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Annoying but trivial things - Room 101 stuff

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From the Bank of England website
Are Scottish & Northern Irish notes legal tender?

In short ‘No’ these notes are not legal tender; only Bank of England notes are legal tender but only in England and Wales.


Of course refusing to accept Scottish notes may well mean loss of trade but stores are entitled to refuse them.






^^ Definitive answer ;)

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Thing that does my fekin head in is the MSDN site! You search for ages for an answer to solve some weird abstract programming issue and it leads specifically to the MSDN ... then all you get is a 404 error!


You'd think the dozy beggars would map their old links to the new as they update the site and or give a sensible answer to what happened to them! Grr.

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people who use a toilet and don't clean it after they make a mess, even when all the tools are there to clean it.. some disgusting people/person in the office I work anyway.. :twisted:


oh while I'm on it..


people that stop and let people out of the brig o fitch... it's just a huge pile up waiting to happen IMO :evil:

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With you on the bog thing Twerto. In the gent's men should use urinals and use the pan for the other activity...


As men we are blessed with the much envied ability to pee standing up and, as a result, have invented troughs/urinals to facilitate this. Yet still some fellas use the cubicle, hogging it for others who needs to empty their bowls, and frequently spraying the seat with pish. Not nice! Maybe these individuals are feart of willy-watchers or something? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if it's been added before, and even it it has, it deserves adding again....


Folk that cannot be bothered to tighten the fanbelt on their car/van/pickup/whatever....there it sits for a while, quite silent and happy, and all of a sudden the minute they jump in it, coal it up and try to go someplace, a god-awful screech that lasts at least 50 yards at an average speed not exceeding 20mph, that would do any "B" Horror movie proud, and is twenty times worse than any set of nails on a blackboard....


Once, even twice, is bad enough, but perhaps forgivable, if I'm feeling in a charitable mood.....however, I have some neighbours who have vehicles which remain in this state for weeks on end....and they come and go with them multiple times daily.... :evil:

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people that stop and let people out of the brig o fitch... it's just a huge pile up waiting to happen IMO :evil:


Absolutely, and the same people who stop at the Gremista turn off despite the fact that there's half a mile of cars behind them some still in the 60 limit still doing sixty.

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  • 1 month later...
Why oh why do companies insist on making tvs, videos, etc. that do not operate without the remote control?!!


We had this problem while I was home over Christmas.


I went to visit my granny in Yell with my brother and his girlfriend. A while back my dad had bought a Freeview box for my granny. My granny's current TV is one that my auntie's mam-in-law gave to her, which is ancient, and so Dad had reckoned it wasn't compatible with the Freeview box. My brother tried the box, however, and it did actually work with my granny's telly. The trouble was, though, the remote was buggered even with the batteries and the box didn't work without them! How very annoying :evil:

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Xenophobic Scottish twats who bore the tits off you about being 'true Scots' and that everybody loves the Scottish on account of their friendliness, then want to beat you up because you insist you are a Shetlander and won't admit to being Scottish.


Irn Bru adverts


People who shout 'Thankyou driver' when they get off the bus.


Being called 'pal'


I agree with you here in a lot of ways.


I sometimes think that the Scots take it too far with the whole patriotism thing, and this was another thing I was discussing with my brother and his girlfriend at Christmas. My brother's girlfriend is from Crook in Durham, and was saying about how the Co-op own the supermarket chain Scotmid. She commented on the name, saying how she couldn't imagine having such a thing as 'Engmid' down south of the border. I found I agreed with her.


The old Irn Bru ads used to be good - you know, the black and white ones. Like grandad taking out his falsers to have a sip of his grandson's Irn Bru, the sing-song around the piano where Mam reveals she used to be a man, etc. - they cracked a smile or three. In fact I'm amused thinking about them now :lol: but the new ones with the 'Phenomenal!' slogan are anything but.


I thank the driver when getting off the bus but I don't make a big show of it. Calling him / her 'driver' is equally rude. Reminds me of the other day at work in Boots - Central Station has no bins on the concourse for security reasons, any bins are outside or in the shops on the station concourse. So I got this cheeky bint come in and hand me an empty coffee thing, saying 'Can you put that in the bin for me, girl?' How CHEEKY, treating me like some kind of bloody skivvy! I felt like retorting 'A please or a thank you wouldn't have gone amiss, and my name is on my damn namebadge, call me by it!' Grrr :evil:


And to close - people calling me 'pal' actually makes me very nervous. Most of the people who call me that don't mean me harm but that doesn't help me much...:/

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the Co-op own the supermarket chain Scotmid. She commented on the name, saying how she couldn't imagine having such a thing as 'Engmid' down south of the border.


Scotmid is the trading name of the Scottish Midland Co-operative Society Ltd. Everyone knows that the Midlands are in England! Incidentally there is a bank Birmingham Midshires that is owned by the Bank of Scotland.

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^ yep and then there's the dunfermline, scotish, dundee, midlothian, yorkshie,halifax, northern rock, etc, building societies always had regional names because they were regional societies. no xenephobia involved in the naming of them just local pride and trust in your neighbours.

maybe the demise of the building society can be attributated the lack of trust in your neighbours nowadays, something to think about.


Totaly in agreement about the xenephobic scotish twats that cant, and will never understand why I am a Shetlander

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