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NorthLink lose ferry contract


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Fine that for you maybe, but your male and don't have bairns to worry about, or have to go to work &/or school straight off the boat..


I often got off the boat and went into work in both Aberdeen and Shetland. In fact for the last 3 years ive been back and forth each month with working in Aberdeen, off at 7am at work for 8.


You're right I don't have bairns to think about, but then why should I have to pay more so that those who have will have less to pay? or from the gist of it subsidise females!


The crossing price is fine enough as it is thanks very much!


However I do agree that the cabin price is too much.

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woolwich ferry is a bit different to a 12 hour north sea crossing me thinks. not sure about serco, facilities management in hospitals rife with mrsa and c.diff,make you wonder


Don't get sick on the boat then.


The Woolwich Ferry is two ferries that run constantly.


Wonder about what you are really griping at. First Northlink were no good now this one is being judged.


Perhaps if you did think, you would realise that you have just picked the bad bits. They have run the Sports facilities here for a while, it has helped keep them open in a way.


Give us the options, ones that could work.


The fare for the crossing is just right. I do see folk with children not have cabins. They seem OK. I would think it would be a personal choice to get a cabin. I choose not to get one. Then I save my money to stay in the best B&B in Lerwick.

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Serco will have to be judged on their performance. Something I will be in a position to judge not too long into the contract. Since Northlink were a company owned by the Scottish Government and they lost the contract I have to assume that either the Government wanted to lose the contract or that Serco were a lot cheaper.


If Serco were a lot cheaper and are going to provide the same service I have to assume that either Northlink were ripping us off or that Serco have found ways to make money outwith the main contract.........beer and coffee going up.


If the Government wanted to lose the contract then God help us!.

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I'm a little weary of any change at the best of times so I'm typically unsure of how this is going to pan out. The talk of airline type pricing changes, and premium recliners makes me think that there is scope for all sorts of pricing changes:-


20 pence for the toilets?

1.50 for a packet of crisps?

6 quid for a pint?

foot passenger fares only - extra to sit anywhere?

20 kilo baggage allowances?


The list could be extensive...


We simply can't know now what's going happen but there are definately opportunity to squeeze some more cash out of us...

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I'm a little weary of any change at the best of times so I'm typically unsure of how this is going to pan out. The talk of airline type pricing changes, and premium recliners makes me think that there is scope for all sorts of pricing changes:-


20 pence for the toilets?

1.50 for a packet of crisps?

6 quid for a pint?

foot passenger fares only - extra to sit anywhere?

20 kilo baggage allowances?


The list could be extensive...


We simply can't know now what's going happen but there are definately opportunity to squeeze some more cash out of us...


they could try all that carry on but we would just hide food/drink in our bags then sausage aff to our cabins and scoff it in there


I already take my laptop and plug it into their tv point - saves taking a cabin with a TV and i used to take a travel kettel befour they gave us one as part of the price, i think tv should be standard like in a hotel costing £90 a room/night would charge

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I noted the phrase Premium recliner seats so that makes me think their going to charge a whack extra for them?


You can bet a meal will shoot up to on board and goodness knows what else as well!...have to say i feel uneasy as to how this all will shake out after July 6th, but if it does start going wrong people will have to stand up and make themselves heard.

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I'm a little weary of any change at the best of times so I'm typically unsure of how this is going to pan out. The talk of airline type pricing changes, and premium recliners makes me think that there is scope for all sorts of pricing changes:-


20 pence for the toilets?

1.50 for a packet of crisps?

6 quid for a pint?

foot passenger fares only - extra to sit anywhere?

20 kilo baggage allowances?


The list could be extensive...


We simply can't know now what's going happen but there are definately opportunity to squeeze some more cash out of us...


I would be surprised if Serco are not expecting the crew to chip with some cash as well ?


If you normally go by boat fir Christmas shopping, I suggest shop early this year.


Crew trasnsfers under TUPE. By November they will be on strike about extra hours, less pay, having to do two jobs, no perks ....

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I have only known Northlink so I cannot compare with any previous operators.


What I do like about Northlink is that you can change your travel dates with no charge. Great for when you find the date you have booked is set for heavy seas!


I hope they don't change that, would be a nightmare if a change incurred a £20 admin fee.

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so were stuck with the same 2 inadequate passenger ferries which are useless in bad weather and have far to little accommodation. All that will change is the company name !


....and that's only for decorative purposes. The boss remains Holyrood, so what can we expect but crap!

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OK, all we ever hear on here is how bad the service is.


Constant bleating from self-appointed Master Mariners about how 'unseaworthy' the vessels are, there's too many cabins, too expensive cabins, the recliners are crap, not enough comfy sofas, there's too much noise if you try to get your head down without a cabin, the St Ola was the best ship in the world, "I remember going to Aberdeen in a sixareen - much more comfortable"......blah...blah....blah.....


I've never had a problem with it at all. I reckon I must be the only person up here who just gets on the ferry at one end and gets off at the other without having some huge emotional and physical personal crisis thrust upon them by a sadistic combination of Neptune and Northlink.


Toughen the F up.

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"Fares will remain the same for the first two years after which the company expects to introduce some innovative approaches to marketing, probably along similar lines to airline operators"


Would this mean the earlier you book the cheaper it is and the longer you leave it the dearer it gets?.

Yes, I can only take this to mean dynamic pricing, whereby a certain number of seats are made available at a certain price, and once that allocation is gone the price rises. That approach to pricing already exists on the ferry services to and from the Isle of Man.

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