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  • 9 months later...
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Hay Njugle, is there still a hope that you could want to share your crø with a foolish moorit yowe? It didn't work out with flossie. Things got so bad that we ended up fighting in the middle of the road while the humans sat there in their cars and looked on in disbelief. She left for the hill and said she'd never return. The twins have grown up and left to live on the west side. They don't keep in touch(have you heard from them?) and I'm just praying they won't be affected by the cull. Winter is closing in and I'm all alone with my memories. It sure would be nice to cosy up next to you and nibble your nuts once more. I'm here if you want me. :wink: :oops:

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Hark, what sharn from yonder window bleats?

Oh it's Yowe is it, well you had your chance, me and da lambs, or should i say caddies, have been getting on just fine without yowe, all this time, this hard hard time, living on waar and wilks as i couldna win away tae me wark as ther was no caddiesitter. While yowe've been away galavanting and looking aa prenked up lik a rosette winner at da Voe show. Ptuh! Well, i'm no faain for it, du can keep dee saft saft fleece and those udders....................oh those udders..........stop geein me yun look we dee 'come tae crø' eyes.....



Weel du better no be spinnin me a yarn, du peerie almark, i wid hae tae pit a tether upo dee, mebbee hems or even a brank, til we see what happens, :?

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So theres a chance? :D And you've been taking care of the twins all this time? I bet you're doing a really good job. I feel so guilty, I've let you all down. Well, stick a brank on me and tether me up(good and tight). Whatever it takes. How about I watch the twins this weekend while you go out and have some fun.

By the way.... my fleece is softer and muskier than ever... Xxx

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Man, du needs a yowe wi a coarn o' experience. A'm played da toons an' dan sum. An' a'm gittin braaly wayward wi haein yun sam ram year in year oot (an a'm joost been slipit fae me haemsticks). Whit tinks du? I hae twa coloured twins, twa catmuggit, an' twa moorit. Bit du kyens I widnae mind a coarn o' Njugle athin da faimily.


Whit tinks du tae an auld decrepit (bit faithful) yowe?


Du kyens athin dee hert o' herts at yun yowe's joost no fir dee. Shu's been workin' sh*te apo dee fae shu first set een apo dee, an I wid nivver dae dat (I tink shu wirks wi yun mushroom gear du kyens).

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Hmm, the aulder the fleece the sweeter the musk eh? I'll hae tae think about that wan,


I'm all conf-ewe-sed, yun Yowe messes we me napper and send shivers up me mane, in fact:


See the musk set in dat fleece

See da simmer dim, i get nae peace,

I wait for Yowe


Sleight of hoof and twist of fate

In da wast banks crø she makes me wait

And I wait without Yowe


With or without Yowe

With or without Yowe


Through the marts we reach the store

Yowe gives it all but I want more

And Im waiting for Yowe


With or without Yowe

With or without Yowe

I cant live

With or without Yowe


And Yowe gives herself away

And Yowe gives herself away

And Yowe gives

And Yowe gives

And Yowe gives herself away


My tethers tied

My quarters bruised, shes got me with

Nothing to win and

Nothing left to lose


And Yowe gives herself away

And Yowe gives herself away

And Yowe gives

And Yowe gives

And Yowe gives herself away


With or without Yowe

With or without Yowe

I cant live

With or without Yowe........



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Njugle, surely you're not going to listen to that foosty fleeced old crang are you? She's always had it in for me and I don't think she really wants you at all, she just wants to mess things up for me. She may me reliable but she must be due to be cast fairly soon and wouldn't you prefer a firmer hoch even if it means a little unpredictability? I suppose maybe not after the way I've treated you :( . Damn you Hentilaget, I hope you get ticks and the skoor.


Don't give up on me Njugle! Not even if I have to share you with Hentilaget. Eventually you'll see I'm yowers. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yowe i hae tae tell dee,

I took a whirl we Hentilaget,

Shø's mutton dressed as lamb it's true,

Baith tyoch, and udderly sagget,

Nor could i get a single wird in,

Shø's been ootadaeks ower lang i fear

Comin tae da inbye land

Has geen her verbal diarrhoea,

I really couldna warm tae her,

Though try hard as i might,

Her hochs are no as firm as dine,

And dir caked up we sharn.


Lets face it, I'm Stuck on Yowe X

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