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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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^ The contract to build Mareel is on a fixed price, so no it won't affect the project costs


I'm sure delays will have implications for the contractor but that's the contractor's business ...

That is theoretically correct, but in practice fixed price contracts are not immune to claims. If the specs were 100% complete and have not changed then weather should not give rise to contractor claims. However, such situations are rare, especially with the more arty architects. The usual scenario is that some detailing remains to be specified by the architect. This means the contractor can not order material which depends on the late drawings being prepared. Add in the knock-on effect of the weather and bingo, legitimate claim.


Time will tell.

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I should point out that despite being quite chummy with various DITT people, my comments above are not based on any inside info or rumours. They are based solely on my experience of construction projects generally. I'm also certainly not in the anti-Mareel white elephant camp.


On the basis of the information reported in the media, my guess is that there will have been some confusion concerning the specs for the visible aspects of the entry. In any case, my point is just to highlight that fixed price does not necessarily mean fixed price, so subsequent claims may indeed be legitimate, and consequently readers ought not to be surprised.

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  • 1 month later...
Did anyone else see a letter in the Shetland Times Readers Views from Jonathan Wills regarding problems with Mareel. It appeared briefly mid afternoon yesterday but quickly disappeared! Some arm twisting?

What’s happening at the foot of Brown’s Road?

Last week Councillor Wills published a very critical letter on the Shetland Times website which was removed after a few hours. Now this:


We should be told.

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oh its a conspiracy! maybe they found an alien space ship deep under the mareel and they dont want us small minded shetlanders to find it as our brains would explode!

No, but it might be an ould sixeern for Sanjay and Jose to pose in front of at the next big give-away :wink:

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Guest SJP17

Maybe they were just worried about Bad Press , do you no think if this man explained he was just taking photos for his own use then it would have defused the situation

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As long as the photographer is standing in a public place, and is not in breach of national security, or legal restrictions (such as pornography laws, or restrictions such as the royal family put in place), they can take pictures of anything they can see from that place, using any lenses or equipment for the purpose.


No explanation whatsoever needs to be given, no photos have to be agreed in advance or subsequently, and anyone in such photographs has already given consent for them to be taken and published anywhere in the world, simply by letting themselves be visible from a public space.


That is how the law stands, and the paparazzi abuse the freedom, as we all know, but it does mean that ordinary folk can take ordinary pictures freely, from public places, without having to worry about lots of legal implications like asking permission etc.

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Guest SJP17

Ok thats fine , but if this was someone taking pictures of some building works at your buisness or property would you not want to know who it was and why they were taking pictures ?


The Mareel is quite a touchy subject and maybe they dont want anymore rumours circulating ?


Im just trying to look at it from thier perspective

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Ok thats fine , but if this was someone taking pictures of some building works at your buisness or property would you not want to know who it was and why they were taking pictures ?

Yup, I would probably be a bit touchy about it too. No arguments from me there.


Taking the Devil's advocate point-of-view, the guy was perfectly entitled to not tell them why he was doing photos, is sort of what I was meaning.

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Ok thats fine , but if this was someone taking pictures of some building works at your buisness or property would you not want to know who it was and why they were taking pictures ?



To be quite honest, No I wouldn't. Mareel is a large (and controversial) project for Shetland and I would expect quite a lot of people to be taking pictures of it.


If I was that sensitive about it not being photographed, I would have the wit to know (for the reasons pointed out above by others) that my only realistic option would be to shroud it in scaffolding and tarpaulins or such like.

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