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Obesity in Shetland


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this is what the W.H.O. as to say:


it says for those that can be bothered to read it that a child born in the worst area of glasgow will die nearly 30 years earlier than a richer person living down the road. hope thats short enough and less stupid


Actually, if you bother to read it, it says that "A child born in a Glasgow, Scotland suburb can expect a life 28 years shorter than another living only 13 kilometres away".


If you read further along it says:


Based on this compelling evidence, the Commission makes three overarching recommendations to tackle the "corrosive effects of inequality of life chances":


1. Improve daily living conditions, including the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work and age.

2. Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources – the structural drivers of those conditions – globally, nationally and locally.

3. Measure and understand the problem and assess the impact of action.


Perhaps this obesity study is one of many studies being conducted as suggested for #3.

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Used to be that the rich were obese and the working class/underclass were the skinny ones. Seems there's been a reversal in roles over the years.

that still is the same. its just now the poor cant afford the healthy food. and the rich can. the world never changes. the poor are always getting the worst deal.


im assuming styles is just being stupid if not this is the attitude that ive lived with my whole life. a total stranger thinking that they have a right to comment on my size. [/i]

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Used to be that the rich were obese and the working class/underclass were the skinny ones. Seems there's been a reversal in roles over the years.

that still is the same. its just now the poor cant afford the healthy food.


Not quite with you there paulb. If i'm being totally honest, my healty diet stemmed more from a lack of finance to buy anything processed or "fancy" than anything else.


Eating unheathy food (off the top of my head, pizza's, fish n chips, sweeties etc) would cost an absolute fortune!

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Maybe Styles was a little over the top but it's possible that he just said what a lot of people are afraid to. Just look around. We ALL know someone who is grossly overweight. How each individual deals with it is up to them.


I've met loads of very thin people and loads of very fat people but, it's rare to meet someone of either type that didn't in some way make themselves like that.


If you fit either profile and think it's a problem, stop whingeing, get off your backside and do something about it.


The Miss Right that I married (now Mrs Always Right) went from 8 to 16st and refused to cut down on the sharn she was eating. Type 2 diabetes was a great 'heads up' for her.

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Not quite with you there paulb. If i'm being totally honest, my healty diet stemmed more from a lack of finance to buy anything processed or "fancy" than anything else.


Healthy eating isn't as difficult or expensive as some people make out. In fact, it can be a lot cheaper.


For a start, grow your own vegetables. it's easy and cheap.

If you don't have ground to plant, Grow Tatties in a barrels or tubs. Cabbage, Broccoli, Sprouts etc. in planters. Lettuce, Raddish and similar shallow rooting stuff can be grown in troughs or even plastic guttering.

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Used to be that the rich were obese and the working class/underclass were the skinny ones. Seems there's been a reversal in roles over the years.

that still is the same. its just now the poor cant afford the healthy food.


Not quite with you there paulb. If i'm being totally honest, my healty diet stemmed more from a lack of finance to buy anything processed or "fancy" than anything else.


Eating unheathy food (off the top of my head, pizza's, fish n chips, sweeties etc) would cost an absolute fortune!


I completely agree with you Medziotojas. It is simply untrue that it costs more to eat healthy than it does to fill yourself with fat & sugar laden goods.


Unless, of course, you're talking about saffron - I am vexed that costs so much as I do enjoy cooking with it! Mmm.... Morrocan chicken tagine.....

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Unless, of course, you're talking about saffron - I am vexed that costs so much as I do enjoy cooking with it! Mmm.... Morrocan chicken tagine.....


It is crazily expensive everywhere in the UK, not just here. And oh yes, chicken tagine, Mmmm....

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Guest Anonymous

I eat any thing dats going , im kinda lik a scorie , i love fat i aye eat a da fat o a chop, steak or anythiing else , i think shelties are aa da better fur a grain o meat aboot dem , dey can stuff der 5atistics up der smelly poop chute! my grannie is nearly 90 n when i,ve been alang fur me dennar (which wis often saucermeat , tatties on ions and beans ) she aye uses a bit o bread ta swab up dat fat oot o da pan which is always beef dripping yum yum , ony o you ootr dere dat is overly fat u are just no moving enoch , an sittin at dis computer dusna help ..... !

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I eat any thing dats going , im kinda lik a scorie , i love fat i aye eat a da fat o a chop, steak or anythiing else , i think shelties are aa da better fur a grain o meat aboot dem , dey can stuff der 5atistics up der smelly poop chute! my grannie is nearly 90 n when i,ve been alang fur me dennar (which wis often saucermeat , tatties on ions and beans ) she aye uses a bit o bread ta swab up dat fat oot o da pan which is always beef dripping yum yum , ony o you ootr dere dat is overly fat u are just no moving enoch , an sittin at dis computer dusna help ..... !


Now that sounds like sense to me.

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