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Is it THICK ness? Or is it a cradle to grave scientific indoctrination process.

Most are comfortable to blindly accept what they're told by so called authority figures.


Any questioning of assumptions are ALWAYS met with the same reactions whatever the subject.




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More FUN :>)


QUOTE"Freedom is being lost in Britain. The land of Magna Carta is now the land of secret gagging orders, secret trials and imprisonment. The government will soon know about every phone call, every email, every text message. Police can wilfully shoot to death an innocent man, lie and expect to get away with it. Whole communities now fear the state. The foreign secretary routinely covers up allegations of torture; the justice secretary routinely prevents the release of critical cabinet minutes taken when Iraq was illegally invaded. The litany is cursory; there is much more."


from http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=526

you're a Scot therefore magna carta does not apply its English law. what the Barons wanting freedom from there king has to do with your blatant attempt at a treasonable act . By proposing the overthrowing of the state and the Queen you are committing treason(not that of course you will be charged. however we are watching. :evil:


even if we cant prove that you intend harm to her Majesty or her Ministers or intend to hold them captive we can do you under the sedition laws. which are still in force.



Sedition is a term of law which refers to covert conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition.


Because sedition is typically considered a subversive act, the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another. Where those legal codes have a traceable history, there is also a record of the change of definition for what constituted sedition at certain points in history. This overview has served to develop a sociological definition of sedition as well, within study of persecution.


The difference between sedition and treason consists primarily in the subjective ultimate object of the violation to the public peace. Sedition does not consist of levying war against a government nor of adhering to its enemies, giving enemies aid, and giving enemies comfort. Nor does it consist, in most representative democracies, of peaceful protest against a government, nor of attempting to change the government by democratic means (such as direct democracy or constitutional convention).


Put simply, sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or state and has to do with giving aid to enemies or levying war. Sedition is more about encouraging the people to rebel, where treason is actually betraying the country. Sedition laws somewhat equate to Terrorism and Public Order laws.

so watch out were coming for you. in a special van with a nice warm jacket.

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^You're now spamming the forum. Are you trying to get banned so you can go whine to anyone who'll listen?


Maybe, but the John Pilger article is worth a read.


Pilger's always worth a read, but here's another spammed thread that's gone waaaaaay OT.


Police anyone?


On the whole they do a sterling job, with the odd exception, just like any other line of work.

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On the whole they do a sterling job, with the odd exception, just like any other line of work.



WITH THE ODD EXCEPTION! the outcome of an

odd exception

might be 'acceptable' in the realm of politics or the council. but within the realm of the police force. the consequences/mistakes in an

odd exception

tend to be a lot more severe and should not be granted the same privileges of apathy given to the politicians or councils etc.


Yes it is the politicians who initially mess up the country and has a greater overall effect but that effect is shared by all.




the police are becoming more like policy makers/enforcers than protectors.

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While I agree that Scotfree is definitely from the Forvik school of politics, stories like the one below do worry me about what is happening to this country under this labour government.




I agree ArabiaTerra. We now live in a Police State

and that is why[ however so badly] try to warn people about

for example



Europol is the European Law Enforcement Organisation which aims at

enslaving everyone in the EU.

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An evening in the life o Freebis an the Bean...


The scene is a dank an smelly garden shed, 15 miles north o Inverness. A single bulb (60w) illuminates the room while we see the walls are plastered with postergirls with big boobies (all of who have disturbingly had their heads covered with photos o Hitler). A dimly glowin screen flickers te life as our hero walks in, pudgily resplendent in a mauve aerobics leotard an his mum's ould tight, a bin bag with holes coverin those chiselled features (if yez can chisel playdo). Behind him trails a skinny nervous twitchy little fecker, covered in a mask o acne cream, concealin his identity- not that we care.


Our hero speaks in a deep manly voice, "Look Bean, it's a message!"


His sidekick whines, "Who's it from, Freebie?! Who's it from?"


"Freemen control! There's a problem! A forum in Shetland has not yet been overrun by our diatribes o sharn! Master Brian is upset an Master David's so upset, he's started predictin disasters that never happen again!!"


"Gosh, Freebie, that's terrible! Who the heck do these people think they are?! Freemen?!! We have te do something, but what? I so need their approval, an the feelin that I know more than others, I wish I could help!"


"Li'l buddy, ye can! Ye join first an post innocuous bilge fer a few weeks, then say somethin controversial. When ye can't back it up with fact- an we know ye can't (snigger) they'll get pissed at yez. Then I'll swoop in as usual an save the day!"


