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Shetland's broken society.

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There is little point in trying to tackle the problem of "wasters" by tackling the wasters themselves. The problem lies with the devaluing of parenting to get mothers out working so folk can afford all the stuff the advertisers tell us constantly that we need for happiness, keeping the capitalist wheels rolling. Bringing up the next generation is the most important and rewarding job you could ever hope to have, but after giving people, women particularly, the impression that it is better to get the bairns into a creche asap so they can get a "real job" It's no wonder if they get the idea that parenting is not that important and bairns grow up feeling less valued and with less personal discipline. What choice is there for these people? Jump on the capitalist bandwagon if they can, or opt out? Try and fail to find happiness because no one could teach them that it comes from within?


I noticed Norway mentioned earlier and one thing you can say for them is that they have kept the family as a core value within there society and this is unlikely to be coincidental to there lower rates of crime, drug abuse, broken homes, etc


I am not a god botherer but my values do agree with a lot of their core values. I believe that children are best born and brought up within one, stable family unit, where discipline, respect, trust and compassion are instilled. All this needs to be backed up by a wider society with the same values. I don't think we need go back to the god bothering old days, but we should have tried to keep some of these core values.


If you want a quick fix... all boys born could be sterilised and not be allowed to get it reversed until they can prove they have a stable and sufficient income, solid marriage, a home , and have passed a parenting course with there wives. That'll sort it all out in just a generation or so, but of course you'll have to go to war with the capitalist world at large, and be labeled a Hitler for having the audacity to try and sort things out.....So we'll just carry on in the same vein as before till we hit rock bottom :roll:

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If you want a quick fix... all boys born could be sterilised and not be allowed to get it reversed until they can prove they have a stable and sufficient income, solid marriage, a home , and have passed a parenting course with there wives. That'll sort it all out in just a generation..

Do you really believe mass forcible sterilisation is going to turn this country into anything but a police state that makes North Korea look like Sweden?

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Haha i can see how that couldhave come across!

with regards to youre mans point about shetlanders being spineless gutless and 2 faced, ive noticed that from time to time since i moved here but i cant realy understand why it is so?

Remember when the whlasey tunnel debate was in full swing and some people said that it had devided opinion on the isle so much that people didnt want to discuss their views on it in front of others incase they were ostracized for it?

Sometimes aswell ive seen people(adults) disagree over often small issues but they have taken the huff with their neighbour for the fact they disagree.

Could that have anything to do with the symptoms you mention? off topic i know but id be interested to hear some locals comment

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If you want a quick fix... all boys born could be sterilised and not be allowed to get it reversed until they can prove they have a stable and sufficient income, solid marriage, a home , and have passed a parenting course with there wives. That'll sort it all out in just a generation..

Do you really believe mass forcible sterilisation is going to turn this country into anything but a police state that makes North Korea look like Sweden?



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Guilty as charged :(


It's getting increasing difficult to me to work out who's being serious and who's taking the mickey on this thread :)


Indeedy :P


All the problem people should be shipped off to live on an island in the middle of no....uh, hang on a minute..... :shock:

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If you want a quick fix... all boys born could be sterilised and not be allowed to get it reversed until they can prove they have a stable and sufficient income, solid marriage, a home , and have passed a parenting course with there wives.


In the spirit of all brilliant ideas, there will of course have to be a pilot project, trials and in-depth studies before it can be rolled out to the whole population. Can I take it that the population of Foula have just volunteered themselves for the job then? I find that most admirable, self-sacrifice for the greater good and all that tosh. :wink: :wink:

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If you want a quick fix... all boys born could be sterilised and not be allowed to get it reversed until they can prove they have a stable and sufficient income, solid marriage, a home , and have passed a parenting course with there wives.


In the spirit of all brilliant ideas, there will of course have to be a pilot project, trials and in-depth studies before it can be rolled out to the whole population. Can I take it that the population of Foula have just volunteered themselves for the job then? I find that most admirable, self-sacrifice for the greater good and all that tosh. :wink: :wink:


do we get free prosthetics ?

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So where in Shetland do I go for a good spliff?


Maybe we can organise a trip for the regular pedantic complainers and moaners on this forum and we can all go and lighten up a bit. Get a bit of an ould chill buzz going like :) should be good :oops:

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