made a profit on those 60p packs... :shock:

I find it very hard to believe that they could be making a profit when they clear such a product at a fraction of its normal price.

Unless of course they were being very unethical and trying to rip people off with the original price. :!:

Nay, Lord preserve us. A retail God like Tesco could never be ripping people off, they only make a fraction of the profit that the normal dishonest Shetland retailers make.... :wink:

Or have I misunderstood all the pro-Tesco bullsquash previously posted on this thread?? :twisted:



I'll get my coat now. :arrow:

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The frightening thing is that Tesco probably still made a profit on those 60p packs... :shock:


Maybe i'm being thick but I bought the 60p packs from the Co-op they were originally priced at £5.99. Just checked the packs in the freezer, funnily enough I've not quite got through them yet.


I've not posted much on this subject but to be quite honest I gave Tesco a go after they had been open for a month and did 3 or 4 weekly shops and really at the end of the day I was still averaging about £40 for much of the same goods I was buying at the Co-op.


I found that most of the Tesco own brand food, funnily enough quick meals like pizzas and ready meals also cereals were really quite tasteless. I also found that the Co-op's choice in fresh fruit and veg was just as good and as cheap.


The store itself is really nice and bright, I quite like it but they have spent a lot of money and downtime preparing it so thats what you would expect .So I fully expect the Co-op to have the same very shortly and it seems to be really taking shape at the moment.


I also thought that some of the staff at Tescos seem to over do it when it comes to be being nice and polite. It's quite obvious the management has drummed this into them from day 1 and it bugs me more than anything, can they not just be polite for the sake of it instead of being told to be! I know some of the Co-op staff leave a lot to be desired when it comes to the niceties at the checkouts but at least them being unhappy can't be fake!


Also the dirty tricks campaign with the tokens is just not nice and it's very underhand. I don't care if 'its what's done down the road' it's not the way Shetland people go about there business, well not in my experience anyway.


All in all I'm more than happy with my shopping experience at the Co-op so I will continue to shop there. Tesco's have done little for me to change that. At the end of the day its good food at good prices that everyone's after so people will make their own minds up!


Well thats my assessment of the situation and my opinion!



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