"What'll ye do, Freebie? How can even ye save us from these crazy Shetlinking fools?!"


(smug tone) "Simple, li'l buddy, I'll SHOUT an YELL an SHOUT again an again, endlessly repeatin the mantras o Gurus BRian, David an Josh... "all men are SLAVES, all LAWS are FICTION, WE are NOT slaves, WE have poor DICTION!" If I SHOUT at them LONG an LOUD enough, we might jest do it this time, my ould toe-lickin chum!"


"sigh... Freebie, you're my (flutters eyelashes encrusted in Clearasil) heee-rooooh!)"


" I know, kid, I know. (winks down at the Smeagol-like figure whose busy clearin toejam from his mental mentor's feet, as our hero gazes fondly at a partickerly large bosomed Fuhrer on the wall...) Mmmmm. Lookin goooood, babe! OKAY, Bean, LET'S get STARTED with these PESKY KIDS!!!"


The bulb dims an the camera pans back as our hero pounds at his... keyboard, while his goblin sidekick dances round the table, singin the Freemen anthem...)


"Yes! My name is Iggle-Piggle! Iggle-Piggle-Iggle-Piggle-Wiggle! Yes! My name is Iggle-Piggle! Iggle-Piggle-Iggle-Wiggle-Woooo!"


"(snif) Damn, kid, that makes me so proud!"



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Master Lookin,


(and Master Free, pray allow the lad to answer for himself, without further dull and empty rhetoric, which only purpose is to attempt to obscure the vacuity of your calumniations)


Why so coy, sir? I still await your naming those Officers whom you so falsely accuse. And this after repeated - yet hollow - assurances that you would do so. Has your ventriloquist's mouth run dry? His hand developed cramp?


And I can assure you, sir, when I say with certainty these fellows are innocent, that I, at least, have some knowledge of what, and of whom, I speak.


For a little bird or two have informed me of the fact that you are PM'ing others on this fine forum, wherein you provide two names. Yet you steadfastly refuse to do the same with my good self. Why could this be? Can it be that, despite all your bluster - which sounds to mine ears like a bitter and empty, frigid gust of air, withering the grape of open debate on the vine of free speech as it passes by, bringing discord, while stealing warmth and sensibility - you know that, behind your sword (mouse) and shield (keyboard), I shall surmise your falsehood? Do you fear exposure as yet another charlatan"? (to quote the fiery Master Abraxas).


I have been made privvy to those names spitefully whispered by you, from one who grew tired of your desperate pleas for information, regarding any person who might have names of those you believed to be involved - and these AFTER your first posts wherein you made the allegations?! - and who then received your PM naming them.


I challenge you, sir, to provide even so much as an iota of evidence against these men. Like you, and your so-called Freemen, these men should be innocent until proven guilty, should they not? Rather than being subject to your tawdry and illicit smear campaigns against them. Unless your own state of "enlightenment" and "freedom" allows you to create your own rules, whereby we mere and lowly mortals may be disadvantaged at your whim? To date, these men have, at least proved their worth many times over, in the course of their duties. Can you say likewise?


I throw down a gauntlet to you, sir. Prove your worth.


Prove me wrong.


Until that far-flung and unlikely day, I shall remain,


Your humble servant.

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abraxas I admire greatly admire your writing style in comparison to Sherlock's. While I admire his dedication on tracking down the two recalcitrant POLICEMEN.


It would be quicker to post a thread.


POLICE Report the Bad Apples Here,


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Freebie feller,


In another time, another place, I WAS a writer, believe it or not. :shock: :P


I now spend me days, an me pittance o a pension travellin an workin with NGO's(not NWO's, afore ye start).


I have no love o police, the good Lord Jaysus knows I've met enough o the cheeky buggers. an plenty heavy handed ones too (the last bein an oaf in the Met who knocked me down an arrested me fer protestin against the oppressive an horrendous occupation o Tibet by the Chinese. Feckers.


I have no hate o them either tho an won't kick them just fer the sake o it. I have also bin shown kindness by them an remember how a local cop back home used te look out fer me father after he developed early onset Alzheimers. Didn't have te, he just thought it was the right thing te do.


Good an bad in all things, a balance that exists in all things. Or ought te.

This'll be me last postin nite fer a couple o weeks fowks. Someone, somewhere, needs a manic middleaged unemployable itinerant ex-journo with a conscience. Puir sods.


Freebie, I'll think o yez while I'm gone. It'll be good fer a laff!!


Wibble! Ia! Ia! Sheeples are peeples tooooo!!


The lithium's wearin off, mother, pass the chip pan an prepare te repel boreders!!

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