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Jo Biden (& US Election)

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I agree that the source is very relevant, and there's a vast difference between good quality investigative journalism and opinion masquerading as news.


Also, it's a little tiresome when folk are just posting links to articles and videos and don't bother engaging in conversation or have the courtesy to reply to the responses to their posts. 

Project veritas has a way better record than the bloody BBC or CNN.

Did you see the one on the illegal ballot harvesting for the democrats? interesting stuff!

What do you say about google making sure that their search engines manipulate data to play partisan politics and interfere in elections by giving a false picture of reality?... like the fake news does.

They've all done a very good job at lying to the masses, dividing the nation, fostering hatred by promoting identity politics and generating unending Trump Derangement Syndrome in the low info folks.

No wonder all the democrat cities are on fire and rioting for about 130 odd days now.


Project Veritas are another known right-wing organisation (with links to Trump)... as much as CNN are left... and the BBC are all over the shop! So, again, information source is entirely relevant.


I've watched the video PV put out (https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1318331575852011520) and it does look bad. A lot of it is edited without context which doesn't help.


I did spit-my-coffee about "They've all done a very good job at lying to the masses, dividing the nation, fostering hatred...". That's a good one  :thmbsup


And I see you're choosing to ignore a whole swathe of blindingly obvious reasons why rioting happened where it did (ask yourself if population centres of gun-totting Billy-Bobs are gonna get enraged by racism), the response from The Man in Charge and not to mention the additional pot stirring (you know, inciting violence to further exacerbate the turd-show) by actual right-wing groups.


And please drop the TDS blah. Sure, these "low info folks" you make mention of exist. That goes both ways and is a poor argument for rabidly dismissing anyone with an open and enquiring mind concluding Trump is (even just as a basic human being) offensive and, indeed, dangerous. Please understand that no rabid frother (left or right) on YouTube is likely to ever provoke any form of discussion - they only make things worse.

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I agree that the source is very relevant, and there's a vast difference between good quality investigative journalism and opinion masquerading as news.


Also, it's a little tiresome when folk are just posting links to articles and videos and don't bother engaging in conversation or have the courtesy to reply to the responses to their posts. 

Project veritas has a way better record than the bloody BBC or CNN.

Did you see the one on the illegal ballot harvesting for the democrats? interesting stuff!

What do you say about google making sure that their search engines manipulate data to play partisan politics and interfere in elections by giving a false picture of reality?... like the fake news does.

They've all done a very good job at lying to the masses, dividing the nation, fostering hatred by promoting identity politics and generating unending Trump Derangement Syndrome in the low info folks.

No wonder all the democrat cities are on fire and rioting for about 130 odd days now.



I'm not sure what Project Veritas has a 'way better record' in than the BBC or CNN. They're a one-trick pony, not a news agency, and I consider them to be too partisan and have too checkered a track record to be reliable or to invest any time in.


And no, I didn't see their "illegal ballot harvesting for the democrats" for the reasons above. Both sides are accusing the other of the same thing with little or no evidence. If you have a reliable and factual source I'd be happy to read it.


Re: "google making sure that their search engines manipulate data", "fake news" etc etc. It's easy to bandy this type of rhetoric around. Again, if you have some reliably sourced information then please do come with it.


Re: "lying to the masses, dividing the nation, fostering hatred by promoting identity politics and generating unending Trump Derangement Syndrome in the low info folks" - it's difficult to know how to respond to this as it's just opinion, but I note your perception is one of 'hatred' and that you consider yourself better informed that 'the low info folks'


Re: "No wonder all the democrat cities are on fire and rioting for about 130 odd days now." - rounding off with a little extreme exageration doesn't help

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A leaked video shows the reaction of the top executives in Google after the last election . Should these people in big tec who hold these views be allowed to have a virtual monopoly on the distribution of information and news ? What do they mean when they say we cant allow another ''Trump situation to happen again ''   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYaCCx4VIgU

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Put on the radio this morning to hear the unbiased  BBC's take on the Trump / Biden debate only for them ask the Guardians political corespondent what he thought about it and of course his reply was very predictable .


B.B.C. unbiased? It would be interesting to see any justification for that claim.


IMHO anyway.

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