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The North Boat (Northlink ferries)


Where should the North Boat dock?  

447 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the North Boat dock?

    • Aberdeen
    • Rosyth
    • Peterhead
    • Barbados

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One or two of the "passenger quotes" when I was on her when she rolled on the 4th of March stated that I had fallen down the stairs to the car deck! If I had, I think my injuries would have been far worse.


Im pretty sure they tell you not to go down the stairs when the ship is moving... Im pretty sure that's why.


I wasn't going down the stairs when I got injured, nor did I intend to! I was going to the Cafeteria for breakfast and was coming from my cabin on the starboard side of the Reception when she rolled to Port! I went from one side of the ship to the other, at speed and collided with one bulkhead then bounced off and collided with the one at the top of the staircase to the car deck.


You try colliding with something which is 50 degrees lower than you from about 10 metres in height and tell me if it hurts or not!! Especially if there is a handrail involved!


sorry, I didnt read your post properly. Hope you are OK now.

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some basic point that helped me get over it...


focus on the horizon.


get some fresh air.


keep your mind on something else.


forget about the motion.


eat, eat, eat. apples are not to heavy on the stomach & also help hydrate you, ginger also helps settle the stomach.


ride the waves... move your body to the motion!!


irrelevant to the thread i know, hope this helps though.


Just keep telling yourself this....





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Is it coincidental that the several violent rolling incidents with Northlink Ferries have occurred since the ultra low resistance anti-fouling has been used on them. If there is significantly less resistance longitudinally on the ships now giving 'significant savings', one would also assume there is a lesser resistance to transverse motion (rolling) of the ships and these motions would be quicker. In addition the fitting of a number of cabins on the bridge deck will have raised the vessels centre of gravity.

Rather than have the current 4 unsuitable vessels dictated by constraints of Aberdeen, it would be better to have one ferry similar to the Norrona running to Peterhead where it could comfortably do a daily return sailing. The Pentland Firth route should go out to separate tender as it seems pretty unfair for Northlink to compete against Pentland Ferries operating with private money. This would also eliminate any possible cross subsidising occurring between routes.

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Here are some images of my trip down in Sept


From this




To this






Then back to this




Not meant to try for any critical acclaim but to show how things could change from minute to minute, yup all taken offa the same ferry, the same journey and between Mousa and Fair Isle.

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Is it coincidental that the several violent rolling incidents with Northlink Ferries have occurred since the ultra low resistance anti-fouling has been used on them.


Yes. :roll: "One would also assume"? Hopefully just the one...


And to Shetland Peat, although the first picture is a much prettier picture, the sea condition looks pretty much the same as in the others. No disrespect meant, but take a look at the sea in each of the pictures and they could easily have been taken at the same time.



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I thought the longitudinal move meant was pitching and roll was side to side. The stabilizers cut the roll.



Pitch: angular motion about the ships transverse axis.

Roll: angular motion about the ships longitudinal axis.

Yaw: angular motion in the horizontal plane containing the projection of the longitudinal axis, about

the mean course.

Surge: fore and aft movement of the C.G. of the ship after subtracting mean speed.

Sway: transverse movement of the C.G. of the ship measured in the horizontal plane.

Heave: vertical movement of the C.G. of the ship.


I maybe wrong


And as to the additional cabins,


The metacentric height (GM) is the distance between the center of gravity of a ship and its metacenter. The GM is used to calculate the stability of a ship and this must be done before it proceeds to sea. The GM must equal or exceed the minimum required GM for that ship for the duration of the forthcoming voyage. This is to ensure that the ship has adequate stability.



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I dont think some new type of antifoul will make the vessel roll faster .

These antifouls are known as polishing types and are supposed to keep the bottoms clear of growth longer and that will lead to savings in fuel consumption and increase the time between dry docking.

When first put on sale they were bragging as reducing fuel consumption by as much as 10% .

However in reality that figure is around 2 %. Still 2% is a lot of juice in the yearly running of a big ship .

Also putting the extra cabins up on tha top deck would reduce GM which would make the vessel roll slower and perhaps to greater angles of heel.

The more stable a vessel is the faster she will role , however to fast puts a lot of wracking stresses on the hull and is of course uncomfortable for those onboard , most large vessels are fitted with anti roll tanks as well as ballast tanks and the crew should be well trained in maintaining a good condition which keeps a vessel in optimum stabilty for whatever condition of load she is in and of course taking into account the prevailing weather conditions at the time

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You will be fine, it will be exciting. Just follow the guidelines, get fed well and enjoy the views.

Few folk in this country can say they have experienced the worst at sea, but it is one for the chalk board, you ge to see a bit of Orkney and maybe the Fair Isles.

There will be many things to see, and with the huge sunspot spewing particles towards us, with a clear sky you will be entertained.

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You will be fine, it will be exciting. Just follow the guidelines, get fed well and enjoy the views.

Few folk in this country can say they have experienced the worst at sea, but it is one for the chalk board, you ge to see a bit of Orkney and maybe the Fair Isles.

There will be many things to see, and with the huge sunspot spewing particles towards us, with a clear sky you will be entertained.


Your word in Sun's, Sea's and wind's ear! :D

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Right, had a word in their shell like, you need to give a sign and it is sorted, Quote "She sells sea shells on the sea shore" 10 times it will be fine.


I would wish you luck but luck is a chance thing, so you will be fine...


Oh, the sun just reminded me that she may not be around but will think of you...



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Guest Anonymous


It's also worth remembering that the only major problems with the Northlink ferries are the idiots on Shetlink who criticise the boats, in the same way that they criticise everything else, just because they can.

When eventually Northlink ferries are replaced by what these aforementioned idiots deem to be perfect vessels, the same aforementioned idiots will be the first to want the Northlink boats back again.



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