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Should the council not fund the promotion of Shetland? The justification for the arguments against getting folk out and about and creative very very weak, as you say, you have no idea of the funding, just that some may have gone towards it. I too get stuff from Promote Shetland, happy to get it as well. It will be money spent well, I have managed to get folk to visit the isles because of the work of various organisations.

The point is though, the volunteers do this stuff for no renumeration, the argument for the fact that payment may have been made for any other expense these volunteers have incurred to promote the isles and encourage the inhabitants to get out and about and provoke thought (even though, negative in cases) can only be for the benefit of folk in the wider community.

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@ Davie P and SP - Resources cost.  Even if they are using a building, there's still running costs of a building.


And howzabout a bit of openness here?  I've looked at the participants on that website.  The majority, if not all, are established.  Fine, promote Shetland artists.  Fine, promote Shetland musicians.  Or why can't they be like other Shetland businesses and be responsible for their own advertising?  Where's the photographs from 'little David up on holiday from Leeds with his sandcastle and pebbles on a beach?'  Oh look, a lot of paintings of familiar scenes.  Were these painted in the last few hours?  I think not.


Ghostie and I are kicking ourselves for not utilising the rusty satellite dish left behind by previous tenants around here, place it amongst uncut grass down the road, whack on a few car tyres left due to no skips ... and enter it as "art".  Hell, we could even write a poem about it.


Do I want my income tax and council tax spent on such events?  No, I don't.  Do I mind such funds being spent on providing MP3 players for people in care homes?  That I wouldn't mind.

Edited by unlinkedstudent
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Ghostie and I are kicking ourselves for not utilising the rusty satellite dish left behind by previous tenants around here, place it amongst uncut grass down the road, whack on a few car tyres left due to no skips ... and enter it as "art".  Hell, we could even write a poem about it.


Why don't you?


"If you are feeling inspired to develop your own creations, we would love you to share them with the world through Back From Beyond."


send your creations to backfrombeyondshetland@gmail.com

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Huge snip but, the first photo looks like it might have made a mess of someone's crop (vandalism ?),



There are times when you say WTF!



Jamie Halcrow, who lives in Lerwick, Shetland, decided to mark the upcoming wedding in his family by writing the names of his sibling and her fiancee - Fiona and Iain - in slurry, with a heart thrown in for good measure.

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"farmers encourage some of these creations on their land"


Oh?.  Well there are farmers (crofters) in my immediate family who would not welcome someone messing with their neeps and winter feed.


"does not always mean the distruction of the crop"


Are you suggesting that; if the crops only get destroyed 'sometimes' then, it is somehow OK ?


This is why I may think your thinking is not that creative...


Crop Circle Access Pass


Failure to see out of the box (or circle) can stifle life experience, unless of course that is what you want. But to insult those who do requires a robust response. Still, that has been done.


Again, no mention of the Camera Centre as a sponsor.

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"farmers encourage some of these creations on their land"


Oh?.  Well there are farmers (crofters) in my immediate family who would not welcome someone messing with their neeps and winter feed.


"does not always mean the distruction of the crop"


Are you suggesting that; if the crops only get destroyed 'sometimes' then, it is somehow OK ?


This is why I may think your thinking is not that creative...


Crop Circle Access Pass


Failure to see out of the box (or circle) can stifle life experience, unless of course that is what you want. But to insult those who do requires a robust response. Still, that has been done.


Again, no mention of the Camera Centre as a sponsor.



Why would I not mention the Camera Centre? 

Because they are a 'commercial organisation' and, the last time I looked, they did not spend any money that they had raised from us as TAXES.   They have a right spend their own money in any way that they see fit.


You have accused me of not being very creative and yet, you persist in arguing some of the dumbest points.

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The argument put by those against the arts and money spent on them are, in the main, shallow, when, if you were to see what involving folk in being creative and exploring themselves can do to make illness, disability and confidence issues seem distant. The involvement of prisoners and ex-prisoners in other parts of the country has helped reduce crime rates, which cost the whole country. Just to scream "my taxes"  to justify an argument and the sudden social arguments used by those who have in the past displayed right wing thoughts are evidence that there has been little research or thought into the argument against. The great thing about life is the difference folk can have with thoughts and the creativity that can create, in some. It is saddening when a known fact is rubbished for the sake of other folks "ideals" after all, that is what we are suffering with, be it good or bad.

Well, as for the Camera Centre, conspirators? I think they know a good thing and have had the confidence to invest in this. After all, the Camera Centre has been around for a while, and has, to my personal knowledge gone out of their way to give advice, help and service for no payment. That too has helped me in my creative pastimes, yet, they are a little out of my price range and I tend to have all I need for now.

The arts have always been an easy target, because their results cannot always be displayed on a spread sheet, yet, we know that there is good that comes from the creative and arts industry. I know folk who have excelled because of the ability to be able to self express, to view who they are and to change what they do not like for the good.

There is so much evidence that the Creative network which includes the arts has made a positive benefit to society, yet, I cannot find ANY evidence to say that a volunteer, claiming a few pounds to help at a day care centre to enhance the treatment and well being of folk who may be suffering some sort of medical problem has had a DIRECT influence on the suffering of others.


A good point is also raised by Owre Weel, though, we know some who are on their own this holiday do get visits from the care side of the council. If volunteering to visit folk is your thing, then let that be your way. Mind, you could, if possible, encourage thought and perhaps a wee walk along the beach if the weather is fine. Part of the issue is that folk in the winter do less, for reasons so obvious, there are figures that show we need to be active all year round, to help with various issues with health from the mental well being to cardiovascular well being.


It is the interactions that folk thrive on, but there needs to be a range as we have proved with this thread, there are many different thoughts, alas, they can be divided, they could all be valid.


As for the finance, volunteers can be folks in need them selves in the form of self help groups. Also, the issue you may want to tackle is the distribution of such funds if you are worried about that.


I wonder where the social standing of life would be if the council and other similar bodies stopped all funding, to groups? The present UKGOV will still cut the cash. When you consider the billions that Government is not collecting, it does seem that there is an agenda that does not favour all as far as well being and the equality of health and well being, unless of course you pay for it yourself. Now, there is a divide!

Edited by shetlandpeat
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I'd say that the wider Back From Beyond project certainly does 'promote Shetland'.....



Perhaps it does, but its arguably an unquantifiable amount and tentative "promotion" at best. Furthermore, the VFM is very much up for debate. As has been noted by ex-pats, previous and prospective visitors alike on more than one Shetland themed facebook group, the loss of the Promote Shetland webcams to long term "technical difficulties" is cited as the singularly greatest missed "promotion".


Those who say they have contacted Promote Shetland enquiring if/when they would be back online, claim they have been informed that it is planned for the "next fiscal year" - roughly translated, "we've spent this year's money, and can't pay for anything else till we bank next year's cheque".


Perhaps, if anyone anywhere wished to donate anything, be it in readies or "in kind" to help "promote Shetland", perhaps securing the services of an electrician, electronics technician or required electrical hardware to get the webcams, even just one of them, back online would have had far greater value to "promote Shetland".


.....any resources that might have been allocated to the Bioddodling element of the project certainly isn't proportional to the resentment this thread seems to have generated in some people.


That, I daresay is very much a matter of opinion. When you look at the day to day reality of life in Shetland as dictated by the SIC - Schools closing left, right and centre, highways works being "patch up" rather than "repair", wherever you are in Lerrik having to make your way cross-legged to the Esplanade to get relief as its the sole toilet available, services which have a direct impact on the quality of life for the weakest and most vulnerable being cut right back, in fact public services for everyone being cut right back to the bone if not removed completely. I have great difficulty "supporting" anything or anyone spending public resources on anything that is less than essential.


"Art" is fine and well, I have no real issue with it, and enjoy certain aspects of it, but it is undeniably a luxury, and in leaner times both common sense and logic dictates that the luxuries are the first to go.


A portion of that £394,000 just given to Promote Shetland is going to filter down and cover the "in kind" expenses generated by this project, I don't care how small that sum may end up being. Its the principle of the thing, as when I'm fit to break my neck sliding on ice that has gone untreated because of cutbacks, or likewise over someone's old hellery they've left someplace as there was no skip to put it in due to cutbacks, or I'm at Grantfield and in dire need of taking a dump, and I have to get to the Esplanade before I can let rip, damn right I'm going to resent every last penny of local money thats gone in to it.


If folk want to get involved with something like this, good on 'em, have at it, if external agencies wish to throw money at it, by all means take it, milk them for every last penny that can be wrung out of them, but not one blak hap'nee of local money as long as local public services are as they are.

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@ DavieP -  I have no intention of supporting projects like this, ALLEGEDLY done in my name and in the name of "the community".  They aren't.  If you conducted a poll of most council tax payers (and income tax payers, for that matter), I doubt if you would like the results.


People are starving according to recent press reports.  So rather than do something 'community spirited' such as this 'project', I'd rather funds were directed elsewhere.  Just because you didn't recognise the names on the website doesn't mean to say others won't recognise them.


Whether you care to acknowledge it or not, it is a form of advertising.


Mean spirited?  Direct and forthright, more like.  We're being told endlessly that the SIC can't afford this, the Scottish Government can't afford this, but this sort of thing can be afforded?


Many of us don't need organised projects to get out and enjoy the scenery.  We survived years ago without such nannyism and I'm sure we can survive again without them.

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